Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I feel like a . . .

. . . crazy person. . .

Yesterday's blog about Fishbone is gone, not a trace-not a link; the entire blog site is now different,     did not play my parts well in spite of many hours of practice and familiarity;  the drummer's electronic drum kit malfunctioned therefore we did not play with drums tonight;  best friend/wife/love of my life isn't feeling well;  the later it got the more I needed to accomplish;  nodding off as I try to write this;  sons are driving to Los Angeles early next week;  packing, truck pick-up, return from visiting friends must all be done effectively to carry off the packing and departure;  elder son flying back home Saturday morning;  wishing I could make a living from music;  and blogging;  getting sleepy;  having difficulty finishing this;  need extra rest;  have too much to do;  drummer has very ill relatives;  2012 is an election year;  need to write more but don't have much time;  three sons celebrated their visit tonight;  thinking about MD crabcakes;  hoping that's what the boys ate;  getting later and sleepier. . . feeling like a crazy person!

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