Monday, April 21, 2014

Better Late . . .

. . . than never. . .
Tonight, at the Monday Night Songwriters' Showcase (now in its ninth year!) at Brewer's Alley, 124 N. Market St., in beautiful downtown Frederick, MD

All the way from Ashville, NC – NIKKI TALLEY, accompanied by her husband, JASON SHARP! This touring couple has been compared to another husband and wife duo – Gillian Welch and David Rawlings, but Nikki has more power in her voice, and a little more Appalachian in her songs. She plays guitar and clawhammer banjo and has an extra helping of that mysterious quality called charisma; she will hold your attention! Come and give them a listen!

The piano prelude this Monday is from Brewer’s Alley veteran keyboard maestro ROCKIN’ RAY JOZWIAK (five years and counting) who will be performing his monthly piano workout for our entertainment. You will hear many notes in Ray’s set and some may spill over into someone else's set too! Come early to be sure of good seats (don't forget we start at 7:15 pm now).

Three-song cameos this week are from REID SCHOENFELDER, (doing a rescheduled set from last week), RICK GALLOWAY, and Hagerstown’s gain, Frederick’s loss, DOUG ALAN WILCOX. We'll also be hearing from poet JOHN HOLLY, some songs from TODD C. WALKER, and Roderick Deacey will be singing a bit and reading a poem or two.

MISTER RON GOAD should be back to bang things this week, rested and ready to rock’n’roll, so any performer who would like a little rhythmic reinforcement, please don't hesitate to ask! Do be prepared for the energetic drum break, though, which can extend your songs by several minutes – think Gene Krupa

What do you think?
Tell me at 

OHO's "Ocean City Ditty," the CD single is now available at
(and, if you're in town, at Trax On Wax on Frederick Rd. in Catonsville, MD)

My latest solo release, '2014', can be digitally downloaded at:

Ray Jozwiak: 2014

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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Resurrection. . .

Many Christian ministers do not share things they learned in the seminary about the  'resurrection' passages in the new testament of the Christian bible during their Easter Sunday sermons.  Nor will they share this information on any other of the 52 Sundays of the year.  As a result, some members of the congregation will continue to read the Matthew resurrection story uncritically as factual history.  Conversely, others will us the story to reconfirm their skepticism about the truth in Christian Faith.  Then, there will be those who truly want to believe in something, but are left on their own to figure out what truth and value there may be in the Christian Gospel.

When the four canonical resurrection accounts (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) are compared side by side they cannot be reasonably reconciled.  Nor can any of the versions of the story be connected to any eye witnesses.  The Matthew account was written at least 50-60 years after the death of Jesus. But no one can doubt that within a few years a rapidly growing number of people believed that this man, Jesus, was raised from the dead. 

Did Jesus come back from the dead in real flesh and blood as one could be led to believe from the the resurrection accounts?  These accounts were  written by devout and believing followers who claimed Jesus as their Lord. But it was recorded in a time tested and honored literary tool widely practiced at that time and place.  Technically, mythology is any story or report in which a god is the primary actor.  Mythology will always defy historical analysis.

Truth, value?  Yes.  History?   No!  
(Thanks to both The Rev. Howard Bess,  a retired American Baptist minister, who lives in Palmer, Alaska.  His email address is and to John Shelby Spong, retired American Episcopal bishop, religion commentator and author. He calls for a fundamental rethinking of Christian belief away from theism and traditional doctrines. )

What do you think?
Tell me at 

OHO's "Ocean City Ditty," the CD single is now available at
(and, if you're in town, at Trax On Wax on Frederick Rd. in Catonsville, MD)

My latest solo release, '2014', can be digitally downloaded at:

Ray Jozwiak: 2014

(or you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

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blog search directory Blog Directory

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Billionaires . . .

(from Friends of Bernie Sanders)
As a result of the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision, billionaires and large corporations can now spend an unlimited amount of money to influence the political process. The results of that decision are clear.  In the coming months and years the Koch brothers and other extraordinarily wealthy families will spend billions of dollars to elect right-wing candidates to the Senate, the House, governors’ mansions and the presidency of the United States. These billionaires already own much of our economy. That, apparently, is not enough.  Now, they want to own the United States government as well.

Four years ago, the Supreme Court passed Citizens United.  A few weeks ago, they passed the equally horrendous McCutcheon campaign finance decision which gives even more political power to the rich. Now, many Republicans want to push this Supreme Court to go even further.  In the name of “free speech,” they want the Court to eliminate all restrictions on campaign spending -- a position that Justice Thomas supported in McCutcheon -- and a view supported by the Chairman of the Republican National Committee.  Not surprisingly, as it will give them the opportunity to buy politicians at will, this has always been the position of the Koch brothers.

The Koch brothers are the second wealthiest family in America, making most of their money in the fossil fuel industry.  According to Forbes Magazine, they saw their wealth increase last year from $68 billion to $80 billion.  In other words, under the “anti-business”, “socialist” and “oppressive” Obama administration, their wealth went up by $12 billion in one year.

In their 2012 campaigns, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney each spent a little more than $1 billion.  For the Koch brothers, spending more than Obama and Romney combined  in an election would be a drop in the bucket.  They would hardly miss the few billion spent.

Given the reality that the Koch brothers are now the most important and powerful players in American politics, it is important to know what they want and what their agenda is.

Interestingly and not widely known, David Koch ran as the Libertarian Party’s vice-presidential candidate in 1980.  He believed that Ronald Reagan was much too liberal.  Despite Mr. Koch putting a substantial sum of money into the campaign, his ticket only received one percent of the vote.  Most Americans thought the Libertarian Party’s platform of 1980 was extremist and way out of touch with what the American people wanted and needed.

Fast-forward 34 years and the most significant reality of modern politics is how successful David Koch and like-minded billionaires have been in moving the Republican Party to the extreme right.  Amazingly, much of what was considered “extremist” and “kooky” in 1980 has become part of today’s mainstream Republican thinking.   

Let me give you just a few examples:

In 1980, Libertarian vice-presidential candidate David Koch ran on a platform that called for abolishing the minimum wage.  34 years ago, that was an extreme view of a fringe party that had the support of one percent of the American people.

Today, not only does virtually every Republican in Congress oppose raising the $7.25 an hour minimum wage, many of them, including Republican leaders like Mitch McConnell and John McCain, are on record for abolishing the concept of the federal minimum wage.

In 1980, the platform of David Koch’s Libertarian Party favored “the abolition of Medicare and Medicaid programs.”  34 years ago, that was an extreme view of a fringe party that had the support of one percent of the American people.

Today, the mainstream view of the Republican Party, as seen in the recently passed Ryan budget, is to end Medicare as we know it, cut Medicaid by more than $1.5 trillion over the next decade, and repeal the Affordable Care Act.  According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, “Under the Ryan plan, at least 40 million people -- 1 in 8 Americans -- would lose health insurance or fail to obtain insurance by 2024. Most of them would be people with low or moderate incomes.”

In 1980, the platform of David Koch’s Libertarian Party called for “the repeal of the fraudulent, virtually bankrupt, and increasingly oppressive Social Security system.”  34 years ago, that was an extreme view of a fringe party that had the support of one percent of the American people.

Today, the mainstream view of the Republican Party is that “entitlement reform” is absolutely necessary.  For some, this means major cuts in Social Security.  For others who believe Social Security is unconstitutional or a Ponzi scheme this means the privatization of Social Security or abolishing this program completely for those who are under 60 years of age.

In 1980, David Koch’s Libertarian Party platform stated “We oppose all personal and corporate income taxation, including capital gains taxes … We support the eventual repeal of all taxation … As an interim measure, all criminal and civil sanctions against tax evasion should be terminated immediately.”  34 years ago, that was an extreme view of a fringe party that had the support of one percent of the American people.

Today, 75 Republicans in the House have co-sponsored a bill that Paul Ryan has said “would eliminate taxes on wages, corporations, self-employment, capital gains, and gift and death taxes in favor of a personal-consumption tax.”

Here is what every American should be deeply concerned about.  The Koch brothers, through the expenditure of billions of dollars and the creation and support of dozens of extreme right organizations, have taken fringe extremist ideas and made them mainstream within the Republican Party.  And now with Citizens United (which is allowing them to pour unlimited sums of money into the political process) their power is greater than ever.

And let’s be very clear.  Their goal is not only to defund Obamacare, cut Social Security, oppose an increase in the minimum wage or cut federal funding for education.  Their world view and eventual goal is much greater than all of that.  They want to repeal every major piece of legislation that has been signed into law over the past 80 years that has protected the middle class, the elderly, the children, the sick, and the most vulnerable in this country.  Every piece of legislation!

The truth is that the agenda of the Koch brothers is to move this country from a democratic society with a strong middle class to an oligarchic form of society in which the economic and political life of the nation are controlled by a handful of billionaire families.

Our great nation must not be hijacked by right-wing billionaires like the Koch brothers.

For the sake of our children and our grandchildren, we must fight back.

What do you think?
Tell me at 

OHO's "Ocean City Ditty," the CD single is now available at
(and, if you're in town, at Trax On Wax on Frederick Rd. in Catonsville, MD)

My latest solo release, '2014', can be digitally downloaded at:

Ray Jozwiak: 2014

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Friday, April 18, 2014

Leveling . . .

Michael Bloomberg will use his personal fortune to fight, or at least counter, the efforts of the National Rifle Association. $50 million will be dedicated to his new group Everytown for Gun Safety, an umbrella for his two other gun control groups: Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.

The new organization will battle the NRA on its own turf and with its very own tactics. Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Actions says Women, and more particularly mothers, will be the key demographic in the outreach to curb gun violence. "Moms are afraid that our children will be taken away. In the end, that's the emotion that's going to win."

Influencing those in charge of writing gun policy though, will be the ultimate goal beginning with creating a political action committee to elect gun safety candidates to office and a 501(c)(4), an IRS classification used to raise unlimited amounts of money to influence voters. It aims to motivate a million pro-gun safety voters to go to the polls in November. The group will also submit a gun safety questionnaire to candidates and keep a score card of how elected officials vote on gun-related issues, another NRA tactic.

By matching the NRA's financial heft, Bloomberg makes the challenge to the NRA a little less daunting. The NRA has spent more than $30 million lobbying elected officials since 1998. Its efforts have been very successful in Congress over the past decade, defeating attempts to ban assault weapons and expand background checks.
(Thanks to

What do you think?
Tell me at 

OHO's "Ocean City Ditty," the CD single is now available at
(and, if you're in town, at Trax On Wax on Frederick Rd. in Catonsville, MD)

My latest solo release, '2014', can be digitally downloaded at:

Ray Jozwiak: 2014

(or you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Lie To Me. . .

'. . . There is statistical data that showed that news shows outstripped even popular soap operas on the Russian television, around the time of the annexation of Crimea. But there's another effect that a steady diet of government-controlled news has had on the public. A major Russian pollster recently asked people whether it would be acceptable for the news media to withhold information in the government's interest. And it turned out that with the vast majority, withholding was OK. And with slightly over half, even distorting was OK. So people were totally into this propaganda and, in a sense, asked to be lied to. . .'

What do you think?
Tell me at 

OHO's "Ocean City Ditty," the CD single is now available at
(and, if you're in town, at Trax On Wax on Frederick Rd. in Catonsville, MD)

My latest solo release, '2014', can be downloaded digitally at:

Ray Jozwiak: 2014

(or you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Relativity . . .

Concepts introduced by the theories of relativity include:

    Measurements of various quantities are relative to the velocities of observers. In particular, space contracts and time dilates.
    Spacetime: space and time should be considered together and in relation to each other.
    The speed of light is nonetheless invariant, the same for all observers.

MY theory of relativity, or maybe only my simple manner of summing up the same thing, is that time is perceived to be long or short relative to the age of the person perceiving said time period.  When you're very young, even the shortest time period seems to be very long.  Like when you're waiting for the arrival of Christmas gifts or when the age difference between you and that cute seventh-grade girl is so great it seems to be insurmountable. Whereas now, its difficult to believe you're really that close to retirement.

What do you think?
Tell me at 

OHO's "Ocean City Ditty," the CD single is now available at
(and, if you're in town, at Trax On Wax on Frederick Rd. in Catonsville, MD)

My latest solo release, '2014', can be digitally downloaded at:

Ray Jozwiak: 2014

(or you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

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blog search directory Blog Directory

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Recording . . .

. . . is still fascinating to me. . . 

". . . Western Electric made electronic recording using microphones and amplifiers possible in 1925. Before that, performers in a music studio had to sit very close to the bell of a horn to record. This could mean crowding a large band or orchestra into a small space without a way to balance the volume produced by the various performers. Sound waves traveled through a membrane and onto a wax-coated disk.

Using the new technology, large groups could sit in their usual formations and sound volume could be modified, but larger halls were needed to produce the acoustics for a natural sound. Until the late 1940s, though, recordings could not be edited. That's because records continued to be produced by sending sound direct to disk and then creating a metal master to use in making copies [source: London: A Musical Gazetter].

That changed when the recording industry began using magnetic-coated sound recording tape. A German company, I.G. Farben, had improved the tape-coating process during the 1930s, but the tape didn't become available to the United States and other Allied nations until after World War II.

The arrival of multi-track recorders in the 1950s allowed studios to take cutting and mixing music a step further by taping and then combining separate tracks recorded at different times. The move to two-channel stereophonic sound in the late 1960s extended sound mixing even further by allowing studio engineers to experiment with effects like echo and reverb.

The 1970s saw long-playing disks (LPs) replaced by cassette tapes, which made music portable and offered technological advances like Dolby B noise reduction. However, the compact disc and digital tape recorder had superceded cassettes by the mid-1990s. The digital tape recorder allows studio tapes to be re-recorded onto digital tape, which is then used to burn master laser disks. From these, aluminum-coated plastic copies, or CDs, are made [source: History of Tape Recording].

The move to digital technology has extended beyond just tape production. Using digital devices and sometimes little more than a computer, musicians can easily and inexpensively combine composing, performing, recording and mixing functions. . . "

Slough of Despond
(recorded at Blueball Studio, Stewartstown, PA)

What do you think?
Tell me at 

OHO's "Ocean City Ditty," the CD single is now available at
(and, if you're in town, at Trax On Wax on Frederick Rd. in Catonsville, MD)

My latest solo release, '2014', can be downloaded digitally at:

Ray Jozwiak: 2014

(or you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

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