But listen to what some others say. . .
"Surrealistic cowboy poetry. Springsteen on mescaline. Steve Earle on a literary jag. Wilco with grit. . . expansive, exotic Americana, urgent, whiskey-fed melodies topped with lyrics that often seem to consist of a string of vivid images and striking non sequiturs . . . " - Jason Warburg , The Daily Vault
". . . punchy roots rock fit for prime time. In their incarnation on Hotel, some of these tracks displayed a raw beauty that tended toward sprawl. . . " - Nick Zaino III , Paste magazine
". . . Combining many traditional American styles, including rock, bluegrass, country, and even a smidge of blues, Mark McKay, continues his style of mellow and melancholy acoustic (or acoustic-type) rock with heavy country influence . . . " - Sarah Kantor , Emmie Magazine
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