Showing posts with label witches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label witches. Show all posts

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Words . . .

Us:  ". . . here's a short, fun one from the next OHO album (Male Pattern Radness). Begun in 1994 at Steve's, inspired by Joseph Campbell and the movie, The Witches of Eastwick...finalized at Bill's. . ."

Them:  ". . . I get a very close Frankincense olfactory reaction….:). . .

Us:  ". . . (we'll)  interpret this as being a favorable response. . ."

Them:  ". . . I do like it, but wonder if this mix doesn't try a little too hard. . . Yes! A favorable response! Frankincense has an aroma that calls attention to itself. It demands your attention and can not be ignored. Accordingly, this song is very much "in your face.

From Wikip: "Boswellia sacra trees are considered unusual for their ability to grow in environments so unforgiving that they sometimes grow out of solid rock. Frankincense is derived from these trees." That, my friend, is determination!. . ."

Us:  ". . . Thanks. . ."

Pianogonzology: Sub . . .