Showing posts with label economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label economy. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2013

Caught Short . . .

. . . for words. . .

A friend recently commented to me that he wished the President had not made those recent comments about race relations to which I, naturally, responded, "Why?"  He said that among all of the problems we as a people, society and world currently face, the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman situation should not be monopolizing our attention. In short, like a popular song on a top 40 radio station, he was just sick and tired of hearing about it.

Like many other conversations with many people, I was quickly distracted from this one and on to other things.  But later that day, after contemplating our short interchange further, I realized what I could have, should have, and hope to tell my friend upon our next encounter.  And, in brief, that is:  the President's remarks were spot-on.  They were NOT political, they were not platitudinous or pompous blather, trite heard-it-alreadies or scolding.  They were simply a from-the-heart reflection and plea for US to reflect on how we treat each other.  Reflect- probably something very few of us do during our busy, self-absorbed days.  He also described how it feels (and felt to him) being a young black man and some of the racist behaviors with which young black men must cope everyday.  He mentioned the history of mistreatment to which black people have been subjected and alluded to the anger that results.  So many things which white people know, but have somehow tucked away and choose not to think about too much. . . BUT SHOULD!

These are things that middle-aged white men such as my friend and myself do not now, nor have in the past, encountered.  If we have a country, and a world, where people must live together, we must, at the very least, be empathetic to these things.  This is every bit as important as the economy, the environment, budgets and spending, foreign policy, drones and (do-nothing)politicos.  This is our world.  It's the only one we've got. We can, and should, certainly make time to help resolve such such relevant and important issues as THE WAY WE GET ALONG! 

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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Kids!!!. . .

. . . play nice!

". . . According to the latest jobs report, the US economy added 195,000 jobs in June and the unemployment rate holds at 7.6 percent...The unemployment rate remained unchanged at 7.6 percent, though the report was highlighted by the jobs figure, which outpaced most forecasters’ estimates...the report on Friday offered a modest political boon to President Barack Obama. Despite dire warnings about the effect of the ongoing sequester – the automatic, indiscriminate cuts to federal spending that were enacted earlier this year – the economy continues to add jobs, though not at the type of robust pace that would be needed to further reduce the unemployment rate.

But Republicans seized on some indicators of persistent economic weakness in the jobs report, namely a surge in part-time workers reflected in the statistics, and an uptick in the U-6 unemployment rate from 13.8 percent in May to 14.3 percent in June. The U-6 rate is a broader measure of unemployment, which includes discouraged workers and the underemployed.

“There’s some good news in this report, but economic growth is still tepid, the unemployment rate is far too high, and the president continues to promote policies that undermine robust job creation,” said House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, in a statement..."

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Monday, July 8, 2013

Dream . . .

This is the kind of bull-pucky that our 'friends' in the media provide daily; a recent article about 'The American Dream', chock full of what they produce best - NOTHING!!!

This little gem begins by reminding us that we too can achieve success.  Then they promptly tell us the definition of success,  "The big home in the suburbs, the luxury cars in the garage, the kids off to a good college and the retirement in a sunny locale."  Funny how Merriam-Webster views success in  more spiritual, less-tawdry and materialistic terms as "favorable or desired outcome; also : the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence". 

From the stock, bullshit 'American Dream' teaser and half-assed success definitions, this fine piece of writing moves on to another constantly and frequently misrepresented concept, the economy, and says that the weak job market is thwarting the best efforts of good honest folk (like you and me) to 'get ahead', by which I PRESUME they mean attain the aforementioned (theirs, not Merriam-Webster's) 'success'.  Now I'm not unrealistic or particularly cold-hearted about the job situation and the difficulties some people are currently experiencing with employment and lack thereof.  But somehow I think that our journalistic scribes are providing us with third-grade-level oversimplifications of the situation.

The particular tome that provoked my ire went on to, in short, states that although many present-day citizens truly believe that Americans all have an  equal ability to achieve success if they merely (and that's a BIG merely) work hard.  It does not venture (at least I did not detect it) into any possibility that there exist many additional factors in education, employment, the economy and geography that exert substantial influence in the seeking, achievement and  maintenance of something called success.

The best, and most intellectually substantial,  part of the article was a quote from the academic world that, in summary, stated possibly Americans need to rethink the definition of the American Dream, putting less focus on having a huge house and lots of cars and more focus on building successful communities. Whiles supporting our families is certainly important, “we need to scale back what the American Dream means to us.” 

And may I add, we must be more critical of what we read in the news and not be so childishly willing to accept everything in print as true and factual.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Bush. . .

(from NBC News, By Carrie Dann)
". . . Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush says that the public will view his older brother, former president George W. Bush, more favorably as time passes.

"In (my father's) four years as president a lot of amazing accomplishments took place," said Jeb Bush, the son of former President George H.W. Bush, during an interview on NBC's Meet the Press.  "So my guess is that history will be kind to my brother, the further out you get from this and the more people compare his tenure to what's going on now."

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush discusses the shifting statistics of the Republican party.

The 43rd president has largely stayed out of the spotlight since leaving office. After presiding over broad public discontent over the Iraq War and a flailing economy, George W. Bush left the White House with poor approval ratings and was notably unpopular even within his own party. . . "

I don't see how . . .

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

More. . .

. . . more, more. . .

I realize the importance of stimulating the economy and economic growth.  I also know that when it comes to increasing profits (or should I say the 'accumulation of wealth'?) the human race is most certainly on board.  Dylan Ratigan (in his book GREEDY BASTARDS) says that there is good, long-term greed - the type where someone provides a valuable product or service of high quality and reasonable price, and profits from it at a reasonable rate over a long term - and then there is bad, short-term greed (the one practiced by the 'bastards') where someone provides something of little to no value (or even swindles through questionable means) and reaps gigantic profits very quickly. I fear that pursuit of the latter type is much more prevalent these days than the former . . .

". . . The biggest holiday of the season is over, but retailers are hoping that you aren’t done with your holiday shopping quite yet.

“The next few days are critical for retailers. They’ve got some catching up to do,” said Marshal Cohen, retail industry analyst with NPD Group.

On Wednesday, big chains including Macy's were already pushing their post-Christmas bargains, while major discounters including Wal-Mart were encouraging shoppers to redeem their gift cards right away. But the fallout from a big Christmas storm could hurt their efforts if shoppers decide they prefer a cozy rest of the week at home instead. . ."

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

And the prize is . . .

. . . nonexistent. . .
"Education is the investment our generation makes in the future."

"America cannot continue to lead the family of nations around the world if we suffer the collapse of the family here at home."

"And the American people are the greatest people in the world. What makes America the greatest nation in the world is the heart of the American people: hardworking, innovative, risk-taking, God- loving, family-oriented American people."

"I feel very deeply about the need to respect and tolerate people of different social - or sexual orientation. But at the same time, I believe marriage should be preserved as an institution for one man and one woman."

Now, let me be clear. The path I lay out is not one paved with ever increasing government checks and cradle to grave assurance that government will always be the solution. If this election is a bidding war for who can promise the most goodies and the most benefits, I'm not your president. You have that president today."

"I spent my whole life in the private sector, 25 years in the private sector. I understand that when government takes more money out of the hands of people, it makes it more difficult for them to buy things. If they can't buy things, the economy doesn't grow. If the economy doesn't grow, we don't put Americans to work."

If you guessed George W. Bush, guess again.  Mitt Romney.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A view . . .

. . . from the bottom. . . 
The richest 400 Americans own as much as the bottom 150 million put together. And these multimillionaires and billionaires are now actively buying the 2012 election—and with it, American democracy.

750 people at GS Technologies lost their jobs thanks to a bad deal engineered by Bain Capital. 15 million lost jobs after the cumulative deal-making 
of the entire financial sector pushed the whole economy off a cliff. Comparatively, Solyndra was a rounding error.

In 2011, America's top fifty financial CEOs got a 20.4 percent pay hike, even as the wages of most Americans continued to drop.

Welcome to the new Gilded Age, where buoyant rich men with flashy white teeth, raging wealth and a measured disdain for anyone lacking those attributes and challenge their own primary opponent to a $10,000 bet and referring to their wives'' several Cadillacs.

Something much like the robber barons of the Gilded Age complete with political power has now returned with a vengeance.

(based upon the writings of Robert Reich)

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Short, but potent . . .

. . . here’s a short list of what is really wrong with our economy:

*An economy that concentrates wealth with the top 1%, perpetuated by false claims that the system fosters production and creates jobs

*An all-out attack on unions to destabilize them and drive down workers’ income and benefits

*A refusal to provide healthcare to all Americans through a single-payer healthcare system

*A disinterest in educating our children and a shift of the cost of an education onto students—over $1 trillion in college loan debt

*A refusal to acknowledge overwhelming environmental scientific data and to take the steps necessary to move to a green economy and oil independence

With such blatant disregard for the people’s interests, outraged Americans are questioning the corporate-controlled two-party system and have begun to look for an alternative.
(from The Justice Party -

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