Monday, April 19, 2021

Stream . . .

My wife's niece is to be married in the near future, an event that had to be postponed due to the development of a pandemic. The ceremony was to take place in Florida, a substantial distance for most of her family,  but still a potential adventure for us. Fast-forward to the present. Jenny and her fiancĂ© have relocated to the 'great state of' (as they say) Texas. Suddenly the adventure aspect has been slightly reduced, while the distance and the complexity involved in our attendance have increased.  The mere mention of Texas brings to mind my father's sister, who with her husband, a native of that state, lives there. The thought of my long, unseen aunt prompts additional ones of long unseen relatives from my side of, what my wife humorously yet sympathetically calls- my ''close-knit" family. I believe we were a relatively normal extended family in my younger years, but due to time, age, illness or death, the members simply 'drifted apart.'  

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Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings
No Frills by Ray Jozwiak
                         No Frills

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