Monday, August 1, 2022

Ahora . . .

OHO's first release since our 2018 Gazebo album. 13 years in the making, this linkage of musical/lyrical extrapolations, prompted by an attendee's experience during morning sittings at a 2005 Guitar Craft course, manifest in this 36+ minute "operetta." Composed initially while musing on a Maryland beach during the aughts on a Martin Backpacker, and with basic tracks performed on an acoustic guitar strung in the New Standard Tuning. "This adventure should be consumed as a whole. Wondrous interlocking melodies buttress the theme of discovery. The plentiful instrumental interludes serve as guides while respectfully nodding to progressive music's golden era. Addictive stand-alone tunes pass through this expedition widening the musical palette while functioning as a novel's chapters. The exquisite placement of chosen instrumentation adds the desired spice to possess the listener's (now- galvanized) attention. Adrenalin jacks are plentiful, induced by spine-tingling crescendos. Ahora! is the culmination of the OHO experience thus far. Amazingly, after 49 years, there seems to be absolutely no decline in the quality of an OHO release. This, my friends, is another of the multiple peaks experienced during their highly creative journey. Discover the now...BULL'S EYE!!" (Warren Barker, Progression Magazine) 

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