Friday, February 11, 2011

Walk Like an Egyptian. . .

This was going to be my next post, although I knew that something could happen at any moment. . . and IT DID!!!!

"Shouldn't the citizens of a nation have a say in their government? Have we not evolved enough to appreciate
the simple truth in such a prospect?

What part of this does Mubarak (and his cronies, and the 'analysts', and other Arab leaders) not understand?
Does the Egyptian population have to paint him a picture?

Michael Scheuer (author and former CIA employee) says we (the U.S.) have intervened in the Middle East over the past 50 years consistently to support tyranny because it supported our interest. Supported tyranny and fascism. The best thing we can do is 'keep our mouth shut.'

Need I say more?"

Well, so much for being timely.

(hear my music at

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ho Hum. . .

No, I'm not bored. And I hope you're not either.

After surfing here a bit, I found something in which I participated awhile back and of which I am actually quite proud.

I should say, I really am on the internet for the music. Not to hear it. Not to buy it. Yes, I do those things and they are so easily wonderful to do on the web. But I am here (my 'strictly commercial' commercialism shines through now) to exploit my music. Prolly never make any money on it, but this is such a wonderful tool to 'spread' the music around to many good folk with very little effort.

So back to the "find". Speaking of the wonders of the internet, there is a website called, which for creative musicians is a godsend. In short, you join, you surf the site to find 'projects' (or start your own), ask to join (or ask others to join yours), post files (tracks) and have everyone contribute to, in essence, build a song (or a recording) performed by multiple musicians from virtually around the globe. Cool. . . you ask? Yes, I say!

So a little while back, a person named MINIME C. (very cryptic about identity and personal information) posted this funky, groovy kind of thing and ended up with various and sundry contributors contributing contributions to it. The title of the 'piece' is HO-HUM. I contributed digital piano, organ and trumpet. A solid funky bassist named Mark Brabson did a great bass part and VOILA! You can hear it by following this hyperlink.

Anyway, I loved it then and I love it now. I stumble upon it every now and then since it still hangs there in cyberspace.

Let me know what you think, please? (HO-HUM

(hear my other music at

Life is truly stranger than fiction. . .

By Theresa Masterson
updated 2/8/2011 3:36:54 PM ET
"A British tourist recently died after she allegedl flew to Philadelphia to get
silicone injections into her buttocks at a Hampton Inn, sources say.
Police are executing a search warrant at the Hampton Inn on Bartram Avenue
Tuesday afternoon with suspicions that someone is renting rooms in which he or
she performs butt implant procedures, sources say.
Suspicions of these hotel-room medical procedures came about after a woman
visiting from England allegedly died after a butt enhancement procedures and was
taken to a local hospital, according to court documents.
Several women from England recently traveled to Philadelphia to receive butt-
implant procedures in hotel rooms, court documents say.
The Delaware County medical examiner's autopsy is not yet complete."

(hear my music at

Aging or improving?. . .

There comes a time when certain facts must be faced. One fact, from which there is no hiding, is that I am getting old. Who isn't. Technically, one begins aging immediately after conception.

After a 'funerial' weekend, one can't help but ponder such concepts to some extent.

With regard to aging though, truth be told, it has advantages. I have finally reached a point where I have a lot more confidence than I had twenty years ago (boy, sure wish I HAD such confidence twenty years ago) and I actually like where I am. And I like being around young people, something that I didn't think too much about when I was a young person. I like the enthusiasm of younger people. And I don't necessarily feel a need to add my verbal two cents (unless I'm asked) while they are expressing their views with sincere, unwaivering conviction. I have even found that if I shut up and listen well, I can also learn something in the process.

Oh yeah, while writing this and checking email simultaneously, I received a message that says, "Attractive Senior single online looking for You!"


(Hear my music at

Then There Was. . .

I've always been curious about blogging and wary of tweeting. I mean, who really wants to know every fleeting thought that crosses my warped little mind? And I base this curiosity and wariness on my own tastes. In all honesty, I have little to no interest in the fleeting thoughts of too many people. If I think about it hard enough, I may be able to conjure up two or three names. But pop 'icons', actors/actresses (or other 'entertainers'), media 'celebrities', 'news' commentators, talk show hosts and politicians for the most part, have difficulty enough formulating a coherent sentence let alone expressing any thought, sentiment or observation about a topic that would be of even the most remote interest to ME.

So having said THAT, I begin my first blog. Yes, the thoughts, sentiments, observations, incoherent (and hopefully a few coherent) sentences and fleeting thoughts of MINE for all to see!

What the $*&#k was I thinking????

(Hear my music at