Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Absolutely No . . .

. . . principles

". . . Sen. Ted Cruz seldom overlooks a chance to be underhanded, and, sure enough, the Texas Republican led the effort to imbue this week’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings with the latest effort by the right to make White America fear Black America. . . Cruz attempted to tie Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first Black woman nominated to the high court, to the supposed menace of “critical race theory” — because, he said, this theory is taught at the private school where she serves on the board (and where she sent her daughters). . . “If you look at the Georgetown Day School’s curriculum, it is filled and overflowing with critical race theory,” Cruz alleged, holding up books he said the school has on reading lists. . . Georgetown Day School, in the nation’s capital, does indeed take a strong “anti-racism” approach. So does St. John’s School, the private school in Houston where, as the New Republic’s Timothy Noah noted, Cruz sends his daughters. . ."

A Man Without Love
- DM Band (DM Music Entertainment)
rough demo of new OHO tune in progress

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