Thursday, October 20, 2022

Epilog . . .

  1. a section or speech at the end of a book or play that serves as a comment on or a conclusion to what has happened.
    "the meaning of the book's title is revealed in the epilogue"

Epilog was originally the middle-section (piano solo) for Third-Hand Intelligence, pre-OHO's treatment of the song on Gazebo. This recording is a particular favorite of mine. I like it's clarity, crisp intonation of each instrument, simplicity of the small ensemble and the dynamic performance which renders the scattered errors irrelevant. But that's just ME. 

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No Frills by Ray Jozwiak
                         No Frills

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Envy . . .


To envy is only human,
Doesn't take a special man
Or a woman, for that matter,
We just do the best we can.
When we happen to possess
Something that brings us joy complete,
A higher satisfaction level'd
Be difficult to meet. 

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Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Glorious . . .


Tommy came from far across the sea
Looking for some opportunity.
In his land there's almost none.
He's only one of many millions.
No one told him streets were paved with gold
Like they used to in the days of old.
But he heard from some who knew
Of all the things to do,
He could accomplish
Searching for glorious freedom 
Here in America.
He can be anything
He wants to be.
With his wealth accumulating, 
And he's got every liberty,
Deep in his heart he knows he
Never will be free.
Ravi took a wife they had a child
A year or two before they came stateside.
And he had such big brown eyes,
Too young to realize what he was seeing.
On the surface one would never guess
That this family wasn't quite as blessed
As you might believe they were.
He isn't sure of her
Or where they're heading.
Someone from oh so long ago still remains
Firmly embedded in his soul.
She wasn't of the same persuasion as he.
His friends and family convinced him
That it couldn't be.
Broken hearts take time.
Broken hearts take time to heal.
When he finally felt the strength he'd need
To live the kind of life he'd like to lead.
As the heartache dulled with time,
Made up his mind,
Back when he married.
Realizing that he'd never find 
The true companion that he had in mind,
Like the one he almost had.
He placed a wanted ad
In the local paper.                                                                               

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Monday, October 17, 2022

Wisdom . . .

Sometimes I think I've got the stuff
Which makes one feel he's up to snuff.
Some do  think that money is
The thing that makes them all the biz.
But I know more, by far, than this.
Money brings only temporary bliss.
Pure joy has roots in a much better system
And now with age, I've attained such wisdom.

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            Ambience & Wine

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Epilogue . . .


(End of Season Epilogue)
And just when you're used to the peace and the quiet,
All holy and hell will descend like a riot.
The absentee owners are back like a fungus
Just because on the calendar, it says 'Columbus.'
So they drag down their families, regardless of weather,
And if it happens to be bad, they all stay inside together.
The parking's horrendous til they go out to eat.
Then they all come back home to watch movies and tweet.
It's just all part of living this next chapter of life
In a nice large resort, with this minimal strife.
Pretty soon it'll be Monday, and if stars are aligned,
They will all drive back home and restore my peace of mind.

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Saturday, October 15, 2022

Justice?. . .


Cowboy justice 
Is just exactly what we need.
Twice as effective 
As mercy, now for which they plead.
If I can't get you 
To see things the way I do,
Something happens.
I start the process. see it through.
It's what I've been taught to do.
And I'll teach you.
No one tells me
Just what I can or cannot do.
My advisors,
Some, say are keepers of this zoo.
I don't mind if
You think that what they say is real.
I'm in charge here.
At least that's how they make me feel.
That's a part of the deal,
And it came true.
Gotta see it my way.
I'm giving the people what I want.
It's a price I must pay.
We cowboys know how to be gallant.
There's no question
Of right or wrong here to debate.
Disagree though, 
You'll be subjected to the hate
That's inflicted 
On members of the team like you.
Cause we cowboys
Will never worry if we're few.
Our justice is true.
Make no mistake.

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                               Put A Finger On It