We had heard of Bread & Circuses (I love the name: ". . . as an expedient means of pacifying discontent or diverting attention from a source of grievance. Origin: 1910–15; translation of Latin pānis et circēnsēs; from a remark by the Roman satirist Juvenal on the limited desires of the Roman populace. . .") but had not been there. Then, a Groupon or Living Social or something coupon appeared in our email one day. I knew they offered live, local music and was anxious to go. They also have a wonderful outdoor patio where bands play in warmer weather (and cooler weather in a heated tent).
So we took our coupon and went. We were bowled over by the food and the service. Since I knew they frequently feature local musicians I asked if they would be interested in a solo, original pianist. One of the wait staff responded with the stock 'go to our website and there's a form. . . ' which I had already done months prior with futile result. But a nice lady behind the bar overheard our exchange and said, "What kind of music do you play?" and our relationship began.
Business card exchanges, email communication and within three days she offered me two dates. This Saturday is the second of what I hope to be many more.
You just never know.
at Bread & Circuses Bistro
Saturday, DECEMBER 17, 2011 @ 8:00PM
“. . . Jozwiak has a broad and deep knowledge of music and one can hear little snippets of this and that running throughout his work, just enough to put you in the mind of a long forgotten favorite before he turns it inside out or upside down. . .”
Joe Hartlaub, Music Reviewer
Bread & Circuses Bistro
27 E. Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, MD 21286
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by Ray Jozwiak
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