Showing posts with label stahl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stahl. Show all posts

Friday, August 26, 2016

Compromise . . .

. . . is Essential . . . in life.   Why not in government?

An excerpt from a CBS 60 Minutes interview with Representative John Boehner, who was then about to become Speaker of the House following the Republican success in the 2010 congressional elections:

JOHNBOEHNER: It means working together.

LESLEYSTAHL: It also means compromising.

[ . . . ]

BOEHNER: I made clear I am not going to compromise on my principles, nor am I going to compromise . . . the will of the American people.

STAHL: And you’re saying, “I want common ground, but I’m not going to compromise.” I don’t understand that. I really don’t.

BOEHNER: When you say the word “compromise”. . . a lot of Americans look up and go, “Uh-oh, they’re going to sell me out.”

[ . . . ]

STAHL: . . . you did compromise [to get all the Bush tax cuts made permanent]?

BOEHNER: . . . we found common ground. STAHL: Why won’t you say–you’re afraid of the word.

BOEHNER: I reject the word.2

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