Sunday, July 26, 2020

Dysfunction . . .

". . . Donald Trump wants you to know he is a very smart man. So smart, he repeatedly insists, that he "aced" a cognitive test. There's just one thing: The test isn't intended to be difficult. . . .The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), which NBC reported in 2018 is the screening the president took as part of an annual physical, is back in the news now after Trump repeatedly argued with Fox News anchor Chris Wallace about the exam during a Sunday interview. While the president insisted that the final five questions "get very hard," the MoCA is "designed as a rapid screening instrument for mild cognitive dysfunction," according to exam instructions. . . In other words, the exam isn't an IQ test or anything even remotely close to it. Rather, it's meant to assist trained health professionals in evaluating forms of cognitive decline such as Alzheimer's. Doing well on the test doesn't mean you're smart, but rather suggests that — at least as far as the test can tell — you aren't experiencing some form of cognitive dysfunction. . ."

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