Saturday, July 21, 2012

Something's wrong. . .

. . . here. . . 

If, as the gun advocates say, we don't need more laws, we need to enforce the gun laws already on the books, then LET'S DO IT!!!!!    . . . and not wait for something like this to happen again. 

(from TimeNewsFeed)
"Early reports indicate that approximately 50 people were hurt and at least 14 were killed when a masked gunman opened fire during a midnight showing of the Dark Knight Rises at a mall in Aurora, Colo.

Police and witness reports indicate that a gunman fired into the audience 15 minutes into the midnight showing of the film. Police confirmed that the shooter — who entered theater number 9 wearing a gas mask and released a canister filled with gas — fired a rifle multiple times into the audience. Aurora police chief Dan Oates said that 10 died during the attack, and four more died in area hospitals.

One person is in police custody, and authorities are saying that it appears this suspect acted alone. Police, however, are still scouring the immediate area and other local movie theaters for any possible accomplices. A Colo. bomb squad was also called to check reports that an explosion occurred within the movie theater, and to investigate a suspicious vehicle parked outside of the cinema.

At an early morning press conference, Oates said his officers found the gunman with a mask, a rifle and a handgun by a car behind the theater — at least one more weapon was found within the man’s vehicle. The police chief added that the suspect told officers after being taken into custody that there may be explosives in his apartment. Oates told reporters that the authorities are currently securing a residence in North Aurora.

Witnesses say that the bullets went through the wall from the theater where the shooting took place and hit several victims in an adjacent Dark Knight midnight showing."

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Looks like. . .

. . . I'm in some damned good company . . . 

You can hear ME. . . 
AND all this great music at . . .
(Thanks Trish.)

Ray Jozwiak “L-Street” Ambience & Wine 2011 Self (Digital Download Only)  or
The Eclectic Chair is broadcast from the studios of Wucx-Fm Delta College Quality Public Radio.
“Well we bailed out all the millionaires / They’ve got the fruit / We’ve got the rind
/ And everybody’s talking at the same time / Everybody’s talking at the same time.”
– Closing Lyrics from the song “Talking At The Same Time”by Tom Waits & Kathleen Brennan. ☮

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Mutiny . . .

. . . but no Bounty. . . not really a mutiny either . . .
Possibly a ship or two though. . .

Chretcher Flistian said, "If our leader is no leader, then let's join forces and tell him so.  But let us not tell him only that.  Let us help him.  We will explain to him that we want him to succeed as a leader.  We want this outfit to be successful.  We want to make money and we want him to get the credit for all this.  But alas, it will not happen if he is left to his own devices.  Surely if we all address this situation together as one, united front (and one, united front with our leader's best interest and well-being in mind) he most certainly cannot refuse.  In fact, we will tell him that he cannot refuse.  The choice is either operate this venture as it should be operated, or it will most surely and certainly, in time, fail.

This will not be an easy task for him nor for we.  For in order for us to accomplish this titanic undertaking, we must purge every self-serving, deceitful, dishonest, disingenuous, agenda-driven thought from our minds and truly work together as one, honest, transparent, dedicated team.  In this way, and ONLY this way, can we pull of this bold and daring plan.

Or, we can run away to Tahiti. . . "    . . . and the men thought it was good.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sha-laa-la-la-la. . .

. . . let's live for today. . .
. . . the mortality reported in the entertainment, literature and business (motivation) worlds yesterday gives one pause, I would like to think.  At my age, mortality does enter the consciousness more often than in younger days.  But it doesn't have to be depressing.  It's just one of those things that has to happen no matter our aversion or distaste for it, like . . . Brussels sprouts or . . . American Idol.  (I didn't mean that.  I really do like Brussels sprouts.)

 So goodbye Kitty, Donald, Stephen, Bob and Jon.  You will be missed. And for those who won't be missed by quite as many, you will be missed by some every bit as deeply.

So as difficult as it may be, try to think about mortality every now and then;  yours as well as everyone else's.  Think about how natural and unavoidable it is.  Then remember . . . today, right now. . . . you are alive!

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Admirable . . .

. . . yes. . . Admiral? . . .   

Inspirational and simply correct.  In the face of so much adversity in the form of office politics and some basic, simple, downright ignorance, one who can maintain his/her integrity while according all due respect, even to those promulgating the politics and victim to the ignorance.  I find it admirable and worthy of the utmost respect.  In my own, simple, lazy way, I try to emulate this most noble tack.

I fear however, that when more time is spent in discussing the aforementioned adversity that can be spent on pure, positive, pro-activity, sooner or later. . .

something's gotta give. 

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Keeping score . . .

Jagger 4,000
Wilt Chamberlain 20,000
Warren Beatty 12,775
(. . . From
". . . It’s understandable to be curious about the sexual lives of our peers. It makes sense to want to know what the averages are. (According to the experts at the Kinsey Institute, the average number of lifetime sexual partners for men aged 30 to 44 is around seven, while for women in that same age group, it’s four—both lower than you might think).

But the number has different meanings for men and women. The old double standard is still alive and well: a man with more sexual partners than his buddies may be teasingly called a “man whore,” but the epithet is a compliment, not an insult. Ask a woman who has dared reveal her number to someone who considers it too high, and she’ll surely tell you a story of being “slut-shamed.”

It’s quite common for a guy to worry about a girlfriend’s sexual past. Too many men are still raised to see sex as crude competition, in which bedding a woman who has already had a lot of lovers counts less than scoring with a woman who is “hard to get.” But I think the average guy’s worry is simpler than that. The more men his girlfriend has slept with, the greater number of lovers to which she can compare his skills. . . "

My question, "Who cares?"

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Music . . .

. . . is like poetry
Robert considered himself a poet;  an amateur poet, but no less a serious one.  And Robert, by personality, allotted the proper amount of gravity to all that his poetry involved, as he did in everything he undertook.

Deep in his heart, Robert knew that criticism was truly beneficial to he who chooses to exploit it wisely.  Wise exploitation, he had learned from his many years of devotion to the poetic art, included the option to dismiss, within reason and with good cause, criticism from which he could gain nothing or that which was clearly malicious, unfounded, or merely a self-promotional exercise by a critic. But still less-than-favorable criticism still rankled him;  a least for a period of time.

At the Poetry Night gala event, Robert was still replaying the latest negative review in his mind, in spite of the fact that it had been published well over a month before.  He was, for all practical purposes, over it.   The critic had even stressed the unique, freshness that he found in Robert's work and that it contained such great potential.  Still though, Robert clung to the dismissive, condescending snipes the critic had taken at the heart and soul that Robert had taken such pains to record on the printed page.

Through, what seemed to be a fuzzy, poorly-focused camera shot from an art film, Robert saw the emcee introducing the next reading and was able to just-barely decipher his own name in the garbled monologue that accompanied the vision.  Always prepared and always the consummate artist and professional, Robert rarely had problems at readings.  Today for some reason, he had no poem.
He simply had nothing to read.  He had no book, no manuscript, no notes. 

The room was silent. . .

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