(inspired by http://www.dailyom.com/cgi-bin/display/printerfriendly.cgi?articleid=50695)
Dedication is essential to get things done. What compels such commitment? It may be validation from others who appreciate the amount of work involved. It could be an increased heart rate or an internal warmth extending from head to toe. Working without passion though, makes one feel empty if that hard work is unappreciated by others. The difference between 'work' and 'passion' is that the former is undertaken for 'others', even though we accept recompense for our effort. The latter is undertaken only for pure self-gratification. Passion fuels our desires and interests and gives everything else we do greater value as a result. Identify your passion today, your dedication to all other things will have deeper significance for you.
©2016 Raymond M. Jozwiak
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