Showing posts with label republican. Show all posts
Showing posts with label republican. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Much . . .

At this point (about 11:15AM) in Michael Cohen's testimony, when only two Republican committee members have spoken, I find it odd that all of the characterizations these two are casting upon Cohen aptly apply to 'Individual Number One'.

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Saturday, February 16, 2019

Obvious? . . .

". . . The Wisconsin Legislature's Black Caucus, which is composed entirely of Democrats, drafted the annual resolution to honor dozens of prominent African-Americans from Wisconsin. An early draft included (Colin) Kaepernick, the one-time San Francisco 49ers quarterback who started the movement of kneeling in protest during the national anthem at games. . . The resolution draft credited Kaepernick, a Milwaukee native, as an athlete and political activist who "has sought to raise attention to racial injustice and systemic oppression." . . . But Republicans blocked the resolution until Democrats agreed to leave Kaepernick out. He does not appear in the updated text. A final version has not been approved. . . State Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke, a Republican, said GOP lawmakers would not endorse Kaepernick's inclusion "for obvious reasons" and to avoid including controversial figures. The resolution's author, Democratic Rep. David Crowley, called the move a "slap in the face" and a "textbook example of white privilege," noting that he he had to "get the blessing of all of my white counterparts" to get the resolution passed. . . "

. . . obviously, misguided "lawmakers"

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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

One . . .

. . . of the 'good' things done by this president ? . . .

". . . Emerson's (Electric Co. of Sydney, OH) and other companies' payments (Emerson made a $1,000 "special contribution" to each employee's 401(k) retirement account) were a publicity bonanza for the Trump administration and the then-Republican-controlled Congress. Back in 2017, as the tax bill moved on the Hill, lawmakers claimed the cut they proposed in the corporate tax rate to 21 percent from 35 percent would trickle down to workers in the form of higher wages and bonuses. Emerson's action, and similar bonuses and wage increases, trumpeted by hundreds of companies like AT&T Corp. and Walmart Corp., provided proof the Republicans had their economic theory right. . . Or did they? For many of those same companies, a tiny fraction of the total number of U.S. businesses, executives haven't yet announced another round of bonuses or wage increases with the same fanfare — even though the tax law continues to mean billions for their bottom lines. Several advocacy groups that tracked the announcements said no new proclamations have been issued. Americans for Tax Reform, a conservative anti-tax group run by Grover Norquist which boasted last year of ongoing "good news" in bonuses and benefit increases, hasn't reported any announcement for three months. Americans for Tax Reform didn't respond to requests for comment. . . Most American businesses that announced bonuses and wage increases seem to be more like Emerson, which has "no plans to make an additional 401(k) contribution this year," a company spokeswoman said. . . That's what has made the promise of higher compensation so far elusive. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported nominal wages increased 3.2 percent in January year over year, and by less than one percent — three cents to $27.56 — month over month. While some economists have voiced enthusiasm about the improvement, other economists note that wages must grow for a sustained period to offset decades of stagnation. . ."

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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Thou . . .

. . . shalt not generalize . . . 

(from [Republican Family Values])
". . . After two years in office, at least one thing about Trump has become predictable, writes James Risen. He reacts violently whenever Mueller appears to be making progress in his investigation. Never forget that everything Trump does is about saving his own skin. . ."

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Monday, December 17, 2018

Lawmakers? . . .

. . . a designation of which (in this case) is quite disturbing . . .

". . . Two years after North Carolina first used a special legislative session to pass a series of bills limiting the powers of its incoming Democratic governor, GOP legislators in Wisconsin and Michigan followed suit, pushing through sweeping changes to the governor's power, the judiciary, and voter access after key midterm losses. . . Both national and statewide experts said they had never  seen such efforts like the ones in Wisconsin and Michigan before — and that the GOP actions indicate a new level of toxicity has arrived in state government. . . Conservative lawmakers in each state have insisted the efforts are not part of a power grab, even as some have expressed disdain for the liberal leanings of the incoming administrations. As the conservative Commentary Magazine pointed out, the efforts are not entirely unprecedented in U.S. history. . . "
(italics mine)

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Monday, November 26, 2018

Crazy . . .

(from, former chairman of the Republican National Committee)
 “. . . just shut the hell up and get on the helicopter. Give us a rest from your crazy. You don’t know the 9th circuit from a circuit breaker. It’s Thanksgiving for crying out loud. Let us be thankful for your silence. You’ve said enough this week.”

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Friday, October 26, 2018

But Now . . .

". . . sometime between the 1860s and 1936, the (Democratic) party of small government became the party of big government, and the (Republican) party of big government became rhetorically committed to curbing federal power. How did this switch happen? . . . Eric Rauchway, professor of American history at the University of California, Davis, pins the transition to the turn of the 20th century, when a highly influential Democrat named William Jennings Bryan blurred party lines by emphasizing the government's role in ensuring social justice through expansions of federal power — traditionally, a Republican stance. . . Republicans didn't immediately adopt the opposite position of favoring limited government. "Instead, for a couple of decades, both parties are promising an augmented federal government devoted in various ways to the cause of social justice," Rauchway wrote in a 2010 blog post for the Chronicles of Higher Education. Only gradually did Republican rhetoric drift to the counterarguments. The party's small-government platform cemented in the 1930s with its heated opposition to the New Deal. . ."

Now You've Changed
©1991 Raymond M. Jozwiak

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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Why . . .

. . . don't we simply require our 'elected officials' (of both 'camps') to PROVE 'conspiracy' theories and penalize them if they make an accusation that they cannot substantiate.  This would save the taxpayers (US!!!) much money in wasted time . . . (case in point below)

". . . McConnell said that since Ford’s original letter became public, “a literal mudslide of wild, uncorroborated accusations have poured out.”. . . “This mudslide has been actively embraced, urged on and capitalized upon by Democrats inside this chamber and [by] far-left special interests outside,” he added. . . Despite the allegations, McConnell said again that he plans to hold a final floor vote on Kavanaugh’s nomination in the next few days, and argued that Kavanaugh has “sterling academic credentials” and praised his “widely acknowledged legal brilliance.”. . . "

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Saturday, September 29, 2018

More Pot . . .

. . . calling the kettle 'names'. . .

(quote from Brett Kavanaugh during Senate judiciary hearing of September 27, 2018)
Kavanaugh called Democratic opposition to his nomination ". . . revenge on behalf of the Clintons . . . and millions of dollars in money from outside left-wing opposition groups . . . "

The strong objection to millions of dollars rings very hollow in light of the 'massive' amounts of legislation proposed by Republicans to rid government of corruption . . .

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Saturday, August 25, 2018

Siding . . .

. . . is NOT what this is about . . .

". . . Beto O’Rourke, the Democrat challenging GOP Sen. Ted Cruz in the midterm elections, is being slammed by Republicans for saying (included in detailed, thorough, intelligent and respectful remarks in answer to a question from the audience) there is “nothing more American” than kneeling during the national anthem. . . O’Rourke, a Democratic congressman, was asked at a recent campaign event about NFL players who kneel during the anthem. O’Rourke replied, “I can think of nothing more American than to peacefully stand up, or take a knee for your rights anytime, anywhere, any place.”. . . Cruz tweeted (in a not so thorough, intelligent and respectful manner), "Most Texans stand for the flag, but Hollywood liberals are so excited that Beto is siding with NFL players protesting the national anthem that Kevin Bacon just retweeted it. That means all of us us can now win Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon!" . . . "

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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Bananas . . .

. . . philosophy (and lack of it) and 'you-know-who's' recent security clearance actions . . .

"The message he is sending is: Don't Cross Me!"
-Mary McCord (former acting Asistant Attorney General)

"Milquetoast responses from Republican senators . . . " (from high-ranking Republican members of Congress)
'Christina Greer (Fordham University Professor)

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Sunday, June 24, 2018

Excerpt . . .

. . . from and article containing some real food for thought . . .

A large number of Democrats and Republicans signed the National Defense Authorization Act for the year 2012, which critics say allows for the indefinite detention of American citizens on U.S. soil without due process. President Obama pledged to veto the NDAA, but went back on his word and signed it into law with the indefinite detention provision included. Mitt Romney says that he would do the same.

The Bush-era Patriot Act, which allows for warrantless wiretapping, was passed with bipartisan support and recently extended by policymakers of both parties. Romney has voiced his support for the controversial legislation. Obama supported it as a senator and signed the extension into law as president.

Both the Republican and Democratic administrations have attempted to justify the use of extrajudicial targeted killing, the killing of people without trial or substantive due process, including American citizens.

The Democratic and Republican parties both generally support the vastly-growing use of unmanned aerial combat drones in the Middle East . . .

Both parties will also allow drones to patrol the skies of the United States. The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012, which calls for the use of up to 30,000 drones in U.S. airspace, passed the Senate with overwhelming bipartisan support.

In an apparent direct conflict of interest, 130 Republican and Democratic congressional members have invested in company stocks while making legislative decisions that impact those same companies.

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Saturday, June 2, 2018

More . . .

TRUMP, on a possible summit with North Korea: "The Failing @nytimes quotes 'a senior White House official,' who doesn't exist, as saying 'even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.' WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources." — tweet Saturday.
THE FACTS: Actually, the source does exist. The White House official addressed a group of reporters as part of a background briefing arranged by the White House press office. . . While Trump has criticized the use of unidentified sources and labeled information related by anonymous officials "fake news," his White House regularly arranges briefings with officials who demand anonymity before relaying information. An Associated Press reporter in attendance at last week's briefing questioned why it was not on the record — meaning that the official's name could be used. The official said Trump had been talking publicly that day and so the briefing was intended to provide "background context."

TRUMP: "This whole Russia Probe is Rigged. Just an excuse as to why the Dems and Crooked Hillary lost the Election and States that haven't been lost in decades. 13 Angry Democrats, and all Dems if you include the people who worked for Obama for 8 years. #SPYGATE & CONFLICTS OF INTEREST!" — tweet Saturday.
THE FACTS: Trump's suggestion that the investigations into Russia meddling are "phony" and have yielded nothing is incorrect. So far, four Trump associates have been charged in Mueller's investigation, of whom three have pleaded guilty to lying to the authorities. Among them are Michael Flynn, former White House national security adviser, and Rick Gates, a former Trump campaign aide. Overall, 19 people, including 13 Russians, have been charged. (in response to additional Tweets) He refers to Mueller's team as "13 angry Democrats," but Mueller is a Republican and some others on his team owe their jobs largely to Republican presidents. Mueller did not work for President Barack Obama for eight years, as Trump states, but was FBI chief for less than six years under Obama, leaving in September 2013. He was nominated to be FBI director by Republican President George W. Bush in 2001.

TRUMP: "We've done a lot of work on the wall. We're doing a lot of work on security, generally speaking, security and border — border security. The border's down over 40 percent, and don't forget, we have a great economy, probably the best economy the country's ever had. So people come across, but we're going to get the rest." — interview broadcast Thursday with "Fox & Friends."
THE FACTS: Illegal crossings actually are up 20 percent since he became president, according to the yardstick he uses to measure them — the number of Border Patrol arrests. There is no precise measure of illegal crossings because some people don't get caught. The Trump administration uses arrests as the best gauge of whether crossings are going up or down. The Obama administration did likewise.

TRUMP: "This week, we passed a new landmark legislation to give more choice and better care to our great veterans. We're going to take care of our veterans. We're doing a great job with them. We are taking care, finally after decades, we're taking care of our veterans." — speech Friday.
THE FACTS: Congress passed a wide-ranging plan last week to expand private care for veterans as an alternative to the Veterans Affairs health system, but it'll take at least a year to implement and its actual scope in expanding choice to veterans will depend on the next VA secretary, who has yet to be confirmed. A successful expansion of private care will also depend on an overhaul of electronic health records at VA to allow for a seamless sharing of records with private physicians. That overhaul will take at least 10 years to be fully complete. The legislation would also expand a VA caregivers program to cover families of veterans of all eras, not just the families of veterans who were seriously injured in the line of duty since Sept. 11, 2001. Implementation of that program won't begin until after the VA secretary can provide assurances to Congress that the department's IT systems can handle a surge in new applicants. A phased rollout of benefits won't be fully finished until more than two years afterward.

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Monday, February 12, 2018

On It Goes . . .

". . . Trump told Democrats they would have to “re-do” their rebuttal to a Republican memo alleging FBI bias against him because it is “very political and long.”. . . "

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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Trust . . .

. . . whom?

". . . House Republicans are sharply divided over how to handle a classified memo that President Donald Trump’s allies say contains explosive details of misconduct by senior FBI and Justice Department officials. . .The memo, compiled by House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes and fellow Republicans on the panel, claims that senior federal officials abused a secret surveillance program, commonly known as FISA, to target the Trump campaign. . ."

". . . In early 2017, he (Devin Gerald Nunes) was criticized for bias in a congressional investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections. On April 6, 2017, he temporarily stepped aside from leading that investigation while the Office of Congressional Ethics investigates charges that he improperly disclosed classified information to the public, but he remains committee chairman for other purposes. . ."

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Saturday, February 3, 2018

Untangle. . .

". . . It’s actually the modern Republican Party that’s the spiritual successor of the pre-1964 Democratic Party. Please understand, though: This article isn’t a partisan smearfest. The story behind all this doesn’t make any region of the county look good, nevermind political organizations. . . It’s kind of a convoluted story, so let’s untangle all this piece by piece. . . Lahren skewered the Democratic Party for hypocrisy after donor Benjamin Barber was recorded calling black Republicans “f—ked in the head” for “helping the enemy who want to destroy them.” She points out that the ostensibly liberal organization has a troubling institutional history of racism. . . As she put it:  Well, it was southern Democrats that fought for slavery. Oh, and the KKK, it was originally an arm of the southern Democratic Party. The mission: to terrorize freed slaves, and those who sympathize with them which would be “the Radical Republicans.” . . . Dems largely opposed the 13th Amendment, she said. That bigotry continued through the decades, even to the vote for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“supported by a higher proportion of Republicans than Democrats”) and racist President Lyndon Johnson. She said that the current Democratic depictions of the Republicans as bigoted are really just self-serving hypocrisy. . ."

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Saturday, January 27, 2018

Flames . . .

[David Love] ". . . Wolff's book resonates because it reinforces if not confirms what many have believed since the 2016 campaign, but more importantly reflects what other journalists have reported and reiterated -- the recklessness, the shady dealings in Trump Tower and the White House, the alleged Russia connection, and a chief executive who not only lacks intellectual curiosity and mental stability, but has lost his senses. . . "Fire and Fury" is no surprise, yet is different. While many reporters informed the public of a fire in the house once Donald Trump became the Republican nominee and then the President, some of them during the campaign chose to take a seat in the burning building and invite us to roast marshmallows. Michael Wolff's book is a call to action. With a loud yell, he warns us of the still-burning conflagration, points to the arsonists, and tells us that if we fail to act, our democratic institutions will go up in flames. . . "

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