. . . Kudos to the Baltimore City Police for no use of violence.
Kudos to Occupy Baltimore for no use of violence.
So camping is out, but a spokesman for OB said last night
that this movement is about much more than a small piece
of real estate. I for one, am glad to hear it.
(from WBAL.com)
"City police officers closed downtown streets overnight as officers in riot gear cleared McKeldin Square, the plaza where Occupy Baltimore protesters built an encampment.
Police closed Pratt Street and some surrounding streets just after 3 a.m. About 100 police officers were seen in the area and the Police Department's helicopter was seen flying above.
WBAL reporter Kim Dacey said police surrounded and entered the camp at about 3:30 a.m. City police began dismantling the tents at the downtown encampment at Pratt and Light streets, which had been "occupied" since October by participants of a nationwide movement mimicking Occupy Wall Street in New York City.
City police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi told WBAL News that the scene was "extremely peaceful, very, very civil," and that the protesters were being moved to homeless shelters.
As of 5 a.m., Guglielmi said the process is still ongoing and that there would be more information shortly.
After police entered the square, some of the protesters left onto northbound Light Street, where police had also blocked the intersection with Lombard Street.
At 4 a.m., Dacey said some protesters told her that the action was mostly peaceful save for a few unspecified problems. Some of the protesters also said they had expected to get kicked out, but they didn't know it would be early Tuesday, Dacey said.
Unlike in other cities -- including Philadelphia, New York City, and Oakland, Calif. -- there were no significant clashes between the protesters and police reported.
The mayor's office issued the following statement:
"The City of Baltimore is committed to protecting individuals’ right to protest. However, our public parks and green-spaces should not be treated as permanent campgrounds and camping is prohibited. Individuals are free to peaceably assemble and demonstrate within the currently established guidelines. My administration is also committed to providing outreach and assistance to individuals experiencing homelessness.""
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