Monday, June 25, 2018

Wind . . .

"He that troubles his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart"
-Proverbs 11:29 (King James Version)

". . . Walter Shaub, federal ethics chief under Barack Obama and briefly Trump and now a fierce critic of the administration, responded: “Sanders used her official govt account to condemn a private business for personal reasons … she can lob attacks on her own time but not using her official position.”. . . The story set off a fierce Twitter battle between Trump supporters and opponents, many on both sides comparing it to a recent supreme court ruling that said the owner of a Colorado cake shop was right to refuse service to a gay couple, based on his religious beliefs. . ."

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(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
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Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
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Sunday, June 24, 2018

Excerpt . . .

. . . from and article containing some real food for thought . . .

A large number of Democrats and Republicans signed the National Defense Authorization Act for the year 2012, which critics say allows for the indefinite detention of American citizens on U.S. soil without due process. President Obama pledged to veto the NDAA, but went back on his word and signed it into law with the indefinite detention provision included. Mitt Romney says that he would do the same.

The Bush-era Patriot Act, which allows for warrantless wiretapping, was passed with bipartisan support and recently extended by policymakers of both parties. Romney has voiced his support for the controversial legislation. Obama supported it as a senator and signed the extension into law as president.

Both the Republican and Democratic administrations have attempted to justify the use of extrajudicial targeted killing, the killing of people without trial or substantive due process, including American citizens.

The Democratic and Republican parties both generally support the vastly-growing use of unmanned aerial combat drones in the Middle East . . .

Both parties will also allow drones to patrol the skies of the United States. The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012, which calls for the use of up to 30,000 drones in U.S. airspace, passed the Senate with overwhelming bipartisan support.

In an apparent direct conflict of interest, 130 Republican and Democratic congressional members have invested in company stocks while making legislative decisions that impact those same companies.

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at 

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Always . . .

. . . you

The invisible blood
Like when floodgates open
Rushes swiftly;
Without delay
Bringing pulsing warmth
And joyous feeling
As both excitement
And pleasure
Fill my heart

Always You
©2006 Raymond M. Jozwiak
(from Put A Finger On It)

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at pianogonzology

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and


Friday, June 22, 2018

Never . . .

Problem is, I didn't do it
When he was around
For whatever reason
My own discomfort
My excuses about the time
My self-consciousness
My lack of 'closeness' to him

And now I can only speak to the cosmos
With the knowledge that
While my words are not in vain
There is no mortal being there
To receive, comprehend and accept
Any thoughts, words, comfort or appreciation

But my breath is not wasted on the cosmos
My words are disbursed among the infinite intelligence,
consciousness or universal presence
So while it may seem to me
To be too late to offer anything
I hope, in my great deep-down,
That is really isn't
And I say to myself once again
As I always have in these situations
That I promise to never do that again

Too Long

©2018 Raymond M. Jozwiak

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at pianogonzology

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Nice . . .

". . . Trump . . . signed an executive order to end the large-scale practice of splitting up families at the US-Mexico border. . . claims will end family separation . . .The order doesn’t provide relief for the approximately 2,300 kids who have already been separated from their families since the administration’s policy was announced in early May. Those children will remain separated from their parents as they remain in federal custody and won’t immediately be reunited, according to a report in the New York Times. . . “There will not be a grandfathering of existing cases,” Kenneth Wolfe, a spokesperson for the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the Department of Health and Human Services. . ."

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at pianogonzology

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Heart . . .

Have you no heart
And no feelings; no soul?
Do the words
Empathy, sympathy seem hard to comprehend?
I guess you should
Answer the first

Have you no children
So close and so dear
That separation
Would not hurt?
I guess you should
Answer the first

Have you no neighbor
Who may need something more
To make her life better;
To survive her own storm?
I guess you should
Answer the first

Have you no sense of decency;
Integrity;  principles
When it comes to another one’s life
Since you claim you are “Pro”?
But I guess you should
Answer the first

Have you no sense of what is really right
Can you feel any feeling
Do you have any sight
For disaster that surrounds you?
I guess you should
Answer the first . . .

Have you no heart
And no feelings; no soul?

©2018 Raymond M. Jozwiak

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at pianogonzology

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Endings . . .

You hear the train a'comin'
When you've finally reached a place
You've been heading for a long time
It bring a calmness to your face

Your debt is paid
Behavior good
No one's been cheated
It ends as it should

It's coming quickly
Hard to comprehend
Only weeks are remaining
But I can now see the end

The Bitter End

(from Chromatose)
©2003 Raymond M. Jozwiak

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at 

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and