Showing posts with label background. Show all posts
Showing posts with label background. Show all posts

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Forward. . .

. . . please. . .
Many polls and publications claim that 90% of Americans support background checks for persons buying guns. Still Congress refuses to listen to their own constituents.  They refuse to listen to the very people who put them into office! It's time to put new people in office to represent us.  Start NOW.

Background checks are done for for a number of things on an everyday basis such as hiring employees, due diligence, litigation, when children are involved and before a relationship gets serious among others. A background check is NOT a violation of a right.  It's just plain SMART.

“Society & science are Humanity’s legs,
they both need to keep walking in order for humanity to  move.”

". . . But I know also, that laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths disclosed, and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also, and keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy, as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."
-Thomas Jefferson

Let's progress without the members of the current Congress!

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Friday, April 12, 2013

Digression. . .

. . . from human progress. . .
It would appear that this once well-intentioned and possibly practical organization has strayed far from its original intent and has become a proponent of arms manufacturering much to the detriment of the society it was founded to serve.  

Army and Navy Journal editor William Conant Church and General George Wood Wingate chartered the NRA in New York state in 1871. Its first president was Civil War General Ambrose Burnside, who had worked as a Rhode Island gunsmith, and Wingate was the original secretary of the organization.

Union Army records for the Civil War indicate that its troops fired about 1,000 rifle shots for each Confederate soldier hit, causing General Burnside to lament his recruits: "Out of ten soldiers who are perfect in drill and the manual of arms, only one knows the purpose of the sights on his gun or can hit the broad side of a barn." The generals attributed this to the use of volley tactics, devised for earlier, less accurate smoothbore muskets.  After observing European marksmanship training, General Wingate was convinced that U.S. forces were in need of better training.

Recognizing a need for better training, Wingate traveled to Europe and observed European armies' marksmanship training programs. With plans provided by Wingate, the New York Legislature funded the construction of a modern range at Creedmore, Long Island, for long-range shooting competitions. Wingate then wrote a marksmanship manual.

The publicity generated by a long-range shooting match to determine an Anglo-American championship in 1874 helped to establish breech-loading firearms (manufactured by match sponsors Remington Arms and Sharps Rifle Manufacturing Company) as suitable for military marksmanship training, and promoted the NRA to national prominence.

The organization has since metamorphosed into a highly financed and politically powerful group of extremists who value profits of gun sales (under the guise of protecting the U.S. Constitution) over that of human life and stop at nothing to ensure our spineless representatives are well compensated to be on board.

Witness below. . .

". . . "Expanding background checks, at gun shows or elsewhere, will not reduce violent crime or keep our kids safe in their schools," top NRA lobbyist Chris Cox wrote in a letter sent to senators Wednesday night. "Given the importance of these issues, votes on all anti-gun amendments or proposals will be considered in NRA's future candidate evaluations. "The NRA rates lawmakers based on how they vote on the group's priorities. The letter grades are highly influential and carry particular weight in rural states with a strong gun culture. . . ."

I promptly wrote to my representatives in Congress and pleaded (paraphrasing), '. . . I wonder how your NRA evaluations look.  I hope they look very BAD. . . '

(thanks to source

What do YOU think?

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Monday, June 6, 2011

The soundtrack. . .

With the discomfort of adolescence came confusion not only about my development as a person but about music. But with my musical confusion also came a wonderful period of listening, learning and enjoyment. Seems that for some, music is merely background; incidental, if you will. For others, such as myself, music is the soundtrack to life. An old friend of mine once said that Jethro Tull's TO CRY YOU A SONG 'got him through' high school. I knew exactly what he meant. A plethora of music got me through grade, middle, high school, college, marriage, children and the deaths of various friends and family members. Music is so much more to me than mere background. And music still 'gets me through' everything I do. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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