Showing posts with label broom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label broom. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

History . . .

. . . just in case you are local. . . 

. . . but possibly even is you are not . . .

Our youngest is seeing a new doctor, about his back problems, who is located on Highland Avenue and Boston Street. The building is called the Atlantic Southwestern Broom Company. As soon as you walk into to the lobby, there are photos to your right from the building’s days as a broom factory.  One of the first photos you see is THIS ONE . . . (it's actually an uncle of ours who literally, not the current 'literally' but the literal 'literally', walked from his house up the hill (the street is a steep decline, or incline depending upon your perspective) every day to work.  A sweetheart of a guy, by the way . . .

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