Friday, December 6, 2013

Freedom From? . . .

(from Ain't Nothing Like Freedom by Cynthia McKinney)

". . . The old 11th District that first sent me to Congress was Georgia's second poorest district.  People paid rent, but didn't have running water in their homes.  Why was it, then, that when Blacks finally did get representation, the Anti-Defamation League, an organization that purports to be a "civil rights organization," filed an amicus curiae brief on the side of the five White plaintiffs, and against the 649,995 Blacks and Whites who were working together in that district, in a lawsuit designed to dismantle that district and allow insensitive representatives to continue to fail to serve Georgia's poor, rural, and much-neglected Black Belt?  Surely, the Anti-Defamation League would support poor Blacks who had never had authentic Congressional representation, right?  Wrong.

And as I think about it, it might have also had something to do with me not signing the pledge for Israel. . . "

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