Showing posts with label sample. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sample. Show all posts

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Choice . . .

I perceived the clarinet sample in the program I used to create Incidentally Broken did not have sufficient dynamics to approximate a bass clarinet when played in the lower register. I believe the bassoon sample (utilized in this mix) is more fitting and blends nicer with the remaining instrumentation.

Here. . . give a listen . . .

Incidentally Broken
©2020 Raymond M. Jozwiak
(alternate mix to that posted 3/27/2020; this having the clarinet voice replaced by bassoon)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

One In A Million . . .

 . . . from Ruth Underwood (

". . .Oh, I was probably one of those rather stiff people from the suburbs - I think some of us did understand, and we kept coming back for more, and more, and more. I remember being very upset when they finally finished their stint at the Garrick Theatre and went back to LA. I felt as if the real heart had gone out of New York City, and I had to get back on with my conservatory music training life, which seemed very dull after this. . . "

“. . . A couple of years ago, when I heard that Frank was ill, I called him up. For 14 years we had no contact at all. He invited me to the house and we enjoyed some really nice visits with each other. Last June ('93) he called and asked if he could sample some of my stuff. I was shocked because I hadn't touched a pair of mallets since March of '77. I ended up practicing for 14 hours, which was all the time I could get together in the context of my life now. I spent four days at Frank's house sampling. This was really a miracle for me - that I could be reunited with him and still have something to offer. . ."
(btw, Ruth is at 2:54)

What do you think?
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My latest release, Black & White Then Back,
can be downloaded digitally at:

Ray Jozwiak: Black & White Then Back

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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Critics. . .

. . . they're everywhere.  Possibly even in your chair right now.

That's right.  I would like you to be a critic.  Simply visit, listen to the samples, (hopefully buy the album), then login to CD and write your own review.  And you can write anything you want!  Tell everyone you love it, hate, find it distasteful, were offended, were bored, danced all night after listening, would never listen to it with a Savignon Blanc.  .  . WHATEVER YOU WANT!   Because, simply because, I would love to hear from you.
Ray Jozwiak | Black & White Then Back

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Black & White Then Back

Black & White Then Back transports you to a complete range aural locales inhabited by emotions, sentiments, memories, hopes, joys and challenges we've all encountered.
Genre: Jazz: Piano Jazz
Release Date: 
available for download only


song title


1. Cheer
2. Blood Brother
3. 12 Hours
4. Always You
5. Low Lights
6. Distraction
7. 3rd Hand Intelligence
8. Goosefight
9. Little Men
10. Zed


Album Notes
Creative Musician Ray Jozwiak's new, digital-download only, solo, instrumental piano music release  Black & White Then Back transports you to aural locales inhabited by emotions, sentiments, memories, hopes, joys and challenges we've all encountered. You may even hear a snippet of a song you remember from childhood, have flashes of your first date, recall aromas from the kitchen when you visited your grandmother, remember your favorite summer vacation or when you fell in love.

Ray Jozwiak, Gonzo Piano [Gonzo: Definition of GONZO
1: idiosyncratically subjective but engagé
2: bizarre
3: freewheeling or unconventional especially to the point of outrageousness ]
has been making music of one kind or another for over forty years. He currently writes, records and performs his unique original music and also participates in the creation of prog/rock/folk/jazz music with Baltimore's longtime, iconic band "Oho"

to write a review

What do YOU think?

My latest release, Black & White Then Back,
can be downloaded digitally at:
Ray Jozwiak: Black & White Then Back

(or you can copy-and-paste this URL directly to
your browser:

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