Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dear Senator. . .

. . . Mikulski,
I have chosen "Other" as my message topic because you list neither Syria nor War.  Your list does include "Defense" but nowhere do I see "Offense."

Writing to tell you that after my letter to you, pleading to disapprove of any military action against Syria, I just heard on the radio that you support the President's plan for military action.

I know you can't act based solely upon my advice, but after hearing that the majority of the U.S. population is against such military action in Syria, I can't help but think that you are ignoring the wishes of your constituents.

Can you please respond to this and provide an honest accounting of the opinions that you have received from the people you represent in the state of Maryland?

Thank you and best regards,
Raymond M. Jozwiak

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Thoughts. . .

. . . about our environment. . .

". . .Research now reveals wastewater from fracking is linked to all the earthquakes in a town in Ohio with no history of earthquakes.

Fracking involves high pressure injection of water, sand and other materials into a well to fracture rock which opens up fissures from which oil and natural gas can flow freely. This process generates wastewater which is disposed of by pumping it underground.

Advocates claim fracking is a safe, economical source of clean energy, while critics argue that it taints drinking water supplies and causes other problems.

Before January 2011, Youngstown, Ohio had never experienced an earthquake since researchers began observations in 1776. In December 2010, the Northstar 1 injection well came online to pump wastewater from fracking projects in Pennsylvania into storage deep underground. In the year that followed, Youngstown recorded 109 earthquakes. The well was soon shut down. . ."

". . .Many of those who deny that climate change is taking place reached that position as a result of their opposition to wind farms. This, for example, was the route taken by David Bellamy, who stumbled disastrously into the debate a decade ago.

During one of our discussions, he set me the following challenge:
“Why are the so-called greens backing a cartel of multinational companies which are hell bent on covering some of the best of our countryside with so-called wind farms, which can neither provide us with a sustainable source of future energy nor have any measurable effect reducing the amount of carbon dioxide pouring into the atmosphere? If he [George Monbiot] can disprove the latter – which is the mathematical truth – I will fall into line over global warming”.

In other words, if I could disprove his contention that windfarms are useless, he would accept climate change science. I don’t mean to disinter an ancient and long-settled debate, but to use this as an example of a common phenomenon, to which all of us succumb from time to time. When we don’t like an outcome, we reject the premise. . ."

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Live. . .

. . . performance by OHO . . .

You’re living your ninth life time is running out
The blood of the lamb has dried and lost its clout
If you show no mercy, no mercy will be your
You’re dated and done for the dot’s on your door

On day one they marked you, put you on the list
Embroidered a burning red letter on your bib
You move with caution, the trap’s laced with lure
You’re dated and done, there’s a dot on your door

Cowards die a thousand times, the brave die only once
If ignorance is bliss, may your joy be out to lunch
If you were meant to hang in life then you will never drown
Dodging the left, the right one brings you to the ground

You’re using the right words, getting the response
Newton was right, you’re life’s a renaissance
Your impedimenta pile up on the floor
You’re locked in this room, There’s a dot on your door

Cowards die a thousand times, the brave die only once
If ignorance is bliss, may your joy be out to lunch
If you were meant to hang in life then you will never drown
Dodging the left, the right one brings you to the ground

Kissing your mother, digging in the dirt
Hoping something of your life will take root and give birth
The vine seeks the light, branches reaching through the clouds
Where love will prune and crown you, relieve you of your shroud

You’re living your ninth life time is running out
The blood of the lamb has dried and lost its clout
If you show no mercy, no mercy will be your
You’re dated and done for the dot’s on your door

Cowards die a thousand times, the brave die only once
If ignorance is bliss, may your joy be out to lunch
If you were meant to hang in life then you will never drown
Dodging the left, the right one brings you to the ground

Dot On Your Door
by John P. Graboski (Oho live at Bread & Circuses September 6, 2013)

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My latest release, Black & White Then Back,
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Monday, September 9, 2013

Handsome. . .

. . . but excessive? . . .

Kingscote is a landmark of the Gothic Revival style in American architecture. Its appearance in Newport marked the beginning of the "cottage boom" that would distinguish the town as a veritable laboratory for the design of picturesque houses throughout the 19th century.

In 1839 Southern planter George Noble Jones commissioned architect Richard Upjohn to design a summer cottage along a country road, known as Bellevue Avenue, on the outskirts of town. Upjohn created a highly original "cottage orne," or ornamental cottage, in the Gothic Revival style. The general effect was romantic- a fanciful composition of towers, windows, Gothic arches and Kingscote dining roomporch roofs inspired by medieval tournament tents.

At the outbreak of the Civil War, the Jones family left Newport never to return, and the house was sold in 1864 to China Trade merchant William Henry King. His nephew David took over the house in 1876, and several years later decided to enlarge Kingscote. He engaged the firm of McKim, Mead and White to make the renovations, including the new dining room. The room combines Colonial American details with exotic ornament - reflecting the architects' interest in combining eastern and western motifs. The innovative use of materials was also important, such as cork tiles as a covering for the wall frieze and ceiling, and an early installation of opalescent glass bricks by Louis Comfort Tiffany.

The house remained in the King family until 1972, when the last descendant left it to the Preservation Society. Today, Kingscote is a National Historic Landmark. It is a rare example of a Gothic Revival house and landscape setting preserved intact with original family collections.

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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Missed It . . .

. . .  only by a month. . .

The Newport Jazz Festival is a music festival held every summer in Newport, Rhode Island, USA. It was established in 1954 by socialite Elaine Lorillard, who, together with husband Louis Lorillard, financed the festival for many years. The couple hired jazz impresario George Wein to organize the event to help them bring jazz to the resort town.

Most of the early festivals were broadcast on Voice Of America radio and many performances were recorded and have been issued by various record labels.

The Newport Jazz Festival moved to New York City in 1972 and became a two-site festival in 1981 when it returned to Newport and also continued in New York. The festival was known as the JVC Jazz Festival from 1984 to 2008. During the economic downturn of 2009, JVC ceased its support of the festival and was replaced by CareFusion.As of 2012 the festival is sponsored by Natixis Global Asset Management.

The festival is hosted in Newport at Fort Adams State Park, and is often held in the same month as its sister festival, the Newport Folk

In 1954 the first Newport Jazz Festival (billed actually as the "First Annual American Jazz Festival") was held at Newport Casino in the Bellevue Avenue Historic District of Newport, Rhode Island. It incorporated academic panel discussions and featured live musical performances. The live performances were set outdoors, on a lawn. These performances were given by a number of notable jazz musicians including Billie Holiday. The festival was hailed by major magazines and newspapers. Some 13,000 attended between the two days. In general, the festival was regarded as a major success.

In 1955 organizers were planning a second year for the festival but needed to find a new venue. The Newport Casino would not again host the festival since its lawn and other facilities did not stand up well to such a large event. Festival backer Elaine Lorillard, with her husband, purchased "Belcourt", a large estate which was available locally, in hopes of hosting the festival there. The neighborhood would disallow that plan, citing concerns about potential disturbance. The festival went forward at Freebody Park, an arena for sports near the casino. The workshops and receptions would be held at Belcourt, and the music presented at Freebody Park.

Some in upper-class Newport were opposed to the festival. Jazz appreciation was not common within the established upper-class community. The festival was organized mostly by younger members of the elite group populating Newport. The festival brought crowds of commoners to Newport. Many were students who, in the absence of sufficient lodging, slept outdoors wherever they could, with or without tents. Newport was at first not accustomed to this. And, many of the musicians and their fans were African American. Racism too was a factor in Newport as it commonly was across the land during that era. Traffic gridlock and other contention near the downtown venue were legitimate concerns, and were raised.

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Saturday, September 7, 2013

Let Me Count. . .

. . . the alternatives. . .
“Kicking at an open door?”
“Giving the fish swimming lessons?”
“Recruiting your own members?”
“Persuading the convinced?”
“Convincing fish to swim?”
“Cheering to the pep squad?”
“Lecturing to the faculty?”
“Singing to the band?”
“Selling tuxedos to penguins?”
“You’re trying to open an open door.”
“Lighting the lamp at noon?”
“Explaining logic to Vulcans?”
“Selling whiskey to Jack Daniels?”
“Purring with the cats?
“Carrying coals to Newcastle?”
“Selling milk to a cow?”
“Teaching dogs to bark?”
“Calling your baby cute?”
“Campaigning to the convention?”
“Teaching monkeys how to eat bananas?”
“Campaigning to the candidate?”
“You’re selling past the close.” Or “Selling past the close?”
“Selling to the sold?”
“Flashing the nudist colony?”
“Seducing the willing and eager?”
“Kicking at an open door?”
“Giving the fish swimming lessons?”
“Recruiting your own members?”
“Persuading the convinced?”
“Convincing fish to swim?”
“Cheering to the pep squad?”
“Lecturing to the faculty?”
“Singing to the band?”
“Selling tuxedos to penguins?”
“You’re trying to open an open door.”
“Lighting the lamp at noon?”
“Explaining logic to Vulcans?”
“Selling whiskey to Jack Daniels?”
“Purring with the cats?
“Carrying coals to Newcastle?”
“Selling milk to a cow?”
“Teaching dogs to bark?”
“Calling your baby cute?”
“Campaigning to the convention?”
“Teaching monkeys how to eat bananas?”
“Campaigning to the candidate?”
“You’re selling past the close.” Or “Selling past the close?”
“Selling to the sold?”
“Flashing the nudist colony?”
“Seducing the willing and eager?”

What do you think?
Tell me at

My latest release, Black & White Then Back,
can be downloaded digitally at:

Ray Jozwiak: Black & White Then Back

(or you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

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Friday, September 6, 2013

More. . .

 . . . from the "IS THIS NEWS?" department. . .

(By M. Alex Johnson, Staff Writer, NBC News)
Deriding President Barack Obama as the weakest president "in my adult lifetime," former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld called on the White House on Tuesday to fish or cut bait in Syria.

Rumsfeld said there could be no middle ground in Syria: "You either ought to change the regime, or you ought to do nothing," he said during a question-and-answer session after a lecture at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids, Mich.

In his customarily colorful way, Rumsfeld, 81, picked away at Obama for declaring last week that any U.S. response to Syria's alleged use of chemical weapons against its own people wouldn't target President Bashar Assad.

"Why would you go in and fire a shot across the bow?" asked Rumsfeld, who served as Ford's defense secretary during the 1970s and again as head of President George W. Bush's Pentagon during the planning for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan in the early 2000s.

"All it does is make a splash, and ... what you've probably achieved is the embarrassment of the United States for being feckless and ineffective," he said.

Rumsfeld also accused Obama of cutting Secretary of State John Kerry off at the knees after Kerry made a "compelling and persuasive" case for strong military action in Syria last week — only for Obama to later say any U.S. response in Syria would be a "limited, narrow act."

"The president is not, in my view, providing the kind of leadership that I think almost any president in my adult lifetime would be providing," he said.

"You have to have a vision, Rumsfeld said. "You have to know what you're going to do, and you have to provide the kind of leadership the commander in chief would provide."

Despite all of his statements, when asked what guidance he would give on the Syrian situation, however, Rumsfeld did admit, "I'm glad I don't have to give advice to be honest with you."

What do you think?
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My latest release, Black & White Then Back,
can be downloaded digitally at:
Ray Jozwiak: Black & White Then Back

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