I know that I've been dealt an
Ace of hearts
Something starts.
Pulse is pounding like a conga drum
The blood goes rushing to and from
My head
Turns my face to red
So ante-up and hit me once then hit me twice
The stakes are high you know I've got to keep as cool as ice
This game we're in together
Could end as quickly as it starts
But I'll just take my chances
I'll just take my chances
'Cause I know that I'm have you and you're my
Ace of hearts my Ace of hearts
I know that I have you and you're my ace of hearts
Deal me in I'm staying for the course
And if I lose don't feel remorse for me
You will always be
In my every breath and in my soul
When chips are down you take
Control and then
Bring me back again
So ante-up and hit me once then hit me twice
The stakes are high you know I've got to keep as cool as ice
This game we're in together
Could end as quickly as it starts
But I'll just take my chances
I'll just take my chances
'Cause I know that I'm have you and you're my
Ace of hearts my Ace of hearts
I know that I have you and you're my ace of hearts
© 1992 Raymond M. Jozwiak
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