Showing posts with label show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label show. Show all posts

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Do You Know. . .

. . . me?
Why do I feel that it's all about me
That no matter what happens
I must get my fee
The most wonderful people
One could possibly meet
If I have any say
Remain under my feet

I put on a good show
Always get in my say
Make it lengthy as possible
Then just go on my way

I feign great concern
Pretend caring affection
Make the people on top
Fail to make the connection
That would help them to see
That I always come first
In all things, situations

And no matter what happens
Good or bad comes to be
The one standing constant
Like an old redwood tree
Is I'll always be there
Off'ring generous attentions
But the fact still remains
That it's all about me

What do YOU think?

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Ray Jozwiak: Ambience & Wine
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Monday, March 5, 2012

At Brewer’s Alley . . .

. . .  Songwriters’ Showcase this Monday, March 5, Mr. Rod Deacy tells us. . .

 ". . . we welcome back one of my personal favorites, a dynamic performer and terrific songwriter well-known in the DC area -- JUSTIN TRAWICK! Mr. Trawick is a bundle of energy, with great chops and a bunch of literate and interesting songs, which adds up to a riveting show!
Justin always brings fans with him, too, which will be a shot in the arm – Brewer’s Alley has been a little less full than we like these last few weeks… I know it’s hard to get motivated to leave the warm and comfortable home cocoon on a winter evening – but we need you at Brewer’s Alley! Please come out and support FREE LIVE ACOUSTIC MUSIC on a Monday evening – you don’t have to stay up late, as we finish around 10:30 pm, but we need a full room, not only because it enables us to keep putting on the Showcase, but because it makes for a better experience for our performers – who play for free… Frederick is a culture-rich town that only stays that way with strong support!
For the piano prelude this week, we welcome Rhianon! As usual, come early to find good seats for the evening and to catch the entire 30 minutes of the prelude. You can come upstairs from 7:15 pm on (sometimes earlier if Sarah is ready; performers can come up when they arrive).

For three-song cameo performers this week, we have Canadian-born now Maryland resident Eugene Benjamin, and the splendid duo of Kate Maguire  and Claudia SanSoucie known as Beggar’s Ride; Kate and Claudia are featuring in August. Todd’s Pick is Scott Barrett, a regular performer in local venues… We will also be hearing from the usual crew; poet John Holly reciting his poems in between other performers, Tomy Wright, playing percussion, then guitar and singing at the end of the evening, plus Todd C. Walker who also takes photos, helps emcee and helps run sound. We plan on Tomy, Todd and I all playing after the feature this week, as we haven’t had much microphone time recently…

Tomy One M Wright will be joined again by Ron Goad this week – together they form the Semi-Grateful Percussion Section…  (I figured Semi-Grateful was better than Almost Dead…) I promise that no other Showcase in the USA has percussion like us! And watch out this week, as Mister Goad says his “thoughts are turning to Spring,” whatever that means… Is he going to vacuum out his car again? Polish his djembe? Hammer out the dents in his hi-hat? Only he knows… I’m pretty sure it’s too soon for him to start wearing shorts again, but stranger things have happened…"

What do YOU think?

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by Ray Jozwiak

Ray Jozwiak:         Another Shot

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