Showing posts with label Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clinton. Show all posts

Monday, May 16, 2016

Careful . . .

. . . with the vitriol and venom . . .

". . . (Jerry) Zeifman (Judiciary Committee Chief Counsel in the impeachment proceedings against Richard Nixon) said he maintained a transcribed diary during the impeachment proceedings, which he drew up upon two decades later in authoring the 1998 book Without Honor: The Impeachment of President Nixon and the Crimes of Camelot. That book makes it clear that Zeifman did not like (personally and professionally) a good many of the people he worked with during the Watergate investigation; in particular, he continually butted heads over issues of procedures and legal approaches with his boss, Judiciary Committee Chairman Peter Rodino, and Hillary's (Clinton, then Rodham) supervisor, Impeachment Inquiry Special Counsel John Doar. Zeifman accused both Rodino and Doar (as well as Hillary Rodham and others), without evidence, of supposedly dragging their feet on impeachment and "tanking" the investigation of President Nixon's wrongdoings, for reasons ranging from bribes offered by the Nixon White House to help with re-election bids, to a desire to enhance the Democrats' chances of winning the 1976 presidential election by keeping a discredited Nixon in office until the end of his term, to a plot to keep Richard Nixon from defending himself by bringing up past instances of presidential abuses of power (which would include dirt on the Kennedys). . ."

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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Robbers . . .

". . . I have read the Peter Schweizer book “ Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich.” . . . By the end I was certain of two things. A formal investigation, from Congress or the Justice Department, is needed to determine if Hillary Clinton’s State Department functioned, at least to some degree and in some cases, as a pay-for-play operation and whether the Clinton Foundation has functioned, at least in part, as a kind of high-class philanthropic slush fund. . . I wonder if any aspirant for the presidency except Hillary Clinton could survive such a book. I suspect she can because the Clintons are unique in the annals of American politics: They are protected from charges of corruption by their reputation for corruption. It’s not news anymore. They’re like . . . Bonnie and Clyde go on a spree, hold up a bunch of banks, it causes a sensation, there’s a trial, and they’re acquitted. They walk out of the courthouse, get in a car, rob a bank, get hauled in, complain they’re being picked on—“Why are you always following us?”—and again, not guilty. . . "

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My latest solo offering, No Frills, is now available at - No Frills

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://

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The Ocean City Ditty Video is now on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and


Sunday, April 24, 2016

Umpteen . . .

". . . for the umpteenth time in the Democratic presidential primary, there is a dominant narrative in the establishment news media that it is over for Bernie Sanders. News outlets have crunched the numbers, again, and after the loss to Hillary Clinton in New York, conventional wisdom is Sanders cannot win. . . Such harping is presented as if it is a neutral perspective solely based on mathematics that is not driven by any influence the Clinton campaign may have over media institutions. However, the fact is there are 1,400 pledged delegates left to win in contests. Clinton has 1,442 pledged delegates while Sanders has 1,209 pledged delegates. It’s a lead of 233 pledged delegates, which he could still overcome in June, especially if he continues to surge in California—a state with 475 delegates to be won. . . To put it more concisely, Sanders has a path to victory. His campaign is not all but done. It would be all but done if there weren’t over a thousand pledged delegates to be awarded. That is not the case. . .The Sanders campaign is in the midst of a war for a nomination that will give voters a viable alternative to two oligarchs in November, and it is not about to quit now. . ."  

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My latest solo offering, No Frills, is now available at - No Frills

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
The Ocean City Ditty Video is now on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Headlines . . .

"Massive Clinton voter fraud in NY
The Horn News‎ - 2 days ago"

"New York Primary Lawsuit: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know‎ - 2 days ago"

"New York Voters Report Irregularities at Poll Sites
Wall Street Journal‎ - 1 day ago"

"NY voters file lawsuit over alleged election fraud - NY Daily ..."

"Massive New York Protest Against Election Fraud - Reddit"

"PSA: That Shady Postcard You Got About The Primary ..."

"New York election disaster: Voter rolls purged -"

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My latest solo offering, No Frills, is now available at - No Frills

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
The Ocean City Ditty Video is now on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Pundits . . .

. . . and computers. . .

". . . The pundits love going to their computer maps on TV and showing us that even if Bernie wins the rest of the states 55 to 45 he still won’t catch her in earned delegates. Lets just be honest, they are trying to convince you to give up so you won't vote or will give your vote to the establishment.

But what they aren’t telling you is that neither candidate is on a path to win the minimum number of earned delegates needed to win the nomination. That both will need super delegate support to secure the magic number on earned delegates alone. And that super delegates wont actually be voting until the convention when all primary and caucus voting is done. At that point they as super delegates are tasked with selecting the candidate who will be the best candidate for the party to win not only the white house but also down ballot races in the general election. . ."

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Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!

The Ocean City Ditty Video is now on YouTube

My latest solo offering, Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak, featuring original, instrumental piano music is now available at - Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://

Also, be sure to visit:


Saturday, April 9, 2016

Perception . . .

". . . In politics, perception is reality, and both Caesar and his wife must be above suspicion. The perception is out there that despite clear language in the Democratic National Charter Article 5, the DNC and its chair have been trying to influence the outcome of the primary process. "SECTION 4. The National Chairperson shall serve full time and shall receive such compensation as may be determined by agreement between the Chairperson and the Democratic National Committee. In the conduct and management of the a airs and procedures of the Democratic National Committee, particularly as they apply to the preparation and conduct of the Presidential nomination process, the Chairperson shall exercise impartiality and evenhandedness as between the Presidential candidates and campaigns. The Chairperson shall be responsible for ensuring that the national officers and staff of the Democratic National Committee maintain impartiality and evenhandedness during the Democratic Party Presidential nominating process. . . And yet despite this the DNC has been involved in:
1. Scheduling primary debates to garner as few viewers as possible.
2. Grassroots Clinton field offices being co-located at DNC offices.
3. The attempted dismantling of Bernie Sanders’ campaign over one staffer’s mistake.
4. The DNC finance chair caught raising money for Clinton.
5. The DNC lining up super delegates for Clinton before first debate.
6. Created a hostile work environment that forced Rep Gabbard to resign as Vice Chair.
7. Using the press and their own private agitprop machine to keep the super delegate myth going. "Unpledged delegates exist, really, to make sure that party leaders and elected officials don’t have to be in a position where they are running against grassroots activists,” according to Chairperson, Debbie Wasserman Shultz.
8. Either thru negligence or conspiracy has allowed wide spread voter suppression and fraud affect numerous states, the most egregious being what played out in Arizona.
9. Painted New Democrats and independents looking to join the party, as outsiders and interlopers. Whether true or not, Debbie Wasserman Schultz has allowed the impression that the primaries are rigged, and that they have already hand picked their nominee. This has led not only to impugning the integrity of the process, but the possibility of fracturing the party beyond repair. Therefore we the undersigned Democrats, Independents looking to join a Democratic Party, and progressive Americans; ask that you, as Distinguished Leaders of the Party, call an emergency meeting of the Democratic National Committee, investigate these and any other charges, and if warranted remove Ms Wasserman-Schultz as Chair. In what may be the most important election of our lifetime, we cannot afford to go limping into battle. We need the Party to unite, not around a candidate; but around the principles that made our party great. This year we need a candidate not mired in the scandal of perceived political cronyism; and with the current leadership that seems impossible. For the good of our party, please help us save it. . . "

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The Ocean City Ditty Video is now on YouTube

My latest solo offering, Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak, featuring original, instrumental piano music is now available at - Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak

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your browser:  http://

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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Disingenuous? . . .

. . .  or conniving?

". . . Hillary claims that she has 2.5 million votes than Bernie Sanders. That claim is deceptive and disingenuous. . . Real Clear politics offers these numbers: Clinton 8,924,821, Sanders 6,397, 980
. . . Technically, it's accurate, but that's because of the nature of the primary election in many states where there are caucuses. In Caucus states, a lot less people participate in the voting because of the time involved. But those delegates represent millions of people. . . In reality her claim is another Hillary distortion, a reflection of the dishonesty that leads to her being highly distrusted by most voters. But none of the mainstream media have called her on this distortion. . ."

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Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!

The Ocean City Ditty Video is now on YouTube

My latest solo offering, Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak, featuring original, instrumental piano music is now available at - Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://

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Monday, April 4, 2016

Law . . .

. . . above or below? . . .

". . . Hillary Clinton and her aides not only violated numerous federal criminal statutes, but may have conducted a cover up to hide incriminating evidence – the likes of which forced Richard Nixon to resign as President. This article was intended to be a quick, digestable piece to help everyone get caught up on the scandal, but I really had no idea how complex this issue was. Here is the takeaway – I believe the FBI will refer Hillary Clinton for indictment for a violation of Section 1924 and Section 793 of Title 18 US Criminal Code dealing with deletion, retention and transmission of classified documents. If prosecuted and convicted, the punishment would be some combination of a fine, a year in prison or 10 years in prison. The implications for the Presidential race will be discussed. . ."

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Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!

The Ocean City Ditty Video is now on YouTube

My latest solo offering, Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak, featuring original, instrumental piano music is now available at - Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak

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your browser:  http://

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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Compellence . . .

. . . I can't help it.  I'm compelled . . .

". . . Bernie is the underdog, and he’s going to be vastly outspent by Secretary Clinton. 96% of the time, the candidate spending the most money wins a race. If he’s going to secure the Democratic nomination, leverage and insurance will be needed. 1,000,000+ voters pledged to write-in Senator Sanders will be a compelling argument for some Democratic primary voters.  Bloomberg Politics reports, “in Iowa and New Hampshire, with four-fifths of likely Democratic voters in both states saying they think Clinton is destined to be the nominee.” A write-in campaign is designed to undermine that “destiny.” Call it arm twisting, call it “breaking eggs,” call it compellence; we call it leverage on Democratic primary voters and insurance against corrupted super delegates “pledged” to another candidate before one primary vote is cast. A write-in strategy is an innovative idea to help a candidate secure a party’s nomination. . ."

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Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!

The Ocean City Ditty Video is now on YouTube

My latest solo offering, Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak, featuring original, instrumental piano music is now available at - Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak

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your browser:  http://

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Friday, April 1, 2016

Suspicious . . .

. . . I'm confused. . .

. . . so the DC Democratic Party remembered to get Clinton's name on the ballot in time but NOT Bernie Sanders'????. . .

". . .As a result of a registration error committed by the District of Columbia Democratic Party, Sen. Bernie Sanders won't appear on the Washington, D.C., ballot. . . The Vermont senator's name won't appear on the ballot because the party submitted the requisite paperwork one day too late. . . Both the Sanders campaign and Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton's campaign paid the $2,500 fee to appear on the June 14 Democratic primary ballot on time, but the district's Democratic Party failed to inform the Washington, D.C., Board of Elections until March 17, one day after the deadline. . . There are still avenues for Sanders to make the ballot — Anita Bonds, chairwoman of the Democratic Party in D.C., told News4 that the problem could be resolved via an emergency vote of the D.C. City Council. . ."

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Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!

The Ocean City Ditty Video is now on YouTube

My latest solo offering, Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak, featuring original, instrumental piano music is now available at - Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak

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your browser:  http://

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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Revealing . . .

. . . itself. . .
". . . Denise Gibbs, a Washington resident who supports Bernie Sanders, posted on Facebook that she had received a letter from Hillary Clinton, informing her where and when she can caucus. However, that information was inaccurate. The caucus location on the letter was not her caucus location. The letter also stated to arrive just 30 minutes (early), which led Denise to speculate that, “she wants me to do that, so I would not have enough time to get to my correct caucus location before the doors closed.”. . . "

". . . Hillary’s plan to steal Arizona was remarkably simple: Suppress voting on election day, and rely on her large lead with early voters to secure a win. It was a perfectly executed heist. Here’s how she did it: Drastically reduce the number of polling locations to make voting nearly impossible
For starters, polling places were almost non-existent . . ."

". . .Bernie Sanders, however, does present a moral risk for the corrupt Democratic Party and the Democratic National Committee, which are already turning on one of their own leading candidates. His years in politics so cleanly contrasts with the sordid, scandalized, cashing-in behavior of the Clintons. . . If and when Bernie Sanders is brought down by the very party he is championing, the millions of Bernie supporters, especially young voters, will have to consider breaking off into a new political party that will make American history. That means dissolving the dictatorial two-party duopoly and its ruinous, unpatriotic, democracy-destroying corporate paymasters. . ."

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Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!

The Ocean City Ditty Video is now on YouTube

My latest solo offering, Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak, featuring original, instrumental piano music is now available at - Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://

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Saturday, March 26, 2016

Ah, Trust (again) . . .

. . . wonder WHY this continues to be an issue . . .

". . . Following (several recent) victories . . . Hillary Clinton thanked her supporters — especially those who have given small amounts of money to her campaign. . . "Keep contributing at Please, please join the 950,000 supporters who already have contributed, most less than $100, because our campaign depends on small donations for the majority of our support," Clinton said. . . Candidates like to play up their small-dollar donations because they are a sign of grass-roots strength. For instance, the Bernie Sanders campaign often talks up its large small-donor base and small average donations. . . And in fact, of all the 2016 candidates, Sanders has done the best in this regard: Through Jan. 31, Sanders raised $67 million from small donors, or a whopping 70 percent of all the money he took in from individuals, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, an independent group that tracks campaign finance data. . . If one defines "the majority of our support" as dollars, then Clinton is wrong — small donations accounted for 17 percent of all of her individual donations, which is well short of a majority. In fact, the Campaign Finance Institute calculated that a clear majority of the funds Clinton had raised through Jan. 31 from individuals came from donors giving $2,700 — the legal maximum that anyone can give. . . We rate (Clinton's) statement Mostly False. . ."

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The Ocean City Ditty Video is now on YouTube

My latest solo offering, Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak, featuring original, instrumental piano music is now available at - Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak

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your browser:  http://

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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Desperate . . .

". . .The American political establishment is trying desperately to shift public opinion towards the belief that voters will elect a person they don't trust and don't like. It's not a conspiracy, however, it's simply the same dynamics that allowed Enron to seduce financial markets before its epic collapse. BusinessWeek wrote a glowing cover story on Enron in February of 2001, stating "Enron's success has not gone unnoticed, but it has a few advantages that competitors would be hard pressed to match." Ten months after this glowing review of Enron's prominence within the energy field, it went bankrupt. . . The same dynamics are at play with Hillary Clinton and poll numbers, as well as Clinton's "inevitability." Conventional logic is often rooted in a herd mentality . . ."

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Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!

The Ocean City Ditty Video is now on YouTube

My latest solo offering, Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak, featuring original, instrumental piano music is now available at - Just More Music by Ray Jozwiak

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://

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