Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Choices . . .

 . . . abound

(from http://www.politics1.com/p2016.htm)
Vice President Joe Biden (Delaware)
Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (New York)
Former Governor Martin O'Malley (Maryland)
US Senator Bernie Sanders (Independent-Vermont)
Former US Senator Jim Webb (Virginia)
Edie Atkinson-Bukewihge (California)
Morrison Bonpasse (Maine)
Jeff Boss (New Jersey)
Philip Bralich (California)
President Emperor Caesar (Florida)
Andy Caffrey (California)
Willie Carter (Texas)
Brittany Clark (California)
Richard Coleman (Florida)
Kristi Dutton (Arizona)
Ronald Emrit (Nevada)
Christin Noel Griskie (Florida)
Charles Hodge (California)
Larry E. Johnson (Colorado)
Glenn Kaminsky (California)
Jonathan Lavigne (West Virginia)
James "Titus The Great" Law ( California)
Ryan Lipner (Florida)
Lee Mercer Jr. (Tennessee)
Patrick McKart (Florida)
Daniel "Tool" Michaels (Florida)
Loretta "Leah Lax" Miller (Pennsylvania)
Rome Murphy II (New Jersey)
James Ogle III (California)
Daniel Owens (Oregon)
Harry Pavilack (South Carolina)
Mary Aku Quartey (Maryland)
Lee Rhodes (New York)
Doug Schreffler (California)
Angelo Scrigna (Hawaii)
Nicholas Sopkovich (California)
Michael Steinberg (Florida)
Robby Wells (North Carolina)
Elaine Williams (Florida)
Jeffrey Windett (West Virginia)
Thomas Winterbottom (Pennsylvania)
John Worldpeace (New Mexico)

Former UN Ambassador John Bolton (Maryland)
Former Governor Jeb Bush (Florida)
Dr. Ben Carson (Florida)
Governor Chris Christie (New Jersey)
US Senator Ted Cruz (Texas)
Campaign Site: TedCruz.org
Former Governor Bob Ehrlich (Maryland)
Former IRS Commissioner Mark Everson (Mississippi)
Businesswoman Carly Fiorina (Virginia)
Former Governor Jim Gilmore (Virginia)
US Senator Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (Florida)
Governor Bobby Jindal (Louisiana)
Governor John Kasich (Ohio)
Congressman Pete King (New York)
Former Governor Sarah Palin (Alaska)
Former Governor George Pataki (New York)
US Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky)
Governor Mike Pence (Indiana)
Former Governor Rick Perry (Texas)
US Senator Marco Rubio (Florida)
Former US Senator Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania)
Governor Rick Snyder (Michigan)
Governor Scott Walker (Wisconsin)
Pogo Mochello Allen-Reese (Texas)
John Anderson Jr. (California)
Skip Andrews (Kansas)
George Bailey Jr. (Mississippi)
Virgil Bierschwale (Texas)
Kerry Bowers (Nevada)
Dominique Brown (Pennsylvania)
George Brucato (Nevada)
Francis Castleberry (Florida)
Dale Christensen (Missouri)
Brian Ari Cole (Pennsylvania)
Scott Cole (North Carolina)
Ezekiel George Crotzer (Michigan)
Tim Day (Texas)
Paul DeBow (Louisiana)
Mike Diggs (Arkansas)
Kenneth Donaldson (Texas)
Patrick Drake (Georgia)
Wanda Duckwald (Oklahoma)
Ronald Duke (Alabama)
John Dummett Jr. (California)
Stuart Farber (Florida)
Jack Fellure (West Virginia)
Bruce Gidner (Michigan)
Jim Hayden (Tennessee)
Chris Hill (Kentucky)
Eugene Hunt Jr. (Michigan)
Justin Hyde (California)
Kins Jeroboan (New York)
Roger Jewell (Arizona)
D. Royce Jones (Texas)
Tyrone Julius (District of Columbia)
Brenda Justice (New York)
Tim Kalemkarian (California)
Marc Keller (Oregon)
Michael Kinlaw (Colorado)
John Lee (Texas)
Jerry Leonard (North Carolina)
Renee Loetscher (Florida)
Bartholomew James Lower (Michigan)
Dennis Michael Lynch (New York)
Joan Malone (District of Columbia)
Barbara Mae Markovich (Montana)
Mike Martisko (Pennsylvania)
Mickey Meade (California)
Raymond Miller (Idaho)
Tiffani Mims (Texas)
James Mitchell Jr. (Illinois)
Scot Olewine (Puerto Rico)
Richard Peter (Texas)
Michael Petyo (Indiana)
Deshon Porter (Illinois)
Jim Rundberg (Colorado)
Brian Russell (Florida)
Ole Savior (Minnesota)
Larry Scarborough (California)
Jefferson Sherman (Maryland)
Silvia Stagg (New York)
Sherlene Stevens (District of Columbia)
Rickey "Joe" Story (Florida)
Dwayne Tomlinson (Florida)
Donald Trump (New York)
Vern Wuensche (Texas)

Tom Hoefling (Iowa)

Kenn Gividen Bob Whitaker
Kenn Gividen (Indiana)
Bob Whitaker (South Carolina)
Vice Presidential Nominee

Darryl Castle (Tennessee)
Betsy Elgar (Washington)
Former Congressman Virgil Goode (Virginia)
Jim Hayden (Tennessee)
Chad Koppie (Illinois)
Curtis Woolsey (Arizona)

Charles Brannan (California)
Willita Bush (Missouri)
Darryl Cherney (California)
Kent Mesplay (California)
Robert Milnes (New Jersey)
Midge Potts (Missouri)
Dr. Jill Stein (Massachusetts)

Former Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson (Utah)

Keenan Dunham (South Carolina)
Marc Feldman (Ohio)
Former Governor Gary Johnson (New Mexico)
Cecil Ince (Texas)
Steve Kerbel (Colorado)
Robert Kuffel (New Jersey)
Kip Lee (California)
Robert Milnes (New Jersey)
Darryl Perry (Texas)
Rebecca Pfleiderer (Missouri)
Bill Pruitt (Oklahoma)

Tom Stevens (New York)

No Candidates Yet Identified

Roseanne Barr (California)
Donovan Raymond (Oregon)

Jim Hedges (Pennsylvania)
Rick Knox (Georgia)

Ken Cross (Arkansas)

No Candidates Yet Identified

Dean Capone (Florida)

No Candidates Yet Identified

Gifford Abbott Jr. (Independent-Pennsylvania)
Christopher Abernathy (Independent-North Carolina)
William Oren Adams (Independent-Louisiana)
Robert Aldridge (Independent-Tennessee)
James Allen (Independent-Kentucky)
Brandon Armstrong (Independent-South Carolina)
Frank Atwood (Approval Voting-Colorado)
Ed Baker (Independent-Oregon)
Jacob Baker (Work-South Carolina)
Danny Bennett, II (United-Montana)
Piotr Blass (Write In-Florida)
Sheila Bolar (Independent-Alabama)
Matthew Borman (American-Florida)
Eric Borrell (Independent-District of Columbia)
Robert Boris (Independent-California)
William Bowhall Jr. (Independent-Alabama)
J. Boydston (Write In-Colorado)
Michelle Braithwood (Independent-Florida)
Peter Breyfogle (Independent-Minnesota)
Harley Brown (Independent-Idaho)
James Brummett (Independent-Indiana)
Pamela Pinkney Butts (Independent-Ohio)
James Byers (Independent-Indiana)
Johnnie Campbell (Independent-Iowa)
Paul Cannaday (Independent-Michigan)
Jerry Leon Carroll (Independent-California)
John Castillo (Independent-Texas)
Paul Chehade (Independent-Florida)
Christopher Cincotta (Independent-Colorado)
Doris Cintron (Independent-California)
Douglas Clement (Independent-Missouri)
Amy Conger (Independent-Ohio)
J.D. Criveau (Constitutionist-Virginia)
Caesar St Augustine DeBuonaparte (Absolute Dictator-California)
Michael Dename Jr. (Independent-New York)
Steve Dillon (Independent-North Carolina)
Kevin Donges (Independent-Ohio)
Andrew Elijah Mister Duffy (Independent-California)
Christopher Dunn (Independent-Indiana)
Mark Dutter (Independent-South Dakota)
Jenny Edwards (Independent-Alabama)
Katee Edwards (Independent-Alabama)
Roderick Edwards (Write In-Indiana)
Claire Elliott (Independent-Georgia)
Jonathan Evans (Independent-Colorado)
Charles Fanning (Independent-Virginia)
John Ferguson (Eco/Green-Texas)
Lori Fleming (Independent-Arkansas)
Edward A. Gardner Jr. (Independent American-New York)
Kenn Gividen (American Freedom-Indiana)
Todd Glore (Independent-Indiana)
Mark Graham (Write In-Florida)
Martin Hahn (Independent-Oregon)
Emelia Harris (Write In-Florida)
Ronald Hartsfield (Florida)
David Hendrix (Independent-North Carolina)
Phillip Hill (Independent-Pennsylvania)
David Christopher Holcomb (Independent-Nebraska)
Bill Howard (Independent-Indiana)
Michael Hubbell (Independent-Maryland)
Eugene Hunt Jr. (Independent-Michigan)
Tom Irwin (American-Pennsylvania)
Zoltan Istvan (Transhumanist-California)
Roland Jackson (Independent-District of Columbia)
Khadijah Jacob-Fambro (Revolutionary-California)
Steven Jacobson (Independent-California)
Michael Jenkins (Independent-Virginia)
O. Hope Jerio (Independent-West Virginia)
Barry Johnson (Independent-Kansas)
Ronald Jones (Independent-Florida)
Sue Lisa Jones (Independent-Arizona)
Terry Jones (Independent-Florida)
Vincent Jones II (Bull Moose-South Carolina)
Lynn Kahn (Independent-Maryland)
Temperance Lance-Council (Anti Hypocrisy-California)
Abbey Laurel-Smith (Pilgrims Alliance-Louisiana)
Robert Lehigh (Inspiration-Utah)
Michael "Lev" Levinson (Write In-Florida)
Bishop Julian Lewis Jr. (Independent-Texas)
David Librace (Write In-Arkansas)
Tom Lineaweaver (Freedom Party USA-Pennsylvania)
Mark Linn (Write In-New Hampshire)
June Lloyd (Independent-Washington)
Donald Eugene Lowe (Independent-Texas)
Deborah MacKimzey (Independent-Texas)
Shawna Martinez (Independent-Kentucky)
Angie McCall (Independent-Florida)
Roland Menard III (Moderation Affiliation-Hawaii)
Merlin Miller (American Eagle-California)
Jeremy Milligan (Independent-Illinois)
Robert Milnes (Progressive Libertarian Alliance-New Jersey)
Virginia Morago (Independent-Missouri)
Tony Mullikin (Independent-Florida)
Bill Nees (Independent Statesmen-Georgia)
Deonia Neveu (Independent-Virginia)
Jeffrey Oleyar (Write In-Ohio)
Bryan Ollivier (Independent-California)
Mark Pendleton (Independent-Utah)
Louis Pica (Independent-New Jersey)
Matthew Pinnavaia (Independent-California)
Eric Poders (Independent-Illinois)
Samuel Powell (Independent-District of Columbia)
Dinesh Ravishanker (New White-California)
Don Reaux (Independent-Louisiana)
C.C. Reed (Independent-Florida)
Darwin Misha Reedy (Indendent-Texas)
Donald Sauter (Independent-Delaware)
John Graham Schwartz (Independent-Illinois)
James Sewell III (Independent-Texas)
Anthony Shahmoradi (Independent-Pennsylvania)
Ryan Shepard (Independent-New York)
Muhammad Sho (Independent-Texas)
Richard Shrum (Independent-Texas)
Keith Smith (Independent-Ohio)
Scott Andrew Smith (Independent-Colorado)
David Sponheim (Independent-Washington)
Tami Stainfield (Independent-West Virginia)
Scott Stephens (Independent-New York)
Karin Swanson (Socialist Democrat-Texas)
Paul Tape Jr. (Tea-Florida)
Dan Taus (Independent-Pennsylvania)
Deacon Taylor (Rational-California)
Sheila "Samm" Tittle (Independent-Virginia)
Matthew Torrez (Independent-Florida)
Mathew Tyler (Independent-California)
Joshua Usera (Independent-South Dakota)
Andre Ventura (Independent-Michigan)
Da Vid (Light-California)
Phlllip "Andy" Vineyard (Independent-Kansas)
Doris Walker (Independent-Illinois)
Victor Walker (Independent-Maryland)
Joy Waymire (Independent-California)
Todd Willey (All Mother Earth-Michigan)
Kent Williams (Independent-Florida)
Mitchell Williams (Write In-Florida)
John Wood (Independent-Utah)
Jason Woodward (Write In-New Hampshire)
Chuck Zeiger (Independent-Arizona)
Daniel Zutler (Independent-Florida)

What do you think?
Tell me at
http://www.rayjozwiak.com/guestbook.html  or at

OHO's "Ocean City Ditty," the CD single is now available at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/oho4
(and, if you're in town, at Trax On Wax on Frederick Rd. in Catonsville, MD) OHO is Jay Graboski, David Reeve & Ray Jozwiak.  Please Visit http://www.ohomusic.com 

My latest solo offering, Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak, featuring original, instrumental piano music is now available at - Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak
(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/RayJozwiak)

Also, be sure to visit:


Monday, April 13, 2015

Now . . .

. . . Playing
. . . and available at Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak

For his ninth release, Ray Jozwiak has decided to dispense with the hyperbole, intricate poetic descriptions, buzzwords and self-aggrandizing verbal excesses and simply issue a collection of Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak. So here it is.

Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak

Too Many Cowboys
from Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak
©2007 & 2014 Raymond M. Jozwiak
Available April 7, 2015

What do you think?
Tell me at
http://www.rayjozwiak.com/guestbook.html  or at

OHO's "Ocean City Ditty," the CD single is now available at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/oho4
(and, if you're in town, at Trax On Wax on Frederick Rd. in Catonsville, MD) OHO is Jay Graboski, David Reeve & Ray Jozwiak.  Please Visit http://www.ohomusic.com 

My latest solo offering, Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak, featuring original, instrumental piano music is now available at - Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak
(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/RayJozwiak)

Also, be sure to visit:


Sunday, April 12, 2015

Model . . .

. . . boss?

Recently read an article  Adapted from "Becoming Steve Jobs: The Evolution of a Reckless Upstart into a Visionary Leader." Copyright © 2015 by Brent Schlender and Rick Tetzeli. Published by Crown Publishers, a division of Penguin Random House LLC.  The book is purportedly the “only book about Steve recommended by the people who knew him best,” according to Apple. And the article begins with reference to one of Steve Jobs favorite expressions, which was, “that’s shit”, an expression for which Mr. Jobs clearly owned no patent and held no monopoly. Not that the authors implied that he did. But the article goes on to detail how brusque Jobs’ manner was with his employees and how they pretty much had to group together to combat the ‘damage’ that brusqueness could potentially do. And it seems that all involved parties, in retrospect, have no qualms about the way things transpired under the management of Steve Jobs.  Some praise him.  Others rationalize his actions. Certainly the firm fared no worse for his technique.  I certainly understand such personalities.  Many people are drawn towards them in capacities either professional or personal.  They are visionary.  They are exciting.  They are stimulating. The complete experience with them never leaves one unfulfilled or unsatisfied. . . well, at least from my experience.  So while this article and book both appear to praise, or at least not criticize, the extremity of the Steve Jobs-type personality of the short-tempered, boisterous and callous leader/genius, should it encourage the development of like-leaders/geniuses?  The danger in too much admiration is the propagation of short-tempered, boisterous, callous and brusque personality leaders/geniuses who are more short-tempered, boisterous, callous and brusque than actual leader/genius.

What do you think?
Tell me at
http://www.rayjozwiak.com/guestbook.html  or at

OHO's "Ocean City Ditty," the CD single is now available at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/oho4
(and, if you're in town, at Trax On Wax on Frederick Rd. in Catonsville, MD) OHO is Jay Graboski, David Reeve & Ray Jozwiak.  Please Visit http://www.ohomusic.com 

My latest solo offering, Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak, featuring original, instrumental piano music will be released April 7, 2014  Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak
(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/RayJozwiak)

Also, be sure to visit:


Saturday, April 11, 2015

There . . .

. . . most resent pitcher . . .

(from http://www.teachthought.com/industry/12-data-points-detailing-the-crisis-of-poor-writing-in-america/)
1. Four out of five students are not proficient writers.

2. Even with spell check and a thesaurus on hand, just 27% of students are able to write well-developed essays with proper language use.

3. Even worse, 26.2% of college graduates produce writing that rates as deficient.

4. Fewer than 50% of college seniors feel their writing improved during college.

5. SAT writing scores are falling, too.

6. About 17% of college freshmen require remedial writing classes.

7. The average fourth grader spends fewer than 3 hours per week writing.

8. Students struggle with reading.

9. Poor writing cost employers $3.1 billion per year.

10. Many students prefer texting over composition.

11. Male students are struggling worse than female students.

12. Writing isn’t considered fun by today’s students.

What do you think?
Tell me at
http://www.rayjozwiak.com/guestbook.html  or at

OHO's "Ocean City Ditty," the CD single is now available at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/oho4
(and, if you're in town, at Trax On Wax on Frederick Rd. in Catonsville, MD) OHO is Jay Graboski, David Reeve & Ray Jozwiak.  Please Visit http://www.ohomusic.com 

My latest solo offering, Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak, featuring original, instrumental piano music will be released April 7, 2014  Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak
(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/RayJozwiak)

Also, be sure to visit:


Friday, April 10, 2015

Q & A . . .

 . . . for OHO

Q -  I live in the southern part of Maryland, right on the border of DC and MD.  I write for local Okinawan interest articles for the Okinawa Times in Okinawa and ever since I found and bought your tin can set album of Okinawa, I have been wondering if you had some personal connection to the island.  Would you mind telling me your story?  Please excuse me if you were asked the question many times, but I have been unable to find anything, as a mysterious band you are.  Hope to hear from you.

A - The band were brainstorming for a title.  We wanted a title where the "OHO" vowel sound also sounded in the title.  The bassist's father was an American soldier who was stationed in Okinawa, and he had a black silk jacket with your island embroidered on it, which we hung in the studio for inspiration.  So, while not totally random, there is only this fabricated connection to the music.  Little Wing of Refugees, a German record label, apparently took its country's status as a Japanese ally more seriously; & so you have all the South Pacific war imagery in their version of the release.  

BTW OHO stands for the 1st initials of the last names of the band's 3 founding members; what does "OHO" mean in Japanese?

Tell me athttp://www.rayjozwiak.com/guestbook.html  or at

OHO's "Ocean City Ditty," the CD single is now available at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/oho4
(and, if you're in town, at Trax On Wax on Frederick Rd. in Catonsville, MD) OHO is Jay Graboski, David Reeve & Ray Jozwiak.  Please Visit http://www.ohomusic.com 

My latest solo offering, Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak, featuring original, instrumental piano music is available now at-Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak
(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/RayJozwiak)

Also, be sure to visit:


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Times . . .

. . . change . . .
. . . but you always gotta laugh . . .

(from http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/stan-freberg-comedian-satirist-dies-dead-1201467899/)
". . . Satirist Stan Freberg, who influenced generations with his witty comedy albums and cartoon voices and memorable advertising campaigns, died Tuesday in Santa Monica. He was 88 and had been suffering from respiratory problems and pneumonia.

His son Donavan posted the news on his Facebook page, saying, “He was, and will always be, my hero, and I will carry his brilliant legacy forward as best I am able.”

The writer-producer crafted some of the funniest TV commercials of the 1960s and ’70s, including “Today the pits; tomorrow the wrinkles. Sunsweet marches on!,” and Contadina’s “Who put eight great tomatoes in that little bitty can?”

He also scored such novelty-record hits as “John and Marsha,” “Saint George and the Dragonet” and “Green Christmas.” His 1961 comedy album “Stan Freberg Presents the United States of America” remains a classic of the form and an influence for a generation of comedians. . ."

What do you think?
Tell me at
http://www.rayjozwiak.com/guestbook.html  or at

OHO's "Ocean City Ditty," the CD single is now available at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/oho4
(and, if you're in town, at Trax On Wax on Frederick Rd. in Catonsville, MD) OHO is Jay Graboski, David Reeve & Ray Jozwiak.  Please Visit http://www.ohomusic.com 

My latest solo offering, Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak, featuring original, instrumental piano music will be released April 7, 2014  Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak
(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/RayJozwiak)

Also, be sure to visit:


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Lines . . .

. . . Written in Early Spring

I heard a thousand blended notes,
While in a grove I sate reclined,
In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts
Bring sad thoughts to the mind.

To her fair works did Nature link
The human soul that through me ran;
And much it grieved my heart to think
What man has made of man.

Through primrose tufts, in that green bower,
The periwinkle trailed its wreaths;
And ’tis my faith that every flower
Enjoys the air it breathes.

The birds around me hopped and played,
Their thoughts I cannot measure:—
But the least motion which they made
It seemed a thrill of pleasure.

The budding twigs spread out their fan,
To catch the breezy air;
And I must think, do all I can,
That there was pleasure there.

If this belief from heaven be sent,
If such be Nature’s holy plan,
Have I not reason to lament
What man has made of man?

(from http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poem/181415)
Source: The Longman Anthology of Poetry (Pearson, 2006)

from Ambience & Wine
©2012 Raymond M. Jozwiak
available at CD Baby

Tell me at
http://www.rayjozwiak.com/guestbook.html  or at

OHO's "Ocean City Ditty," the CD single is now available at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/oho4
(and, if you're in town, at Trax On Wax on Frederick Rd. in Catonsville, MD) OHO is Jay Graboski, David Reeve & Ray Jozwiak.  Please Visit http://www.ohomusic.com 

My latest solo offering, Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak, featuring original, instrumental piano music will be released April 7, 2014  Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak
(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/RayJozwiak)

Also, be sure to visit:
