Thursday, March 1, 2012

Now that I am grown up. . .

. . . at least SOMETIMES I feel like I'm grown up . . . 
. . . I need to take a stand on the future of my country.  Even well into adulthood, more politically- vocal elders of mine voiced opinions about 'wasting' a vote or 'throwing away' a vote that would elect 'his' opponent.  Well it's time for principle.  At the core of any political disagreement, it seems that many debaters actually agree on issues like waste in government,  a bloated and expensive campaign process or inequality in one form or another.  And not matter how many good things the current President has accomplished (for those concerned with facts), he could have done much more. Be aware that we also have, in addition to the BIG TWO,  Socialist, Libertarian, Green and Liberty parties involved in the election.  Educate yourself, heaven knows the network news is NOT going to help you out there.  And vote your conscience and your heart.

Ten reasons to vote for Rocky Anderson (Liberty Party):
  1. The promotion of the public interest through the defeat of the systemic corruption that has caused massive failures in public policy.
  2. An immediate end to the on-going wars.
  3. Essential health care coverage for all citizens.
  4. Urgent international leadership by the U.S. to prevent against the most catastrophic consequences of climate disruption.
  5. Adequate revenues to balance the budget through fair taxation.
  6. Treatment of substance abuse as a public health, rather than criminal justice, issue.
  7. Control of the Federal Reserve by the Treasury Department and Congress.
  8. A balanced budget (or a surplus) except in times of war or major recession.
  9. An end to the legal concept of corporate “personhood;” a constitutional amendment to overrule Citizens United.
  10. An end to the stranglehold on our government by the military-industrial complex.

What do YOU think?

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