Sunday, December 13, 2020

Gods . . .


. . . of the computer world have granted me yet another reprieve. My eight-year-old macbook pro began to exhibit some temperamental behavior during the operation of GarageBand the other day. While the good folks at Apple couldn't have been more kind and knowledgeable, well MAYBE they could have been a little more knowledgeable, the problem with the laptop appeared to be leaning well toward terminal. Seems the Big Sur operating system downloaded to my unit just dandily in all its glorious and good, sweet time. But upon attempting to install the program, an error indicating a damage of some sort to the file, appeared upon my multiple attempts. I was resigned to the prospect of spending the better part of the following day on the phone with the good Apple people. In the morning though, as a last-ditch effort, I plunged forward with the process of creating a 'loop' in GB and converting it to a midi file. Although GB did not appear to complete the loop creation process properly, I plowed ahead to create a midi file of the track. Lo and behold, the track was miraculously converted in its entirety and the machine (in my view and for my purposes) has handily side-stepped a death blow. . . for now.

What do you think? Tell me at

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

                               Put A Finger On It

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Saturday, December 12, 2020

Unique . . .


What do I know about happiness?
Do I possess some kind of key
To things that no one else can see?

Just as far back as my memory goes,
Sometimes it seemed I was alone
Only my point of view and me.

As I reflect,
Some disconnect 
Could be afflicting me.
Am I just one
Under the sun,
Or am I quite unique?

Others speak out very easily,
No fear about who may get hurt
By words so hastily dispensed.

For some reason I step back away.
I hesitate to be so bold as to 
Presume some insight gained.

What do you think? Tell me at

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

Friday, December 11, 2020

Only . . .

 . . . in America, in 2020

. . . can a man (me)
Be stuck in a house,
With an eveready internet connection,
And time to spare,
And a huge love for and appreciation of
The music of Buzzy Linhart . . . 
Miss the fact that the man
Passed away more than nine months ago . . . 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Always . . .

 . . . you 

You've always been ahead of me;
One fact that I,
In my infinite wisdom,
Could not always see.
But in the end you always convinced me
Things aren't always
What they appear;
The things I've always looked for.

Once long ago, before we met,
I thought I could 
Singlehandedly make the
Spinning world go away;
Just like some king 
from back in those bygone days.
But I was wrong. 
I don't belong 
Inside this category.

Seemed to be,
At the time to me,
To my advantage.
Missing why,
Not knowing 
When to try 
To start believing
In my very own
Self determination.

Sometimes at night when I'm alone,
The solitude
And the quiet can bring out
All the worst in my head.
But now it seems that isn't so big or bad.
I've learned a thing, 
Or maybe two, 
And just ahead there’s always you.

What do you think? Tell me at

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Insight . . .

Music lives in a multi-dimensional sphere encompassing all possible sounds. . . high and low, soft and loud, slow and fast, smooth and rough, legato and staccato. The essence of creating music is combining these yin and yang parameters of sound  so as to enhance their distinctive qualities moving through time. This joining of opposites expresses the joyful unity of life.  
- Kali Z. Fasteau 1947 - 2020

What do you think? Tell me at

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings

Monday, December 7, 2020

Can't Quite . . .

It's tough to recall a time, in hindsight,
When faced with the choice of a fight or a flight.
I wish such on no one, that it may or it might.
Still uncertain am I what to do, but can't quite.

What do you think? Tell me at

Other Ray Jozwiak Offerings
Another Shot by Ray Jozwiak
            Another Shot

For all things Gonzo, please visit:
Ray Jozwiak -
The Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano Website
The Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano You Tube Channel

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OHO on Amazon
OHO Music Website
The 'More OHO Music' You Tube Website
The 'Original' OHO Music You Tube Website