Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Since only hundreds of millions. . .

. . . will probably see this, (I think it was J. Paul Getty who once said, ". . . a million here, a million there, and pretty soon you're talking big money. . . ") I don't think anyone will mind if you listen to the progress we're making on the performance of a song entitled SMILE (All Rights Reserved by Michael Mitchell) by Michael Mitchell on the collaborative, music-networking website Indabamusic.com, which I mentioned in my blog of 2/9/11.

It's like going into the studio but it's a 'virtual' studio and participants can be located anywhere around the world. And you add your contribution on your own time.

(did I say "probably see this"? I meant to say "probably not")

hear my music at www.rayjozwiak.com

Monday, March 21, 2011

Time. . .

sure flies when you're having fun.
(If you're a frog, time's sure fun when you're having flies.)
Time loves a hero. (But only time will tell.)
If I could save time in a bottle.
Takes a licking and still keeps on ticking.
Time takes it's toll.
Time is free, but priceless.
Make every hour in the day count.
Time discovers truth.
Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in.
Time heals what reason cannot.
Time heals all wounds.
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people
all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
We didn't lose the game, we just ran out of time.
Truth is the daughter of time.
The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted.
Lost time is never found again.
Time is money.
All that really belongs to us is time; even he who has nothing else has that.
All my possessions for a moment of time.

No, I did not make these up. They are all quotes or paraphrased quotes from
many who were much wiser than I. (or is it 'me'?)

(hear my music at http://www.rayjozwiak.com/)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Russell's stains. . .

Russell, like many of us (and a preponderance of people under 40 years of age) has a facebook page. Russell is one of my three sons and lives in Los Angeles.

I, who by the way am well over 40, also have a facebook page; and a myspace page, and jazz network worldwide, global jazz network, twitter, google and more than even I remember. My membership on these sites is strictly commercial (thanks Frank) but no less sincere. In other words, if you become my 'friend' (on myspace) or if you 'like' me on facebook, I am sincerely appreciative. But my true purpose for being there is to spread my music throughout cyberspace. I probably, now that I understand social media, would be on one or two social networking sites even if I didn't play music, but I doubt I would be a member of as many of them as I now am.

But anyway, back to Russell. Now all three of my boys were 'creeped out' as they called it, if I (and it has been rare)
communicated with one of their friends on a social networking site, most specifically facebook, since that seems to be the most widely used such site for their age group. But if a friend of theirs and I somehow 'ran into' each other on facebook, and they held some interest in my music, I had no problem with the interaction. I wasn't exercising some strange voyeurism or some such other perversion. I was merely trying to spread my music throughout cyberspace.

And likewise, I have stumbled upon the facebook page of each of them sporadically when utilizing facebook and will sometimes glance at a photo or read a post. After all, that's what it's for.

Now there's not some sordid punchline to this little diatribe about the revelation of some bizarre proclivity, heretofore unknown revelation or any such thing. . . but maybe there is.

On Russell's page, there was a photo of Russell and two of his friends (and co-workers) all dressed in similar garb (sweatshirt and khakis, if you must know), and Russell is unknowingly sporting three, very visible stains on his sweatshirt. Which promptly led to some amusing verbal interplay among he and his facebook friends. And no, I couldn't resist adding my two cents, saying simply, "nice stains, Russ."

Well, talk about your anticlimactic rambling. . . not Russ and his friends on facebook. ME. HERE. I still found the situation quite humorous, in a dry sort of way. And I even think, and some folks have done sillier things, that since these stains developed such a personality in their own, small, facebook way, that these stains should have their very own page on facebook. Don't you???

(hear my music at http://www.rayjozwiak.com/)

a footnote. . .

. . . to yesterday: Ann Coulter appeared on O'Reilly's show
and, although somewhat malnourished in his FACT diet, he actually DISAGREED with her. I'm not cheering for O'Reilly, mind you. A debate by intellects of this gravity may be likened to one between Archie Bunker and Homer Simpson.

Anyway. . .

(hear my music at http://www.rayjozwiak.com/)

Friday, March 18, 2011

"That's not what the news is reporting. . . "

. . . says Ann Coulter, claiming yesterday that:
- radiation is actually good for you
- that the current situation in Japan of partial meltdown of nuclear reactors is really not a bad thing
- that the opinion of the preponderance of the scientific community should be ignored because SHE (bless her pea-pickin' little
heart) cited several studies claiming the benefits of radiation

. . . and the reason that we're all going off half-cocked about the nuclear situation in Japan and re-evaluating our use of nuclear energy, and showing concern for the Japanese population is (of course), because of the (Duuuh da da Duh) LIBERAL PRESS!

What a woman! She can minimize a tragedy, the scale of which the world has not seen, the fate of millions of people, the future of an alternative source of energy and untold heartache. . . all for some airtime and a chance propagate the continuing conservative backlash based upon false accusation, oversimplification and sparse FACTS.

I'm sorry I wrote this if only to add a little more attention to this pitiful 'entertainer'.

(hear my music at http://www.rayjozwiak.com/)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Local, underappreciated, talent. . .

. . . my old friend Jay (a musical force still to be reckoned with) has been making music in the Baltimore area for over forty years now. He is truly a talent, and a character as well. Check out one of his latest projects right here:

which features his son, Matt, a vintage composition from his long-time band and project-object OHO, with state-of-the-art technological enhancements to the basis of the original recording from way-back-when.

Anyway, briefly and happily, Jay and myself were involved in a musical endeavor about 35 years ago and it happened this way.
I played in a cover/standards/top40/wedding-type combo. This after many years of accordion lessons, family affairs and private parties. And we actually made real money doing this. (WIll wonders never cease?) Our guitarist was leaving the combo to join the ranks of a more well-established outfit and was leaving a hole in the group. Our drummer Jeff, who recently joined our group after the departure of our regular drummer, had a brother who had been involved in original, art/prog-rock music for several years (oh, how that word appears and reappears). Jeff's brother Jay, just (we were told) might be interested in joining our little combo in order to make some money. (You see, original music making in the Baltimore area was about as lucrative then as it is today.) So after an 'audition' of sorts (I don't think we really auditioned anyone else), Jay to Keith's place and "Ful Treatment" arose from the hackneyed, Baltimore wedding-band ashes. And arose we did indeed. Jay brought chops, life, energy, rock, exuberance and humor to our music, as well as to our 'backstage' existence. And it was good. Well, as good as a wedding band could be. We plied our trade doggedly between '76 and '79 when in anticipation of my forthcoming wedding and my increasing distaste for the wedding/bull roast/American Legion circuit, I retired from active performance. But not without a fond memory of the many wild and wooly nights playing with Ful Treatment, and my friend Jay.

More Later.

(hear my music at http://www.rayjozwiak.com/)

You've Probably. . .

. . . already read the story of 'Jerry' that I posted yesterday and I want to be clear that I posted it for the value I see in it and by no means whatsoever take credit for the composition of it. I have seen it, as I'm sure you have, numerous times on the internet and have received it by email, but have never learned the author of it. Well, CHEERS to her or him.

I did add the note at the conclusion myself. The originals say something like, "Now you have two choices to make (which interestingly enough is grammatically incorrect) :
1. You can delete this message or
2. You can forward it to someone you care about.
I hope you will choose #2.
I did.

First time I read the story, I expected the ending to say, "Forward this to XXX amount of people or you will have seven years bad luck" or something to that effect.

(Hear my music at http://www.rayjozwiak.com)