Saturday, April 21, 2018

Denial . . .

". . . John McCain is not a war hero . . . "Four times, I said he is a hero," he said on July 19 on ABC.  . . Trump said, "He is a war hero because he was captured." In other words, Trump also cherry-picked his interview and misquoted himself. . .

Calling women ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs’ and ‘disgusting animals’. . . at the first GOP presidential debate in August 2015. . . "Well, some of the things that she (Megyn Kelly) said, I didn't say, okay?" Trump said on Meet the Press. . .

Implying China was part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership . . . When asked about the pending trade deal with 12 Pacific Rim nations at a Republican primary debate in Milwaukee, Trump took to bashing China. . . "You know, we might want to point out that China’s not part of this deal," quipped former rival Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. But a day later, Trump denied suggesting China was a signatory. . .

Using a curse word to describe Ted Cruz . .  . Trump denied using "a very bad word" — a synonym for cat — at a rally in Manchester, N.H., and demanded an apology from Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin for suggesting he had done so. . . .(but) There’s video evidence. An audience member called Trump rival Ted Cruz a slur for a woman. Trump repeated the p---- word after telling fans it was a "terrible" word in mock outrage. . .

As Democrats mounted efforts to pass gun control legislation in the wake of the Orlando shooting, Trump brought up the proverbial "good guy with a gun" argument, which goes that mass casualties could have been avoided if one civilian in the club were armed. . . Under scrutiny for his comment, Trump insisted he meant armed security, not clubgoers. . . In an interview on CNN, Trump said armed "people" in general, possibly exercising concealed carry, could have prevented the tragedy, and he ignored a reporter when she pointed out that there was an armed security guard in the club. . .

On having one of the world’s best memories . . . To cap it all, Trump ironically can’t remember bragging about his memory as revealed in his deposition for a Trump University lawsuit. Here’s what he said, according to transcript released in late June:
"Q. You’ve stated though, that you have one of the best memories in the world?
A. I don’t know. Did I use that expression?
Q. Yes.
A. Where? Could I see it?
Q. I can play the video of you reporting it.
A. Did I say I have a great memory or one of the best in the world.
Q. "One of the best in the world" is what the reporter quoted you as saying
A. I don’t remember saying that. As good as my memory is, I don’t remember that, but I have a good memory." . . . "

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Friday, April 20, 2018

Bruises . . .

Bruises received
Are never acceptable
Inflicted by life though
Can be bad or good
Tacky to flaunt them
But sometimes they seem
A well-needed lesson
Be it small or extreme

©2018 Raymond M. Jozwiak

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Thursday, April 19, 2018

Tolerance . . .

". . . Those still working in Washington and in Trump’s Cabinet have hard choices to make. Each person has to weigh their commitment to the country against the damage that will come to them. I believe that working for Donald Trump, especially closely, damages everybody. And all of us have to decide individually: How much stain can I tolerate in service to my country? . . . Trump may not change completely, but there is opportunity for change at the margins. And that's something that all of us can try and help accomplish. He’s a smart person. He's deeply self-interested, and as he comes to understand that you can't do whatever you want as president of the United States, hopefully he also learns there are things the Republicans will not tolerate. And if Republicans do believe that values matter, it's time for them to stand up and put an ethical fence around him in a way that will protect the country. . ."

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(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Barry Lee . . .

. . . and Ludwig . . .
. . . Live long enough and everything will come to pass . .

The Chef was in town .  . .  "Bleeding the 5th." WOW! What a stellar performance. We are finished recording. One last session to assemble everything before CD (OHO's Gazebo) manufacture.

. . . like OHO just may be inspired by you!!!!

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(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Conflict . . .

". . . “Why doesn’t @FoxNews have a conflict of interest policy requiring Hannity to disclose his personal interest in the Cohen search when commenting on it?” tweeted Walter Shaub, the former director of the independent Office of Government Ethics. . . A spokesperson for Fox News did not immediately respond to questions from NBC News about the relationship between Hannity and Cohen. . ."

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(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and

Monday, April 16, 2018

Stating . . .

. . . the obvious . . .
. . . in a country that refuses to help itself . . .

".  . . President Donald Trump is such an indiscriminate liar that he sometimes doesn't even know he's lying, former FBI Director James Comey said in an interview with ABC News that aired Sunday night. He said Trump was "morally unfit" to hold his office. . . "Our president must embody respect and adhere to the values that are at the core of this country, the most important being truth," Comey said last week, according to a transcript of the entire interview that ABC News published Sunday night. "This president is not able to do that. He is morally unfit to be president.". . . Trump lies are so promiscuous that "sometimes he's lying in ways that are obvious, sometimes he's saying things that we may not know are true or false, and then there's a spectrum in between," Comey said, according to ABC News. . . "

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(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and


Sunday, April 15, 2018

From Deep . . .

. . . inside . . .

Like house and soldiers
Checkers and chess
My heart and soul
Paid dearly their dues
Learning we called it
and learning it was
But I itched to be finished
And to make my own news

Was not really concerned
Of the what and the how
Being preoccupied
With the here and the now
Everyone I encountered
Was informed of my view
No holds barred
I bombarded not few

Now lo many an issue transpired
I have seen countless things
Have lived well was inspired
Maybe you do not know me
From exploits derrynge do
But I've devoted my all
To endeavors unfew
It isn't fatigue or exhaustion I feel
It's just time for the new

Heart Purge Three
©2017 Raymond M. Jozwiak

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Tell me at  or at 

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(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
Watch The Ocean City Ditty Video on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and