Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Amen . . .


(from https://www.salon.com/2022/09/18/i-voted-for--twice-i-was-a-right-wing-pundit-i-was-about-all-of-it/ by Rich Louis)
". . . Alexander Hamilton convinced his fellow Federalists to vote for Thomas Jefferson over Federalist Aaron Burr in the disputed 1800 presidential election — a  decision that cost Hamilton his life; 
Abraham Lincoln decided to crush the Confederacy with four years of gruesome bloodshed, although he desperately wanted to preserve the Union at any cost. That agonizing decision to wage total war against fellow Americans brought the slavery era to an end, saved America from irreparable damage — and also resulted in Lincoln's assassination; 
The U.S. joined forces with the Soviet Union in World War II — an almost impossible alliance between opposed ideological forces that was necessary to  conquer the Nazis; 
Many Republicans in the House and Senate supported President Lyndon Johnson's signature achievements, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting  Rights Act of 1965, over the objections of many racist Southern Democrats; 
Bipartisan support for the resignation of President Nixon: Ultimately it was his fellow Republicans, led by Sen. Barry Goldwater, a conservative hero, who made clear that if Nixon did not resign, he would be impeached and removed in a Senate trial; 
Many Democrats rallied around President George W. Bush in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks — even if some of them would like to deny or forget that now.

. . . our current epoch presents us with a moment similar to the aforementioned historic events — a moment in which America faces yet another existential  challenge. . . 

. . . the Democratic Party is relatively healthy, although it has two major blind spots: It takes for granted many historically Democratic voting blocs — such as religious minorities, LGBTQ citizens and Black and Latino voters — and it almost entirely ignores rural America. In contrast, the Republican Party is terminally ill, and its leadership knows that; that's why they have staked a path forward that is, well, backward, with increased emphasis on everything male/Caucasian/Christian and heterosexual. . ."

It Won't Be Easy

- Vonciel Myers

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