Saturday, July 9, 2016

Priestly . . .

(from Treatise on the Gods by H.L. Mencken)
". . . the first priest probably found it much harder to support such pretentions than it is today, for the science of theology was still in its infancy.  One can easily imagine rivals essaying to talk him down, and even laughing at him. Was the tribe as a whose with him or against him? The chances are that it was more or less divided, for in the domain of religion the human mind is naturally somewhat flighty, and what one man believes another is sure to doubt. If the first priest was prudent, as he probably was, he soon grasped the fact that his monopoly could not last, and sought to save what he could of it by compromise.  That is to say, he sought to dispose of his most formidable rival by admitting him as an apprentice and so gaining his help. The two priests bloomed where only one had bloomed before, and presently there was a whole guild of them, and they began to act in cooperation, pooling their professional secrets and equipment, accumulating a tradition and acquiring a definite place in society. . ."

©2016 Raymond M. Jozwiak

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