Friday, September 11, 2020

More . . .

. . . cluelessness . . . 

(from: Sept. 9, 2020, 3:56 PM EDT By Janelle Griffith)
". . . During a conversation on June 19, (journalist Bob)Woodward, whose father was a lawyer and judge in Illinois, pointed out that he and Trump were white and privileged, and asked if that affected his thinking. "Do you have any sense that that privilege has isolated and put you in a cave to a certain extent, as it put me and I think lots of white privileged people in a cave and that we have to work our way out of it to understand the anger and the pain, particularly, Black people feel in this country?". . . Trump responded. "You really drank the Kool-Aid, didn't you? Just listen to you. Wow. No, I don't feel that at all." Woodward described Trump's voice as mocking and incredulous, according to the Post. . . "

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