Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Memories. . .

. . . music. . . etc. . .
Pondering two aspects of music swirling around in my mind when I switched rails to the other and discovered a substantial distance between the two extremities.

The video "Thou Shalt Always Kill" by Scroobius Pip (see Pianogonzology, March 19, 2013) continues to fascinate, as does the artistry and person of the performer, David Peter Meads.  Hip-hop music done with an English accent (the hiphop-pronunciations in this dialect are another topic altogether), the Hasidim-style beard, baseball cap, thrift shop suit and twinkling eyes - not to mention truly clever lyrics - make the entire prospect unusual to me, although maybe not to young, British, hip-hop fans.  The result is a very enjoyable entertainment.

The other end of the spectrum that I was pondering? . . .

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Ray Jozwiak: Ambience & Wine
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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Surprised? . . .

 . . . shouldn't be. . .

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion.  As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.”
-Abraham Lincoln

Adam Serwer recently summarized conservative objections to the nomination of Tom Perez (to the office of Labor Secretary):
"Since Perez took the helm, (as head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division) the division has blocked partisan voting schemes, cracked down on police brutality, protected gay and lesbian students from harassment, sued anti-immigrant Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio for racial profiling, stood up against Islamophobia, and forced the two largest fair-housing settlements in history from banks that discriminated against minority homeowners."

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very own copy of Ray Jozwiak's
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Ray Jozwiak: Ambience & Wine
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Monday, March 18, 2013

Two. . .

. . . weeks away from "Black & White Then Back"

My new, digital-download only, solo, instrumental piano music release  BLACK & WHITE then BACK transports you to aural locales inhabited by emotions, sentiments, memories, hopes, joys and challenges we've all encountered. You may even hear a snippet of a song you remember from childhood, have flashes of your first date, recall aromas from the kitchen when you visited your grandmother, remember your favorite summer vacation or when you fell in love.

BLACK & WHITE then BACK will be available through digital distribution only ( on Tuesday, April 2nd. 

"RAY JOZWIAK is back with his gonzo piano, boldly taking us to places no-one has gone before, not even him!  (Rod Deacey, Board Member of the Frederick Acoustic Musicians Enterprise (FAME), Musician, Performer, Writer, Poet, Organizer, Emcee, Bluesman 11/20/11)

". . . Anywhere he dabbles along the piano keys, he produces sonic glitz forming impressionistic images. . . " (Susan Frances,

". . . He’s got some terrific ideas there and an unusual approach to rhythm and song structure. These are fantastic assets and more than one of his songs could find tons of fans who appreciate music which isn’t the same ol’ same ol’ all the time. . . "  (Paul Sedkowski,

from Black & White Then Back
available at
April 2, 2013
©2012 Raymond M. Jozwiak

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very own copy of Ray Jozwiak's
newest release:
Ray Jozwiak: Ambience & Wine
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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Kind. . .

. . . words and the usual clever prose. . .
. . . of Mr. Rod Deacey, Frederick, MD music impresario, singer, songwriter, bluesman and all-around good guy.

". . .The gonzo piano prelude this Monday will be played by piano fitness instructor ROCKIN’ RAY JOZWIAK, who comes to Brewer’s Alley once a month to keep those black and white keys in shape – he is one of the few pianists to play for us to actually use all the keys, often in the same piece! If our embryonic grand had real strings, he would be climbing under the hood to search for quarter- tones and to make other Keith Jarrett-like noises, but it’s all electronic, so he has to make do with including as many extra notes as he can cram in. Incidentally, besides being a gonzo pianist, Ray is an accomplished classical composer, and is also able to pass for a normal person for the most part... As per usual, the benefits of an early arrival are good seats for the evening, as well as being able to see and hear the entire prelude... You can come upstairs at 7:15 pm (maybe 5 minutes or so earlier than that if we’re ready; performers can come up when they arrive). . . "

Brewer’s Alley Songwriters’ Showcase this Monday, March 18
Brewer's Alley Restaurant & Brewery
(take the elevator on the right to the 2nd floor)
124 North Market Street Frederick, MD 21701
Telephone: 301-631-0089 Fax: 301-631-1874

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You can NOW download your
very own copy of Ray Jozwiak's
newest release:
Ray Jozwiak: Ambience & Wine
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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Rational. . .

. . . debate?. . .

(from Michael O'Brien, Political Reporter, NBC News)
**". . .The National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre railed Friday against "elites," whom he accused of harboring a secret agenda of creating a registry of gun owners across the country. . .

**. . .He ridiculed proponents of stricter gun controls, and won repeated cheers from the conservative activists in the audience for his defense of Second Amendment rights And LaPierre used his speech to slam a proposal before Congress to require background checks for all firearms transactions, a law that has won some new support in the wake of the deadly December shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn.. . .

**. . . LaPierre said the background checks would set the stage for universal gun registration. . .

**. . ."It's the real goal they've been pushing for decades," he said. . .

**. . . And he stoked fears that universal background checks would lead to newspapers publishing the names and addresses of gun owners, so that "gangs and criminals" or the Mexican and Chinese governments could access them. . . "

(from Google)
**Wayne LaPierre Claims That Guns Prevent Rape
20 hours ago – LaPierre is now claiming that arming women will prevent rapes. LaPierre delivered his usual Obama is coming to take your guns conspiracy ...

**NRA's Wayne LaPierre Warns Chinese, Mexicans Coming for Our ... › Opinion › Robert SchlesingerShare
20 hours ago – NRA leader warns the Chinese want to know who has guns. ... If you listened to National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre at ... a tool for the U.S. government to come take your guns—you probably ... So newspapers can print those names and addresses for criminals and gangs to access?

**NRA's Wayne LaPierre: Our critics are crazy, not us | The Ticket ...
Chris Moody

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You can NOW download your
very own copy of Ray Jozwiak's
newest release:
Ray Jozwiak: Ambience & Wine
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Friday, March 15, 2013

Hear This Cat. . .

. . . Play
Well, not that cat.  This cat.  Me.  Ray Jozwiak.

This Monday, March 18, 2013 @7:00PM at Brewer's Alley Restaurant & Brewery (take the elevator on the right to the 2nd floor) 124 North Market Street Frederick, MD 21701
Telephone: 301-631-0089 Fax: 301-631-1874

And watch out for Ray's new, digital download-only, solo, instrumental piano music release BLACK & WHITE then BACK available April 2, 2013 at  BLACK & WHITE then BACK transports you to aural locales inhabited by emotions, sentiments, memories, hopes, joys and challenges we've all encountered. You may even hear a snippet of a song you remember from childhood, have flashes of your first date, recall aromas from the kitchen when you visited your grandmother, remember your favorite summer vacation or when you fell in love.

BLACK & WHITE then BACK will be available through digital distribution only April 2, 2013 at

What do YOU think?

You can NOW download your
very own copy of Ray Jozwiak's
newest release:
Ray Jozwiak: Ambience & Wine
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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Money. . .

 . . . talks. . .
 . . . maybe even PRAYS!

(from by by Steve Gorman; Editing by Cynthia Johnston and Andre Grenon)
". . . The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Cardinal Roger Mahony and a former priest have agreed to pay a total of nearly $10 million to settle four child sex abuse cases brought against them, lawyers for the victims said on Tuesday.

Mahony, who retired in 2011 as head of the largest U.S. archdiocese and is now in Rome taking part in choosing a new pope, was accused of helping a confessed pedophile priest evade law enforcement by sending him out of state to a church-run treatment center, then placing the priest back in the Los Angeles ministry.

As part of the agreement approved by a Los Angeles judge earlier this month, none of the parties admitted wrongdoing, according to a plaintiff's attorney in the case, Vince Finaldi. . . "

And who will take this religious organization seriously in the future???

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very own copy of Ray Jozwiak's
newest release:
Ray Jozwiak: Ambience & Wine
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