Thursday, June 9, 2022

Reminder . . .

. . . this idiot is still on the loose . . . 

As much as we'd like to totally forget this existed, it's still out there and with a rapt audience.

". . . said the insurrection is “another con job just like Russia, Russia, Russia.” “This was made up by Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, a total fake story,” he said. The former president then claimed he has been investigated more than Al Capone and a list of other infamous criminals in history. “Don’t forget: I’ve been investigated more than Billy the Kid, Jesse James, and the great legendary mobster Alphonse Capone, did anyone ever hear of him? Al Capone,” Trump said. “If you add them all up and double them and triple them, I’ve taken the cake for investigations.”. . . “Before we nation build around the world we should be building safe schools for our own children, in our own nation, and in our own towns,” Trump said, suggesting that somehow buildings can prevent shootings better than gun reform. The Wyoming rally came the day after Trump’s appearance at a National Rifle Association convention where he read the names of the Uvalde school shooting victims and concluded the speech with a dance. . ."

Make It Go Away
- Sheryl Crow

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