Sunday, October 23, 2022

Care . . .

Cowboy commando; conspiracy fantasists just are no good to me. 
Libertarians imagine that they’re self-made heroes entirely.
Greed is good. Greed is great in my own hands.
Better in mine than yours.
Can we just care for each other?
Why do we need bigger boats?
All the square footage in this whole world
Can’t save one life, can’t bring hope.
Disadvantages just don’t exist
If our share’s bigger than his.
Cunning and shrewdly calculating masterfully manipulative.
Never afflicted by conscience or guilt, keeping the prize in full view.
Never say never. Never say die 
Unless you mean someone else.
Bigotry, high crimes, paranoia, cynics and primitives mystical.
Cultural warriors in their own heads. Mythical anarchist hierarchy.
Seeking some golden age now long-gone,
Blind to the fact things change.


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