So when I decided to start this thing, I thought, I'll write a new blog every day. Yeah. That's what I'll do. Every day a new blog.
Because, thats what you're supposed to do. Just talk like your talking to a bunch of your friends, well, hopefully you are or will be my friends too. But like you have always talked to your 'pre-blog' friends. Yeah. That's what I'll do.
Then after the first one, sent about 5:30 AM (yes, I do get up early), I was driving to work and I thought, "Maybe I should just write a new blog every week." After all, I don't want to annoy anyone. I don't want to overstay my welcome. I don't want my 'friends' to get tired of me, or worse yet, BORED with me. Maybe I'll just blog weekly. That way, I'll never be pressed for amusing material. That's plenty of time to weed out the mundane and only use the best stuff. Yeah. That's what I'll do. I'll blog weekly.
Then next morning, around 5:30AM, sitting in bed with my laptop and sending another blog, I thought, "Might be best if I blogged everyday. Just to keep up my 'presence'. Stay familiar. Not get lost. Yeah. That's what I'll do. I'll blog everyday.
And so it was decided. (RIght???) I will blog everyday.
Which I did for four days straight. Then came the weekend. AND I FORGOT TO BLOG!!!! Can you believe it!!!???? I FORGOT to blog!!! I can't believe it.
Maybe I should just blog weekly. Yeah. That's it. I'll blog weekly.
Well, for better or worse, this is today's blog.