Thursday, May 2, 2013

Well. . .

. . . at the dedication of the Bush (league?) Library last week, the honoree's father, George H.W., along with Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, dutifully latched on to the positive about the junior Bush's eight years in the Oval Office, eliminating the negative and, "as in Johnny Mercer's old song, didn't mess with Mr. In Between."

Nothing about the futile war in Iraq, the economic meltdown, the suspicious circumstances of 911, the blatant robbery of the civil rights of Americans the honoree left behind. The former presidents essentially praised W not as a great national leader but a well-meaning guy whose heart was in the right place in spite of all the obstacles he faced. Obama praised his predecessor for his "incredible strength and resolve" regarding 911 and actually called W  "a good man" who was "comfortable in his own skin."

The entire affair was an exercise in the suspension of disbelief over major decisions in foreign policy,  treatment of war detainees, and dealing with a domestic economy in trouble as he departed office.  Nevertheless, W  maintained the same composure he has shown since leaving office (and during his tenure, come to think of it)-silent and immune to public criticism. His major contribution to his party has been in keeping a low public profile, steering clear of becoming defensive and of criticizing the Obama administration. 

How will history will appraise George W. Bush? The most recent Washington Post/ABC News poll indicates that his approval rating has climbed from 30 percent in 2008 to 47 percent now, and his disapproval has dropped from 68 percent then to 50 percent. But he still he has a way to go to rival another once-dismissed president, Harry Truman. From a low of 22 percent approval, Truman rose steadily and is now among the 10 most highly regarded presidents.

Insurmountable for Bush?  I certainly hope so.

The Bush library and the willing suspension of disbelief
The former presidents gathered in Dallas glossed over the unpleasantness of 43's administration, but history will not be so kind
April 29, 2013|By Jules Witcover
Jules Witcover is a syndicated columnist and former long-time writer for The Baltimore Sun. His latest book is "Joe Biden: A Life of Trial and Redemption" (William Morrow). His email is]

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Thank. . .

. . . goodness
. . . or at least the president. . .

President Barack Obama says the international community must first agree that chemical weapons were used by the Syrian regime. The U.S. will NOT act unilaterally and Obama says there must be an international consensus on whether President Bashar al-Assad's regime used chemical weapons. In other words, the chance of U.S. military involvement is now more remote. We may, however, be providing the formerly refused arms to rebels in the near future.

There exists very little interest among NATO members for military intervention in Syria. The president said, ". . . I've got to make sure I've got the facts."

Problem is that many of the rebels battling Damascus are allied with Islamic extremists. And Obama wants to avoid one more conflict after winding down the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The public doesn't appear to want that either according to some recent news organization polls.

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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ah, wine. . .

and. . .RAY JOZWIAK (Gonzo Piano)
at Elk Run Vinyards this Friday

"Give me books, French wine, fruit, fine weather and a little music played out of doors by somebody I do not know."
-John Keats

"Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance."
-Benjamin Franklin

"The wine-cup is the little silver well, Where truth, if truth there be, doth dwell."
-William Shakespeare

"I cook with wine; sometimes I even add it to the food."
-W. C. Fields

Friday, May 3, 2013 @ 6:00PM
Elk Run Vinyards
15113 Liberty Road  Mt. Airy, MD 21771 
Phone: 410-775-2513 • Fax: 410-875-2009 •
TOLL FREE: 800-414-2513

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Monday, April 29, 2013

Two Gems. . .

"Republican comes in the dictionary just after reptile and just above repugnant."
-Julia Roberts

"Being Liberal Means Being A Hypocrite"

While both statements are hilariously funny, particularly to those leaning opposite the position of which the fun is being made, both statements have much in common, one of which is being an over-simplified, inaccurate generalization of a very large, diverse group.

But the most glaring and relevant quality these statements share is:


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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Beer? . . .

Adolphus Busch IV, heir to the Busch family brewing fortune, resigned his lifetime membership in the National Rifle Association recently, writing in a letter to NRA President David Keene, "I fail to see how the NRA can disregard the overwhelming will of its members who see background checks as reasonable."

The resignation came a day after the Senate rejected a series of amendments to a gun control bill, including a bipartisan deal to expand background checks for gun sales. The NRA had vigorously opposed all those measures.

"The NRA I see today has undermined the values upon which it was established," wrote Busch. "Your current strategic focus clearly places priority on the needs of gun and ammunition manufacturers while disregarding the opinions of your 4 million individual members."

Busch joined the NRA in 1975 and has spoken before of his love of hunting. But the NRA has moved in a direction that Busch would not follow. "One only has to look at the makeup of the 75-member board of directors, dominated by manufacturing interests, to confirm my point. The NRA appears to have evolved into the lobby for gun and ammunition manufacturers rather than gun owners," he wrote.

Busch told Keene, "It disturbs me greatly to see this rigid new direction of the NRA." He singled out the gun lobby's reversal of its 1999 position in favor of universal background checks, as well as its opposition to an assault weapons ban and a ban on high-capacity magazines. "I am simply unable to comprehend how assault weapons and large capacity magazines have a role in your vision," he wrote.

"Was it not the NRA position to support background checks when Mr. LaPierre himself stated in 1999 that NRA saw checks as 'reasonable'?" Busch wrote, referring to NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre's testimony at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing in the wake of the 1999 Columbine High School shooting.

At that time, LaPierre said the NRA believed that universal background checks were a "reasonable" choice. The group even took out ads in major newspapers that read, "We believe it's reasonable to provide for instant background checks at gun shows, just like gun stores and pawn shops."

One week after that hearing, LaPierre rolled out the same argument that he would use 14 years later to attack President Barack Obama's gun safety proposals -- namely, that until the government prosecutes more background check violations, there is no point in expanding them.

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

This is my last . . .

a.   waltz
b.   visit
c.   cigarette
d.   gig this week

[The answer is d.]

Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano
at Elk Run Wine Down Fridays
Friday, May 3, 2013 @ 6:00PM
Elk Run Vineyards
15113 Liberty Road  Mt. Airy, MD 21771
Phone: 410-775-2513 • Fax: 410-875-2009 •
TOLL FREE: 800-414-2513

But this is still a GREAT song. . .

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My latest release, Black & White Then Back,
can be downloaded digitally at:
Ray Jozwiak: Black & White Then Back

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Clown. . .

Are YOU lovin' it???

McDonald's was fined by a consumer protection agency in Brazil for targeting children in advertisements for  Happy Meals in the amount of 3.2 million reais (US $1.6 million). And though the amount may not make much of a dent in the fast food giant's pocketbook, the agency leveling the fine could issue additional citations should the firm persist in the offensive practices.

"There's no need to appeal as they do to children without the maturity or the rationality to enter the market as consumers," said an agency representative. The penalty is the latest in a series of increasingly aggressive tactics by Brazilian regulators, who recently have cracked down on large firms for perceived consumer abuses. In recent months, phone companies and private health plans have all been penalized for violation of consumers.

Here at home, a judge threw out a lawsuit against Happy Meal marketing. U.S. regulators have urged companies to voluntarily end food advertising to children unless they are promoting healthy fare, but typically, industry groups are putting up a fierce fight - Surprise! In calculated cooperation, McDonald's has added apples and reduced the amount of french fries in its children's Happy Meals, but insist on keeping the free toy. They also began listing calorie information on menus throughout the United States before the national rule requiring same.
(thanks to The American Journal of Transportation)

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