Thursday, September 8, 2022

Accountability . . .


" . . . Until and unless Trump supporters are confident that former presidents can declassify every national security document that crosses the transom forever using nothing but their eyebrows, and then use it for whatever purposes they seek, what we are going to hear a lot of in the coming weeks is less an actual coherent defense and much more a continuation of “but her emails.” . . . this doesn’t feel like a movement that is ascendant and it doesn’t feel like a movement that is converting a whole ton of new adherents. New Quinnipiac polling shows that Americans, by a margin of 50 percent to 41 percent, think Trump should be prosecuted on criminal charges over his handling of classified documents, and nearly 6 in 10 think he acted inappropriately in handling those documents. That isn’t the dawning of reason, but it is a trend line. . . But based on what we do learn each day, this is a significant win for facts, law, and accountability. . ."

Things We Said Today

- The Beatles

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