Monday, May 25, 2020

Revealing . . .

. . . some facts (again)

". . . Trump didn’t build the pre-coronavirus economy he hails as his own. He inherited its major trends. This is true by just about every major metric, such as job growth and the decline in the unemployment rate, both of which had been steady during the Obama years and carried over into Trump’s presidency. . . Trump, of course, regularly claims he inherited a smoldering landscape of economic wreckage and turned it into a spectacular, glittering success. But it may now become harder to get away with this nonsense. . . Meanwhile, Trump might be in a better position to argue that he will rebuild our economy if he hadn’t thrown away whatever “economic populist” cred he once enjoyed. His massive corporate tax cut lavished most of its benefits on the wealthy while doing little for working people. He and Republicans are still trying to gut the Affordable Care Act’s health-care protections for millions. . ."

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

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The Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano You Tube Channel

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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Democratic? . . .

(from We Were Eight Years In Power by Ta-Nehisi Coates)
". . . And so the most powerful country in the world has handed over all of its affairs - the prosperity of an entire economy, the security of some 300 million citizens, the purity of its water, the viability of its air, the safety of its food, the future of its vast system of education, the soundness of its national highways, airways, and railways, the apocalyptic potential of its nuclear arsenal - to a carnival barker who introduced the phrase "grab 'em by the pussy" into the national lexicon. It is as if the white tribe united in demonstration to say, "If a black man can be president, then any white man - no matter how fallen - can be president." And in that perverse way the democratic dreams of Jefferson and Jackson were fulfilled. . . "

The Hours
©2017 Raymond M. Jozwiak
(from the unreleased 'Phatso' collection of improvisations on Moog Phatty

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Mystery . . .

You suspect that you know just who did it,
You have reason to think he'll admit it
When confronted with facts that we submit.
It's my mystery.

My Mystery
©2014 Raymond M. Jozwiak
from the album 2014

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

Friday, May 22, 2020

Clarity . . .

You said our love would last forever
It depends on what you mean by ‘forever’
You said we’d always be together
It depends on what you mean by ‘together’
You said you’d always want me near
And if I’d ever leave you’d welcome me back
It depends on what you mean
It depends on what you mean by that

You’re not distracted by another
It depends on what you mean by ‘distracted’
You took a vow said you’d be faithful
It depends on what you think
‘Make a vow’ means
You told me never have a fear
Nothing would change
No matter how the cards were stacked
It depends on what you mean
It depends on what you mean by that

I always hoped that you would be
Able to stop
And turn around in your tracks
It depends on what you mean
It depends on what you mean by that

©2015 Raymond M. Jozwiak
from Just More Music

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Never . . .

Never in a million
Will you find another one
That matches, to the n'th degree,
Yourself, under the sun.

Never In A Million

©2020 Raymond M. Jozwiak
(Improvisation on chord changes based upon a previous composition)

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Better . . .

. . . we deserve better . . . 

". . . On April 30, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 63-page draft of recommended guidelines for opening America leaked to the press. The CDC’s guide, which had already been submitted to the White House, reflected the current state of the science on the coronavirus and how to prevent it from spreading in communities once lockdown measures end. If implemented, it would have offered some of the most precise guidance the public had received since the COVID-19 pandemic began. . . Unfortunately, those recommendations will not be implemented. The guide was shelved by the White House before it was ever officially published, with Vice President Mike Pence’s task force complaining that the rules were restrictive and “overly specific.” The implication here was that the White House wished to avoid anything prescriptive or difficult to implement. And so instead, a much sparer and looser set of CDC guidelines for “reopening” was published online on May 14: “Communities, Schools, Workplaces and Events: Guidance for Where You Live, Work, Learn, Pray and Play.”Ambiguity in these circumstances is not neutral. It is harmful. And we deserve better. . . "

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

For all things "Gonzo Piano" please visit:
Ray Jozwiak -
The Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano Website
The Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano You Tube Channel

For all things "OHO" please visit:
OHO on Amazon
OHO Music Website
The 'More OHO Music' You Tube Website
The 'Original' OHO Music You Tube Website

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Never . . .

. . . in a million . . . 

. . . Whenever I record a version of a new composition, I like to take the 'skeleton', or some (or most) of the rhythm tracks, duplicate the solo section, then go crazy, either on piano or with several different instruments.  By 'crazy', I mean improvising on the chords of the solo section ad nauseam; after all, this is what I do at the piano for hours at a time when I am home;  and NO, I don't just mean now, because of 'quarantine', I mean ALL the time. . . this is the piano 'crazy' solo version.  I expect to add some instrumental variety next. . .  

Never In A Million
©2020 Raymond M. Jozwiak
(Improvisation on chord changes based upon 'Can't' (or 'Won't' -- not really sure what the title will be)

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Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings
 For all things "Gonzo Piano" please visit:
Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano on CD
The Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano Website
The Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano You Tube Channel

For all things "OHO" please visit:
The OHO CD Website
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The 'More OHO Music' You Tube Website
The 'Original' OHO Music You Tube Website