Monday, July 4, 2016

Why . . .

. . . NOT???!!! (with some modifications)

(from Thomas Jefferson;  Author of America by Christopher Hitchens)
". . . At that date, the Electoral College was determined by each state's presidential electors, themselves chosen by state legislatures, each of whom could cast two votes. One such vote had to be for a candidate from another state. The two candidates receiving the most votes became, regardless of party, president and vice president respectively. . ."

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at 

My latest solo offering, No Frills, is now available at - No Frills

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
The Ocean City Ditty Video is now on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and


Sunday, July 3, 2016

Gone . . .

. . . are the days when men ruled the world.  Over are the times in which men held the upper hand simply because they could beat the crap out of any woman who disagreed.  History has taught us that no situation remains long in place that was established through brute force. And like the marginalization of Jews, people of color and homosexual persons we must (to paraphrase John Shelby Spong) cleanse ourselves of our distorted past in order to restore integrity and honor to our society. We must embrace this enlightenment, rejoice in it and celebrate it.

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at 

My latest solo offering, No Frills, is now available at - No Frills

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
The Ocean City Ditty Video is now on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and


Saturday, July 2, 2016

AHA!!!. . .

Friday, July 8th, 2016

OHOmusic 3:00PM
Coastal Highway & 116th Street
Ocean City, MD 21842
443-664-2896 [map]
Price: na

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at 

My latest solo offering, No Frills, is now available at - No Frills

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
The Ocean City Ditty Video is now on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and


Friday, July 1, 2016

The Race . . .

. . . in which we find ourselves. . .

. . . is particularly unique.  Never, in my short (or long- depending upon your perspective) do I remember such a dynamic.  It is clearly a matter of winner or loser;  meaning so (or TOO) many folks feel as though they must vote AGAINST someone because they feel so threatened by the other (meaning- one of the two major, conventional, press [and therefore: corporate] - sanctioned candidates) 'guy' that they are willing to pit their voting clout against one of two perceived choices this presidential cycle.

Well, the truth of the matter is - YOU DO NOT HAVE TO VOTE AGAINST someone, nor do you have to vote for one of two candidates.  No, no, no, no, NO!

(Note: Parties with ballot status in at least one state -- based on 2012 ballot status -- listed first, then all others under the INDEPENDENT & WRITE-IN CANDIDATES header).


Tom HoeflingSteve Schulin
Tom Hoefling (Iowa)
Presidential Nominee

Steve Schulin (South Carolina)
Vice Presidential Nominee


Bob WhitakerTom Bowie
Bob Whitaker (South Carolina)
Presidential Nominee

Tom Bowie (Maryland)
Vice Presidential Nominee


Darrell CastleScott Bradley
Darrell Castle (Tennessee)
Presidential Nominee

Scott Bradley (Utah)
Vice Presidential Nominee


Scott CopelandJ.R. Myers
Scott Copeland (Texas)
Presidential Nominee

J.R. Myers (Alaska)
Vice Presidential Nominee


Willita Bush (Missouri)
Darryl Cherney (California)
Bill Kreml (Illinois)
Kent Mesplay (California)
Robert Milnes (New Jersey)
Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry (California)
Justin Robert Murphy (Indiana)
Rhett Smith (Texas)
Dr. Jill Stein (Massachusetts)
Daniel White (Georgia)


Farley AndersonNOT YET NAMED
Farley Anderson (Utah)
Presidential Nominee

Not Yet Named
Vice Presidential Nominee


Gary JohnsonBill Weld
Former Governor Gary Johnson (New Mexico)
Presidential Nominee

Former Governor Bill Weld (Massachusetts)
Vice Presidential Nominee


Gloria LaRiva Eugene Puryear
Gloria LaRiva (California)
Presidential Nominee

Eugene Puryear (District of Columbia)
Vice Presidential Nominee


Lynn Kahn (Independent-Maryland)
Gloria LaRiva (PSL-California)
Monica Moorehead (Workers World-New York)


Jim Hedges Bill Bayes
Former Township Tax Assessor Jim Hedges (Pennsylvania)
Presidential Nominee

Bill Bayes (Mississippi)
Vice Presidential Nominee


Ed Chlapowski (Texas)
Ken Cross (Arkansas)
Lynn Kahn (Independent-Maryland)


Mimi Soltysik Angela Walker
Emidio "Mimi" Soltysik (California)
Presidential Nominee

Angela Walker (Wisconsin)
Vice Presidential Nominee


Jerry White Niles Niemuth
Jerry White (Michigan)
Presidential Nominee

Niles Niemuth (Wisconsin)
Vice Presidential Nominee


Alyson Kennedy Osborne Hart
Alyson Kennedy (Illinois)
Presidential Nominee

Osborne Hart (Pennsylvania)
Vice Presidential Nominee


Chris Keniston Deacon Taylor
Chris Keniston (Texas)
Presidential Nominee

Deacon Taylor (Nevada)
Vice Presidential Nominee


Monica Moorehead Lamont Lilly
Monica Moorehead (New York)
Presidential Nominee

Lamont Lilly (North Carolina)
Vice Presidential Nominee

Gifford Abbott Jr. (Independent-Pennsylvania)
Christopher Abernathy (Independent-North Carolina)
Philip Adams (Free World Party-Georgia)
Paul Adams (Independent-Connecticut)
William Oren Adams (Independent-Louisiana)
Danny Aguilar (Write In-Nevada)
Robert Aldridge (Independent-Tennessee)
Jamal Alkhaibari (Independent-Colorado)
Darryl Allen (Independent-Washington)
James Allen (Independent-Kentucky)
Jeremiah Allen (Independent-Oklahoma)
William Alsup (Independent-Kentucky)
Joseph Altimari (Independent-Pennsylvania)
John Anderson (Populist Party-Michigan)
Roland Aranjo (Independent-Arizona)
Renny Arcaya (Independent-Texas)
Aidan Arnold-Galati (Independent-California)
Paul Asher (Independent-Florida)
Frank Atwood (Approval Voting-Colorado)
Dustin Baird (Write In-Utah)
Ed Baker (Independent-Oregon)
Jacob Baker (Work-South Carolina)
Dennis Ball (America's Party of America-California)
Joseph Bannerman (Independent-Alabama)
Don Barnhart Jr. (Independent-Nevada)
Parker Baro (Independent-Florida)
Andrew Basiago (Independent-Washington)
Adam Baxter (Independent-Utah)
Chandler Benn (Independent-Wisconsin)
Danny Bennett, II (United-Montana)
Rhett Bergevin (Independent-Illinois)
Joey Berry (Independent-South Carolina)
Maryanne Bridget Berman (Independent American-New York)
Randy Bizzle (Independent-North Carolina)
Michael Blair (Independent-Washington)
Piotr Blass (Write In-Florida)
David Boarman (Independent-California)
Chad Boisselle (Independent-North Carolina)
Sheila Bolar (Independent-Alabama)
Matthew Borman (American-Florida)
Eric Borrell (Independent-District of Columbia)
Robert Boris (Independent-California)
William Bowhall Jr. (Independent-Alabama)
J. Boydston (Write In-Colorado)
Michelle Braithwood (Independent-Florida)
Spencer Brandkamp (Write In-Arkansas)
Joseph Britt Jr. (Independent-New York)
Peter Breyfogle (Independent-Minnesota)
Mark Brooks (Independent-Washington)
Anitra Brown (Independent-California)
Harley Brown (Independent-Idaho)
James Brummett (Independent-Indiana)
Sean Burns (Independent-Iowa)
Doug Butler (Independent-Washington)
Pamela Pinkney Butts (Independent-Ohio)
James Byers (Independent-Indiana)
Joshua Cady (Independent-Alabama)
Scott Caldwell (Independent-Flordia)
Johnnie Campbell (Independent-Iowa)
Paul Cannaday (Independent-Michigan)
Antonio Cannady (Independent-Florida)
Emilio Carreon (Independence Party-California)
Jerry Leon Carroll (Independent-California)
Kristie Carter-Gutierrez (Independent-Tennessee)
Michael Castillejos (Federal-New York)
John Castillo (Independent-Texas)
Paul Chehade (Independent-Florida)
Toney Chenyworth (Independent-Texas)
John Chester (Independent-Vermont)
Andrew Chung (Write In-Georgia)
Christopher Cincotta (Independent-Colorado)
Doris Cintron (Independent-California)
Anthony Ciotti III (Independent-California)
"Santa" Roy Clark (Independent-Kentucky)
Todd Clayton Jr. (Chivalry Party-Washington)
Douglas Clement (Independent-Missouri)
John Cole (Independent-New York)
Amy Conger (Independent-Ohio)
Phil Cornell (Independent-Washington)
Tom Corwine (Independent-New York)
Regis Costello (Independent-Washington)
Dakota Courtois (Independent-New York)
Steven Covington (Independent-Virginia)
Thomas Coyne (Independent-Ohio)
Philip Crawford (Write In-Illinois)
J.D. Criveau (Constitutionist-Virginia)
Timothy Croston (Independent-California)
Travis Curl (Independent-Texas)
Janka Cvorovic (Independent-New York)
Kevin Deame (Pirate-Connecticut)
Caesar St Augustine DeBuonaparte (Absolute Dictator-California)
Frank DeCota (Independent-Massachusetts)
Rocky De La Fuente (Independent-California)
Arturo Del Hierro (Independent-Texas)
Craig Dell (Independent-Virginia)
Guy DeMarco (Independent-Missouri)
Michael Dename Jr. (Independent-New York)
Vickie Denz (Independent-Washington)
Jennifer Depew (Independent-Michigan)
Robert Devine (Independent-Wisconsin)
Steve Dillon (Independent-North Carolina)
Robert Dionisio (Independent-Georgia)
Will Dodds (Write In-Iowa)
Kenneth Domagala (Independent-New York)
Kevin Donges (Independent-Ohio)
Ned Donovan (Federal Party-Wyoming)
David Doucette (Write In-Washington)
Colin Doyle (Independent-Oregon)
Art Drew (Independent-Pennsylvania)
Nick Dubois (Independent-Virginia)
Norman Dutra (Independent-Massachuetts)
Andrew Elijah Mister Duffy (Independent-California)
Larry Weldon Duncan (Independent-California)
Christopher Dunn (Independent-Indiana)
Mark Dutter (Independent-South Dakota)
Jason Eddy (Independent-Arkasas)
Jenny Edwards (Independent-Alabama)
Katee Edwards (Independent-Alabama)
La Resa Edwards (Independent-Georgia)
Roderick Edwards (Write In-Indiana)
Claire Elliott (Independent-Georgia)
Jonathan Elliott (Independent-California)
David Epley (Independent-Kentucky)
Frank Erwin (Independent-Indiana)
Geby Espinoza (Write In-California)
John Paul Eurton (Independent-Indiana)
Jonathan Evans (Independent-Colorado)
Souraya Faas (Independent-Florida)
Mike Fahl (Cherry Picker Party-Utah)
Sam Faldraga (Independent-New Jersey)
Paul "Superman" Falkenberg (Independent-Wisconsin)
Jacob Familoni (Independent-California)
Charles Fanning (Independent-Virginia)
Timothy Farkas (Independent-Ohio)
John Ferguson (Eco/Green-Texas)
Ken Fields (Independent-New York)
Caleb-Michael Files (Independent-New York)
James Finney (Independent-New York)
David Flanders (Independent-Florida)
Lori Fleming (Independent-Arkansas)
Matt Flores (Write In-Illinois)
Jason Flowers (Independent-Michigan)
John Follansbee (Independent-California)
Gregory Foster (Independent-Texas)
Brian Franze (Independent-Texas)
Will Froeber (Independent-Florida)
Mark Frohman (Independent-Texas)
Jeremy Gable (Independent-Pennsylvania)
Jason Gambert (Independent-Arizona)
Samx Garcia (Independent-Ohio)
Edward Gardner Jr. (Independent American-New York)
Jeff George (Independent-Florida)
Neven Gibbs (Independent-Washington)
Rocky Giordani (Independent-California)
William Giordano (Write In-Pennsylvania)
Steve Gladstone (Independent-Maryland)
Todd Glore (Independent-Indiana)
Josh Goellner (American Party-Texas)
Kevin Gong (Conservative Party-California)
Jeremy Gove (Independent-California)
Mark Graham (Write In-Florida)
Barry Grauman (Independent-Massachusetts)
Hosanna Gray (Independent-Michigan)
Clifton Greuter (Write In-Montana)
David Grig (Independent-North Carolina)
Gregory Guillaume (Write In-California)
Blue Hair Guy (Independent-Ohio)
Dave Haen (Independent-Nevada)
John Habjan (Constitutional Conservative Party-West Virginia)
Martin Hahn (Independent-Oregon)
Emanuel Hammond (Independent-Arkansas)
Maxwell Hansen (Independent-Illinois)
Raymond Harding (Constitutional-Virginia)
Scott Harkins (Independent-Florida)
Emelia Harris (Write In-Florida)
Christopher Hart (Write In-Nebraska)
Linda Hart (Independent-Texas)
Ronald Hartsfield (Independent-Florida)
David Hendrix (Independent-North Carolina)
Phillip Hill (Independent-Pennsylvania)
Sam Hoff (Independent-Delaware)
Daniel Hogan (Independent-Missouri)
Donald Hopkins Jr. (Independent-Arkansas)
David Christopher Holcomb (Independent-Nebraska)
Robert Holloway Jr. (Independent-South Carolina)
Rick Hopkins (Independent-Michigan)
Mark Houston (Independent-New Jersey)
Bill Howard (Independent-Indiana)
Richard Howenstein (Independent-Indiana)
Michael Hubbell (Independent-Maryland)
Frank Huber II (Independent American Party-Ohio)
Jeff Huettl (Independent-Wisconsin)
Eugene Hunt Jr. (Independent-Michigan)
Christopher "Kaelas" Hurley (Independent-New Mexico)
Samuel Levi Hurt (Independent-Pennsylvania)
Paul Hurteau (Independent-Massachusetts)
Patrick Irwin (Independent-Washington)
Tom Irwin (American-Pennsylvania)
Zoltan Istvan (Transhumanist-California)
C.J. Jackson (Independent-Pennsylvania)
Danny Jackson (Write In-Indiana)
Roland Jackson (Independent-District of Columbia)
Sarah Jackson (Independent-Utah)
Khadijah Jacob-Fambro (Revolutionary-California)
Steven Jacobson (Independent-California)
Darin Janda (Independent-Washington)
Michael Jenkins (Independent-Virginia)
Gerald Jennings II (Independent-Colorado)
O. Hope Jerio (Independent-West Virginia)
Keya Jerry (Independent-Virginia)
Edward Jewell Sr. (Independent-Indiana)
Barry Johnson (Independent-Kansas)
Ed Jones (Independent-Ohio)
Ronald Jones (Independent-Florida)
Sue Lisa Jones (Independent-Arizona)
Terry Jones (Independent-Florida)
Vincent Jones II (Bull Moose-South Carolina)
Keith Josephs (Independent-New York)
Anik Joshi (Independent American Party-California)
Lynn Kahn (Independent-Maryland)
Richard Karst (Independent-California)
Cornelius Katt (Independent-Pennsylvania)
Thomas Keister (US Marijuana Party-Indiana)
Mohammed Keita (Write In-New York)
James Kenny (Independent-New York)
Gary Kittredge (Independent-New York)
Darren Klein (Independent-New Jersey)
Chad Kline (Write In-California)
Billy Knaub (Write In-New York)
David Knight (Independent-Nevada)
Laurence Koltikoff (Independent-Massachuetts)
Ashten Koontz (Independent-North Carolina)
Kyle Kopitke (Independent-Michigan)
Steven Korb (Independent-Virginia)
Thomas Labo (Independent-Massachusetts)
Temperance Lance-Council (Anti Hypocrisy-California)
Keith LaPointe (Write In-Maine)
David Larm (Independent-Minnesota)
Abbey Laurel-Smith (Pilgrims Alliance-Louisiana)
James T. Law (Independent-California)
Michael Lednovich (Independent-California)
Robert Lee (Independent-Virginia)
James Legan (Independent-Georgia)
James Legate Jr. (US Taxpayers Party-Texas)
Robert Lehigh (Inspiration-Utah)
Michael "Lev" Levinson (Write In-Florida)
Bishop Julian Lewis Jr. (Independent-Texas)
David Librace (Write In-Arkansas)
Brian Lichtenfels (Independent-Pennsylvania)
David Tawei Lin (Independent-California)
Tom Lineaweaver (Freedom Party USA-Pennsylvania)
Mark Linn (Write In-New Hampshire)
Geoffrey Liu (Write In-Maryland)
David Livingston (Independent-Connecticut)
June Lloyd (Independent-Washington)
Jack Logsdon (Independent-Virginia)
Tony Loup (Independent-New York)
Donald Eugene Lowe (Independent-Texas)
Alexander Luthor (Independent-California)
Randall Lutz (Independent-Flordia)
William Lynch (Independent-New York)
Raymond Mace (Independent-Georgia)
Deborah MacKimzey (Independent-Texas)
Robert MacLeod Jr. (Independent-Georgia)
Ed Macy (Independent-Ohio)
Mike Magolnick (Independent-Texas)
Maher Maher (Independent-New Jersey)
Lucy Mailloux (Independent-Arizona)
Joseph Maldonado (Independent-Oklahoma)
Devon Manelski (Independent-Michigan)
Robert Mann (Independent-Indiana)
Kevin Manning (Independent-Arizona)
Aloysius Marcinek (Independent-Ohio)
Mike Mark (Independent-Michigan)
Benjamin Markgraff (Independent-North Dakota)
Christian Jay "Cjay" Marshall (Independent-Tennessee)
Shant Marshall (Write In-Georgia)
Danny Martin (Independent-Wyoming)
John David Martin (independent-California)
Shawna Martinez (Independent-Kentucky)
Matthew Martowska (Independent-Massachuetts)
Richard Matheson (Oathkeepers Party-Illinois)
Mark Matousek (Ace Party-Missouri)
Angie McCall (Independent-Florida)
Benson McCall (Independent-New York)
Nikki McCoig (Independent-Illinois)
Jennifer McEachern (Independent-South Carolina)
Steven McGinnis (Independent-Indiana)
Patrick McKart (Meritocracy Party-Florida)
Eamon McKeever (Ace Party-North Carolina)
Patrick McKenna (Independent-Illinois)
Myles McManus (Independent-New York)
Scott Meek (Independent-California)
Robert "Junior" Mejias (Independent-Nevada)
Roland Menard III (Moderation Affiliation-Hawaii)
German Quinones Mercado Jr. (Independent-District of Columbia)
Linda Merry (Independent-Vermont)
Drew Mertens (Independent-Illinois)
Andrew Mickert (Independent-Virginia)
Georgre Mikles (Independent-Nevada)
Alexander Miller (Independent-California)
Merlin Miller (American Eagle-California)
R. Lee Miller (Independent-California)
Jeremy Milligan (Independent-Illinois)
Charles Mitchell-King (Independent-California)
Robert Milnes (Progressive Libertarian Alliance-New Jersey)
Elmer Mohr (Independent-Oregon)
Corey Molinelli (Constitutional-Texas)
Kevin Montgomery (Independent-Missouri)
Derick Moody (Independent-Utah)
Billy Moore (Independent-Oregon)
Virginia Morago (Independent-Missouri)
David Morascini (Independent-Connecticut)
Perry Morcom (Independent-Texas)
Kevin Moreau (Independent-California)
Brandon Morgan (Independent-South Carolina)
Samuel Morisson (Independent-New Jersey)
Laio Morris (Write In-Virginia)
Shawn Moynihan (Independent-Florida)
Tony Mullikin (Independent-Florida)
Hilary Myers (Independent-Ohio)
Timothy Myers (Independent-Colorado)
Eric Nagel (Independent-New York)
Gloria Jean Nagle (Independent-Texas)
Michael Napodano (Independent-Texas)
Jim Nash (Independent-Missouri)
Katie Naylor (Independent-Washington)
Bill Nees (Independent Statesmen-Georgia)
Craig Neff (Independent-Maryland)
Uryan Nelson (Independent-Texas)
Deonia Neveu (Independent-Virginia)
Michael Nicely (Independent-Illinois)
Roger Nichols (United Party-Missouri)
Rogelio Nuno (Independent-California)
Matthew O'Connor (Independent-Ohio)
Timothy O'Grady (Independent-Colorado)
Donald O'Mara (Independent-Louisiana)
Michael Oatman Independent-Arizona)
Lawrence Obern (Independent-Maryland)
Jeffrey Oleyar (Write In-Ohio)
Bryan Ollivier (Independent-California)
Warren Owens (Independent-New York)
Erik Paquette (Independent-Connecticut)
John Parker (Independent-Mississippi)
Joel Pearson (Write In-Texas)
Mark Pendleton (Independent-Utah)
Ryan Perera (Independent-Minnesota)
Gary Perkins Jr. (Independent-Alabama)
Charles "Chaz" Perry III (Independent-Montana)
Michael Peuler (Independent-Pennsylvania)
Marty Piatt (Independent-California)
Louis Pica (Independent-New Jersey)
Matthew Pinnavaia (Independent-California)
William Pittman (Independent-Michigan)
Eric Poders (Independent-Illinois)
Samuel Powell (Independent-District of Columbia)
Donald Proctor Jr. (Write In-Massachusetts)
Cynthia Pryber (Conservative Party-Illinois)
Kelley Bracken Rainey (Independent-South Carolina)
Dinesh Ravishanker (New White-California)
Don Reaux (Independent-Louisiana)
C.C. Reed (Independent-Florida)
Bob Reed (Independent-New York)
Carl Renowitzky (Independent-California)
Sam Resibord (Independent-Pennsylvania)
Darwin Misha Reedy (Indendent-Texas)
Alexander Ressa (Independent-Illinois)
William Knox Richardson (Independent-California)
James Courtney Rives (Independent-Illinois)
Clifton Roberts (Humane Party-California)
Joseph Rodgers (Independent-Illinois)
Steve Rogers (Independent Party-California)
Don Rondeau (Independent-Maryland)
Johnny Roosevelt (Independent-Illinois)
Andrew Rosenbaum (Independent-Florida)
Paul Rosenberger (Independent-California)
Elijah Rostron (Independent-Massachusetts)
Brandon Rowe (Independent-Kentucky)
John Roy (Independent-Pennsylvania)
Howie Rubin (Independent-Oregon)
Arron Rudeen (Independent-Washington)
Dana Glen Russ (Independent-Texas)
William Salyer (Independent-Missouri)
Chris Santos (Independent-Massachusetts)
John Saraceno (Independent-Indiana)
Dave Sartin (Veterans Party-West Virginia)
Donald Sauter (Independent-Delaware)
Brad Schiller (Independent-Nevada)
Joe Schriner (Independent-Ohio)
Guy Schwartz (Independent-Texas)
John Graham Schwartz (Independent-Illinois)
J.W. Scroggie (Independent-Tennessee)
Michael Scruggs (Independent-Illinois)
William Sears (Write In-Ohio)
James Sewell III (Independent-Texas)
Anthony Shahmoradi (Independent-Pennsylvania)
Ryan Shepard (Independent-New York)
Mark Shirley Independent-Illinois)
Muhammad Sho (Independent-Texas)
Richard Shrum (Independent-Texas)
Robert Sigsby (Independent-Michigan)
Rod Silva (Independent-New Jersey)
Ben Simmons (Independent-Utah)
Harley Simmons (Independent-Texas)
Jacob Simmons (Independent-Illinois)
Michael Simmons (Independent-Colorado)
Mary Erwin Simpson (Independent-District of Columbia)
Monroe Pierce Singleton (Peace Party-Oregon)
D.R. Skeens (Independent-Washington)
Keith Smith (Independent-Ohio)
Michael Smith (Independent-Pennsylvania)
Mike Smith (Independent-Colorado)
Roger Smith (Write In-West Virginia)
Scott Smith (Independent-Colorado)
T. Ben Smith (Independent-Florida)
Tony Smitherman (Independent-Texas)
George Norton Snider (Independent Christian Party-Florida)
Spencer Snyder (Independent-Texas)
Jack Sparrow (Independent-Oregon)
David Sponheim (America's Third Party-Washington)
Ray Stahle (Write In-Pennsylvania)
Tami Stainfield (Independent-West Virginia)
Renee Stephens (Write In-Oregon)
Scott Stephens (Independent-New York)
Shawna Sterling (Independent-Kentucky)
Patricia Stevens (Write In-Oklahoma)
Damian Stone (Independent-Florida)
Ricky Joe "Average Joe" Story (Independent-Florida)
Christopher Strunk (Independent-New York)
Dexter Suber (United Citizens Party-South Carolina)
Karin Swanson (Socialist Democrat-Texas)
Maurice Symonette (Write In-Florida)
Dan Szathmary (Independent-California)
Robert Szekely (Independent-Colorado)
Paul Tape Jr. (Tea-Florida)
Dan Taus (Independent-Pennsylvania)
Josh Thomas (Independent-South Carolina)
Judah Thomas (Independent-Connecticut)
Morris Kent Thompson (Independent-Florida)
Troy Thompson (Independent-Georgia)
Sheila "Samm" Tittle (Independent-Virginia)
Perry Tolos (Independent-Florida)
Brian Topping (Write In-Michigan)
Matthew Torrez (Independent-Florida)
Darrell Trigg (Christian Party-Tennessee)
Gary Tucker (Write In-Texas)
Tommy Turner (independent-Virginia)
Mathew Tyler (Independent-California)
Colton Unden (Independent-North Carolina)
Matthew Unsworth (Independent-California)
Joshua Usera (Independent-South Dakota)
Stanley Valentine (Independent-Florida)
Harold Van Allen (Independent-New York)
George Van Bernum Jr. (Independent-New York)
Mark Van De Wege (Independent-Michigan)
Gabriel Van Duren (Independent-Utah)
Isaac Vega (Write In-California)
Andre Ventura (Independent-Michigan)
Da Vid (Light-California)
Robert Vince Jr. (Independent-Ohio)
Phlllip "Andy" Vineyard (Independent-Kansas)
Andrew Vitale (Write In-New York)
Marilyn Volz-Hazel (Independent-Missouri)
Doris Walker (Independent-Illinois)
Hugh Walker (Independent-California)
Michelle "Hope" Walker (Independent-California)
Victor Walker (Independent-Maryland)
Kelso David Wallace (Write In-Florida)
William Wallace (Independent-Alabama)
Richard Watkins (Independent-California)
Andrew Webster (Independent-Texas)
Benjamin Weigel (Independent-California)
Andre Wells (Write In-California)
Eric Weinrib (Independent-New York)
Richard Wentworth (Independent-California)
David Wesson (Independent-West Virginia)
Kevin West (Independent-Arkansas)
Terry Wheelock (Independent-Texas)
Melissa White (Personal Choice-Indiana)
Ron White (Independent-California)
Thomas Wicker (Independent-New York)
Michael Wilhelm (Independent-Washington)
Todd Willey (All Mother Earth-Michigan)
Kent Williams (Independent-Florida)
Linel Williams III (Independent-North Carolina)
Mitchell Williams (Write In-Florida)
Steven Wilson (Write In-Missouri)
Mark Wimmer (Independent-Virginia)
John Wood (Independent-Utah)
Chad Woodard (Independent-California)
Jason Woodward (Write In-New Hampshire)
Curtis Woolsey (Christian Party-Arizona)
Nicholas Ximenez (Independent- Texas)
DyJuan D. Barnes Yahweh (Independent-Kansas)
Floyd Yancey (Independent-Tennessee)
Kenneth Young (Right to Life-California)
Chuck Zeiger (Independent-Arizona)
David Zjejewski (Independent-New Jersey)
Robert Zorn (Independent-Vermont)
Daniel Zutler (US Party-Florida)

. . . check with your state's board of elections and vote for a principle.  Don't let the basis of your vote be fear, instilled in you by our wonderful, mahvellous, de-lightful, de-lovely (not to mention-Corporate-owned) MEDIA. . . !!!

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at 

My latest solo offering, No Frills, is now available at - No Frills

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
The Ocean City Ditty Video is now on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and


Thursday, June 30, 2016

Honestly . . .

. . . I welcome the prospect of a female president . . . or vice president.  Problem IS, I don't welcome the prospect of THIS (the current Democratic nominee) female as president.  In fact, it's not a matter of sex at all.  For me it's a simple case of principles or more specifically, lack of principles.

First, a body count. . . (from
Susan Coleman: Rumors were circulating in Arkansas of an affair with Bill Clinton. She was found dead with a gunshot wound to the head at 7 1/2 months pregnant. Death was an apparent suicide.

Larry Guerrin: Was killed in February 1987 while investigating the INSLAW case.

Kevin Ives & Don Henry: Initial cause of death was reported to be the result of falling asleep on a railroad track in Arkansas on August 23, 1987. This ruling was reported by the State medical examiner Fahmy Malak. Later it was determined that Kevin died from a crushed skull prior to being placed on the tracks. Don had been stabbed in the back. Rumors indicate that they might have stumbled upon a Mena drug operation.

Keith Coney: Keith had information on the Ives/Henry deaths. Died in a motorcycle accident in July 1988 with unconfirmed reports of a high speed car chase.

Keith McKaskle: McKaskle has information on the Ives/Henry deaths. He was stabbed to death in November 1988.

Gregory Collins: Greg had information on the Ives/Henry deaths. He died from a gunshot wound to the face in January 1989.

Jeff Rhodes: He had information on the deaths of Ives, Henry & McKaskle. His burned body was found in a trash dump in April 1989. He died of a gunshot wound to the head and there was some body mutilation, leading to the probably speculation that he was tortured prior to being killed.

James Milam: Milam had information on the Ives & Henry deaths. He was decapitated. The state Medical examiner, Fahmy Malak, initially ruled death due to natural causes.

Richard Winters: Winters was a suspect in the deaths of Ives & Henry. He was killed in a “robbery” in July 1989 which was subsequently proven to be a setup.

Jordan Kettleson: Kettleson had information on the Ives & Henry deaths. He was found shot to death in the front seat of his pickup in June 1990.

Alan Standorf: An employee of the National Security Agency in electronic intelligence. Standorf was a source of information for Danny Casalaro who was investigating INSLAW, BCCI, etc. Standorf’s body was found in the backseat of a car at Washington National Airport on Jan 31, 1991.

Dennis Eisman: An attorney with information on INSLAW. Eisman was found shot to death on April 5, 1991.

Danny Casalaro: Danny was a free-lance reporter and writer who was investigating the “October Surprise”, INSLAW and BCCI. Danny was found dead in a bathtub in a Sheraton Hotel room in Martinsburg, West Virginia. Danny was staying at the hotel while keeping appointments in the DC area pertinent to his investigation. He was found with his wrists slashed. At least one, and possibly both of his wrists were cut 10 times. All of his research materials were missing and have never been recovered.

Victor Raiser: The National Finance Co-Chair for “Clinton for President.” He died in a airplane crash on July 30, 1992.

R. Montgomery Raiser: Also involved in the Clinton presidential campaign. He died in the same plane crash as Victor.

Paul Tully: Tulley was on the Democratic National Committee. He was found dead of unknown causes in his hotel room on September 24, 1992. No autopsy was ever allowed.

Ian Spiro: Spiro had supporting documentation for grand jury proceedings on the INSLAW case. His wife and 3 children were found murdered on November 1, 1992 in their home. They all died of gunshot wounds to the head. Ian’s body was found several days later in a parked car in the Borego Desert. Cause of death? The ingestion of cyanide. FBI report indicated that Ian had murdered his family and then committed suicide.

Paula Gober: A Clinton speech writer. She died in a car accident on December 9, 1992 with no known witnesses.

Jim Wilhite: Wilhite was an associate of Mack McClarty’s former firm. Wilhite died in a skiing accident on December 21, 1992. He also had extensive ties to Clinton with whom he visited by telephone just hours before his death.

Steve Willis, Robert Williams, Todd McKeahan & Conway LeBleu: Died Feburary 28, 1993 by gunfire at Waco. All four were examined by a pathologist and died from identical wounds to the left temple. All four had been body guards for Bill Clinton, three while campaigning for President and when he was Governor of Arkansas.They also were the ONLY 4 BATF agents killed at Waco.

Sgt. Brian Haney, Sgt. Tim Sabel, Maj. William Barkley, Capt. Scott Reynolds: Died: May 19, 1993 – All four men died when their helicopter crashed in the woods near Quantico, Va. – Reporters were barred from the site, and the head of the fire department responding to the crash described it by saying, “Security was tight,” with “lots of Marines with guns.” A videotape made by a firefighter was seized by the Marines. All four men had escorted Clinton on his flight to the carrier Roosevelt shortly before their deaths.

John Crawford: An attorney with information on INSLAW. He died from a heart attack in Tacoma in April of 1993.

John Wilson: Found dead from an apparent hanging suicide on May 18, 1993. He was a former Washington DC council member and claimed to have info on Whitewater.

Paul Wilcher: A lawyer who was investigating drug running out of Mena, Arkansas and who also sought to expose the “October Surprise”, BCCI and INSLAW. He was found in his Washington DC apartment dead of unknown causes on June 22, 1993.

Vincent Foster: A White House deputy counsel and long-time personal friend of Bill and Hillary’s. Found on July 20, 1993, dead of a gunshot wound to the mouth — a death ruled suicide. Many different theories on this case! Readers are encouraged to read our report in Strange Deaths.

Jon Parnell Walker: An investigator for the RTC who was looking into the linkage between the Whitewater and Madison S&L bankruptcy. Walker “fell” from the top of the Lincoln Towers Building.

Stanley Heard & Steven Dickson: They were members of the Clinton health care advisory committee. They died in a plane crash on September 10, 1993.

Jerry Luther Parks: Parks was the Chief of Security for Clinton’s national campaign headquarters in Little Rock. Gunned down in his car on September 26, 1993 near the intersection of Chenal Parkway and Highway 10 west of Little Rock. Parks was shot through the rear window of his car. The assailant then pulled around to the driver’s side of Park’s car and shot him three more times with a 9mm pistol. His family reported that shortly before his death, they were being followed by unknown persons, and their home had been broken into (despite a top quality alarm system). Parks had been compiling a dossier on Clinton’s illicit activities. The dossier was stolen.

Ed Willey: A Clinton fundraiser. He died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound on November 30, 1993. His death came the same day his wife, Kathleen, was sexually assaulted in the White House by Bill Clinton.

Gandy Baugh: Baugh was Lasater’s attorney and committed suicide on January 8, 1994. Baugh’s partner committed suicide exactly one month later on February 8, 1994.

Herschell Friday: A member of the presidential campaign finance committee. He died in an airplane explosion on March 1, 1994.

Ronald Rogers: Rogers died on March 3, 1994 just prior to releasing sensitive information to a London newspaper. Cause of death? Undetermined.

Kathy Furguson: A 38 year old hospital worker whose ex-husband is a co- defendant in the Paula Jones sexual harassment law suit. She had information supporting Paula Jone’s allegations. She died of an apparent suicide on May 11, 1994 from a gunshot wound to the head.

Bill Shelton: Shelton was an Arkansas police officer and was found dead as an apparent suicide on kathy Ferguson’s grave (Kathy was his girl friend), on June 12, 1994. This “suicide” was the result of a gunshot wound to the back of the head.

Stanley Huggins: Huggins, 46, was a principal in a Memphis law firm which headed a 1987 investigation into the loan practices of Madison Guaranty S&L. Stanley died in Delaware in July 1994 — reported cause of death was viral pneumonia.

Paul Olson: A Federal witness in investigations to drug money corruption in Chicago politics, Paul had just finished 2 days of FBI interviews when his plane ride home crashed, killing Paul and 130 others on Sept 8 1994. The Sept. 15, 1994 Tempe Tribune newspaper reported that the FBI suspected that a bomb had brought down the airplane.

Calvin Walraven: 24 year on Walraven was a key witness against Jocelyn Elder’s son’s drug case. Walraven was found dead in his apartment with a gunshot wound to the head. Tim Hover, a Little Rock police spokesman says no foul play is suspected.

Alan G. Whicher: Oversaw Clinton’s Secret Service detail. In October 1994 Whicher was transferred to the Secret Service field office in the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. Whatever warning was given to the BATF agents in that building did not reach Alan Whicher, who died in the bomb blast of April 19th 1995.

Duane Garrett: Died July 26, 1995-A lawyer and a talk show host for KGO-AM in San Fransisco, Duane was the campaign finance chairman for Diane Fienstien’s run for the senate, and was a friend and fundraiser for Al Gore. Garrett was under investigation for defrauding investors in Garrett’s failed sports memorabilia venture. There was talk of a deal to evade prosecution. On July 26th, Garrett canceled an afternoon meeting with his lawyer because he had to meet some people at the San Fransisco airport. Three hours later he was found floating in the bay under the Golden Gate Bridge.

Ron Brown:. The Commerce Secretary died on April 3, 1996, in an Air Force jet carrying Brown and 34 others, including 14 business executives on a trade mission to Croatia, crashed into a mountainside. The Air Force, in a 22-volume report issued in June of 1996, confirmed its initial judgment that the crash resulted from pilot errors and faulty navigation equipment At the time of Brown’s death, Independent Counsel Daniel Pearson was seeking to determine whether Brown had engaged in several sham financial transactions with longtime business partner Nolanda Hill shortly before he became secretary of commerce.

Charles Meissner: died: UNK – Following Ron Brown’s death, John Huang was placed on a Commerce Department contract that allowed him to retain his security clearance
by Charles Meissner. Shortly thereafter, Meissner died in the crash of a small plane. He was an Assistant Secretary of Commerce for International Economic Policy.

William Colby: Retired CIA director was found dead on May 6,1996 after his wife reported him missing on April 27,1996. Apparently, Colby decided to go on a impromptu canoeing excursion and never returned. Colby who had just started writing for Strategic Investment newsletter, worried many in the intelligent community. Colby’s past history of divulging CIA secrets in the past were well known. Strategic Investor had covered the Vince Foster suicide and had hired handwriting experts to review Foster’s suicide note.

Admiral Jeremy Boorda: Died on May 16,1996 after he went home for lunch and decided to shoot himself in the chest (by one report, twice) rather than be interviewed by Newsweek magazine that afternoon. Explanations for Boorda’s suicide focused on a claim that he was embarrassed over two “Valor” pins he was not authorized to wear.

Lance Herndon: Herndon a 41 year old computer specialist and a prominent entrepreneur who received a presidential appointment in 1995 died August 10, 1996 under suspicious circumstances. He appeared to have died from a blow to the head. Police said no weapons were found at his mansion, adding that Mr. Herndon had not been shot or stabbed and there was no evidence of forced entry or theft.

Neil Moody: Died -August 25, 1996 Following Vincent Foster’s murder, Lisa Foster married James Moody, a judge in Arkansas, on Jan 1, 1996. Near the time Susan McDougal first went to jail for contempt, Judge Moor’s son, Neil died in a car crash. There were other reports that Neil Moody had discovered something very unsettling among his stepmother’s private papers and was threatening to go public with it just prior to the beginning of the Democratic National Convention. He was alleged to have been talking to Bob Woodward of the Washington Post about a blockbuster story. Witnesses said they saw Neil Moody sitting in his car arguing with another person just prior to His car suddenly speeding off out of control and hitting a brick wall.

Barbara Wise: Wise a 14-year Commerce Department employee found dead and partially naked in her office following a long weekend. She worked in the same section as John Huang. Officially, she is said to have died of natural causes.

Doug Adams: Died January 7, 1997- A lawyer in Arkansas who got involved trying to help the people who were being swindled out of their life savings. Adams was found in his vehicle with a gunshot wound to his head in a Springfield Mo. hospital parking lot.

Mary C. Mahoney: 25, murdered at the Georgetown Starbuck’s coffee bar over the 4th of July ’97 weekend. She was a former White House intern who worked with John Huang. Apparently she knew Monica Lewinsky and her sexual encounters with Bill Clinton. Although not verified, it has been said that Lewinsky told Linda Tripp that she did not want to end up like Mahoney.

Ronald Miller: Suddenly took ill on October 3rd,1997 and steadily worsened until his death 9 days later. (This pattern fits Ricin poisoning.) Owing to the strangeness of the illness, doctors at the Integris Baptist Medical Center referred the matter to the Oklahoma State Medical Examiner’s Office. The Oklahoma State Medical Examiner’s Office promptly ran tests on samples of Ron Miller’s blood, but has refused to release the results or even to confirm that the tests were ever completed.

Had been investigated by authorities over the sale of his company, Gage Corp. to Dynamic Energy Resources, Inc. was the man who tape recorded Gene and Nora Lum and turned those tapes (and other records) over to congressional oversight investigators. The Lums were sentenced to prison for campaign finance violations, using “straw donors” to conceal the size of their contributions to various candidates. Indeed, Dynamic Energy Resources, Inc. had hired Ron Brown’s son Michael solely for the purpose of funneling $60,000 through him to the Commerce Secretary, according to Nolanda Hill’s testimony.

Sandy Hume: On Sunday, February 22nd, 1998, Sandy Hume, the 28 year old son of journalist Britt Hume, was reportedly found dead in his Arlington, Virginia home. Aside from the statement that this was an “apparent” suicide, there remains in place a total media blackout on this story, possibly out of concern that the actual facts will not withstand public scrutiny. Worked for Hill magazine, about Congress for Congress.

Jim McDougal: Bill and Hillary Clinton friend, banker, and political ally, sent to prison for eighteen felony convictions. A key whitewater witness, dies of a heart attack on March, 8 1998. As of this writing allegations that he was given an injection of the diuretic lasix has not been denied or confirmed.
Died on March 8, 1998

Johnny Lawhon: 29, died March 29, 1998- The Arkansas transmission specialist who discovered a pile of Whitewater documents in the trunk of an abandoned car on his property and turned them over to Starr, was killed in a car wreck two weeks after the McDougal death.. Details of the “accident” have been sketchy — even from the local Little Rock newspaper.

Charles Wilbourne Miller: 63, was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head on November 17, 1998 in a shallow pit about 300 yards from his ranch house near Little Rock. Police found a .410 gauge shotgun near Miller’s body and a Ruger .357-caliber revolver submerged in water. Investigators concluded the Ruger was the weapon used by Miller to kill himself. Yet, two rounds in the handgun’s cylinder had been spent.

He had long served as executive vice president and member of the board of directors for a company called Alltel and was deeply involved in his own software engineering company until the day he died. Alltel is the successor to Jackson Stephens’ Systematics, the company that provided the software for the White House’s “Big Brother” data base system and that was behind the administration’s plan to develop the secret computer “Clipper” chip to bug every phone, fax and email transmission in America.

Carlos Ghigliotti: 42, was found dead in his home just outside of Washington D.C. on April 28, 2000. There was no sign of a break-in or struggle at the firm of Infrared Technology where the badly decomposed body of Ghigliotti was found. Ghigliotti had not been seen for several weeks, commercial cleaning companies may have been contacted in order for the offices to be cleaned.

Ghigliotti, a thermal imaging analyst hired by the House Government Reform Committee to review tape of the siege, said he determined the FBI fired shots on April 19, 1993. The FBI has explained the light bursts on infrared footage as reflections of sun rays on shards of glass or other debris that littered the scene.

“I conclude this based on the groundview videotapes taken from several different angles simultaneously and based on the overhead thermal tape,” Ghigliotti told The Washington Post last October. “The gunfire from the ground is there, without a doubt.”

Ghigliotti said the tapes also confirm the Davidians fired repeatedly at FBI agents during the assault, which ended when flames raced through the compound. About 80 Branch Davidians perished that day, some from the fire, others from gunshot wounds.

Mark Corallo, a spokesman for the congressional committee chaired by Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., said that police found the business cards of a committee investigator in Ghigliotti’s office. Corallo said Ghigliotti’s work for the committee ended some time ago.

Tony Moser: 41, was killed as he crossed a street in Pine Bluff, Ark on on June 10, 2000. Killed 10 days after being named a columnist for the Democrat-Gazette newspaper and two days after penning a stinging indictment of political corruption in Little Rock. . ."

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Tell me at  or at 

My latest solo offering, No Frills, is now available at - No Frills

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
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The Ocean City Ditty Video is now on YouTube
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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Down . . .

. . . from the inability to connect . . .

. . . from the inability to document ideas . . .

. . . from limited contact with the world . . .

. . . from being out of touch . . .


©2016 Raymond M. Jozwiak

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at 

My latest solo offering, No Frills, is now available at - No Frills

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
The Ocean City Ditty Video is now on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Apple . . .

You may think that an apple is merely a fruit

but until there's no boot you will find

that an apple, quite frankly, can be a life line

and its power almost absolute

And time marches on as the days tumble by

'come in Friday, or Sunday, or such,

takes a genius, no doubt, to revive one that's down

hope by Tuesday, again I will fly

What do you think?
Tell me at  or at 

My latest solo offering, No Frills, is now available at - No Frills

(To Access all Ray Jozwiak - Gonzo Piano music you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:  http://

Get your copy of OHO's  Where Words Do Not Reach now!
The Ocean City Ditty Video is now on YouTube
Also, be sure to visit: and
