Saturday, December 22, 2012

The greatness of the"26 Acts of Kindness," idea, in  honor of the students and faculty who died at Sandy Hook Elementary School,  cannot be underestimated. This is truly a wonderful effort that unites those involved in a common, elevating, human endeavor that transcends self and serves the greater good.

But I believe we owe ourselves and  future generations, a new, personal commitment to change the face of humanity, as we know it, and significantly improve our existence. I propose we adopt an “Acts of Kindness” philosophy all day, every day and ALWAYS. The things that we could accomplish through such a philosophy simply boggle the mind.  Limiting our kind acts to 26 is all too like the rear-auto window signs that proclaim “Baby On Board”.  In other words, we need not limit our acts of kindness to a mere total of 26 any more than we should limit our  cautious driving only to situations where we know the person ahead of us has a baby ‘on board’, as though the life of individuals in cars that are alone, have a parent, friend or sibling on board are less valuable (than that of a baby) and therefore deserve less caution on our part when driving.

In order to achieve this impressive height of human potential we will have to dispense with a multitude of pre-existing baggage and self-serving paradigms.  This, needless to say, will be more difficult for some than for others.

We must take great care to prevent these ‘Acts’ from becoming rote ceremony or hollow lip service, like some of us have encountered in our church experience.  By this I mean such as the good Catholic who piously bestows a hearty ‘peace be with you’ upon his pew-mate then blows his car horn furiously while flipping the bird to the parishioner in the proceeding vehicle who doesn’t exit the church parking lot as swiftly as the saintly one would like.

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Friday, December 21, 2012

Disappointed? . . .

". . . Well, pinch me if I'm dreaming, but it looks like we're still here.  Which means those crazy theories were wrong. Earth was NOT sucked into a giant plack(sic) hole. The sun did NOT enter an apocalyptic "galactic phase." Solar flares did NOT reverse the poles and fry us. Earth did not smash into a giant planet called Nibiru. . . "

Of our the prospect that the end of the Mayan calendar was to the the apocalypse was a view only held by certain few mis-interpreters.  But doomsday is certainly a lot more fun that simply turning the page of the calendar.

We here at the homestead had our own theories.  One family member had hoped that either aliens from another planet would be visiting us.  Or in the case that was not to be, possibly animals would begin speaking in our own language. 

Another reluctantly admitted that she hoped a certain high-ranking Washington DC personality would effectively self-destruct.

Myself well, I really didn't formulate anything too specific.  The dawning of a new cycle does spark the imagination.  But as for wishes of world peace, loving and caring for our fellow man, the dawning of the age of Aquarius were a little to good to be realistic.  And besides, such things require a long, slow period of development and cannot simply and magically appear overnight. . . from the rubble of our present situation. . . as it were. . .

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Out of the mouths. . .

 . . . of babes. . .

We will reap just what we sow.  Unless we see drastic change in the NRA and improve our good judgement, we will reap more and more of this. . .

An 11-year-old sixth-grade student in Utah is in police custody after he was accused of bringing a gun to school because he wanted to protect himself in the event of a school shooting.  He wanted to defend himself if there was an incident similar to what happened in Newtown, CT.  

Some witnesses claim the boy brandished the gun on the playground and pointed it at another child's head and others said the boy verbally threatened another student with the gun. Police have not yet been able to confirm these accounts.

The boy also had ammunition, although the gun was not loaded and it was not immediately clear whether the bullets were the appropriate ammunition for the gun which he obtained from an extended family member who moved out of the family’s house last week. He was suspended from the school, will probably face severe criminal penalties and will never be allowed back into the traditional school setting.

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Absurdist. . .

. . . judge. . .
(based upon
Have you heard what former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who is ordained as a minister in the Southern Baptist Church (and a possible presidential candidate in 2016), said about the horrible elementary school shootings in Connecticut?  He said that "we've systematically removed God from our schools."  And, "Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage?" he asked.

Religious scholar Martin E. Marty of Chicago said, in reaction, that Huckabee "wins, hands down, the prize for his absurdist judgment that 'Newtown' should have been no surprise."  Steve McSwain, a former Baptist minister and interfaith activist, said, "With such remarks, you (Huckabee) not only show little regard for those broken by this tragedy, but you make God into some kind a cosmic psychopath — vengeful, sickeningly repulsive, one who takes out his madness on innocent little children. . .Your reasoning is repulsive: Because we have removed your god from our schools, this is how your god gets even?"

He reportedly said also, "God wasn't armed. He didn't go to the school," Huckabee continued. "But God will be there in the form of a lot of people with hugs and therapy and a whole lot of ways in which he will be involved in the aftermath."  Sounds like backpedaling to me.

James Dobson, the another evangelical loose cannon, said on his radio show, "Family Talk," that because "we have turned our back on the Scripture and on God Almighty, I think he has allowed judgment to fall upon us. I think that's what's going on."  He then, not surprisingly, (listen-up Santorum) blamed two issues in particular: abortion and gay marriage.

Possibly the prize-winner in the group, Joseph Farah, editor of the conservative news site WND says the U.S. should expect "more Sandy Hooks, not fewer," because of America's "secularism" and restrictions on guns. . . It's not that there are too many guns in our hands. It's that there is not enough repentance in our hearts."

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Reasons. . .

. . . to own a gun. . .

. . . from a proud gun owner's blog. . . [with my reactions]

Because It's Cool
This is a fairly weak reason in comparison to others. . . Someone goes shooting with a friend, loves it (and/or thinks the gun is just groovy). . .


Family Legacy (Because my Parents Owned Guns)
A family legacy of gun ownership is often a factor in determining whether one will become a gun owner. . . If you have had a bad experience with a gun in the past, that may be a valid reason for you not to own a gun - but probably not. It's more likely that you have an irrational attitude towards guns, and unreasoned bias is never good.

[What IS a valid reason for me to NOT own a gun, in your opinion?]

Just For Hunting
Hunting is a fine reason to own a gun . . . 


Target Shooting Only
. . . Shooting accurately is challenging, and many of us feel a sense of achievement from being able to put our shots exactly where we want them to go. . .

[also for sport]

For Social Reasons
Some gun owners may own guns simply so they can take part in social shooting activities, such as sporting clays, cowboy action shooting, and the like. . .

[Is this how Dick Cheney shot his own friend?]

For Self Defense
This one is by far the most powerful, and universal, reason for anyone to own a gun. . . To deny a human the right to defend him- or herself from any threat is the most grievous crime against humanity that I can think of. . .

[read:  Paranoia.   I can think of worse crimes against humanity without much effort.]

Because the Founding Fathers Wanted me to
This is another excellent reason to own a gun. . . It's the fear of retaliation that keeps the corruptive (sic) nature of political power from sweeping our land . . .

[Considering the current crop of politicians, this theory has already been proven untrue.]

As an Investment
Guns rarely decline in value. . . 

[Buy real estate]

Historical Reasons
Some gun owners like guns merely for their historical value. . .

[OK. They're not automatic or semi-automatic though.]

Interest in The Mechanics of Firearms
Most firearms are mechanical marvels. . . 

[So are refrigerators.]

My Own Reasons
. . . we Americans are still free to do as we choose, to some extent. Don't let politicians, TV news anchors, me, or anyone else do your thinking for you.

[I won't.  Thanks.]

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Spring . . .


. . . will be here in only 91 days (as of this writing) and boy, am I looking forward to it.

Written in Early Spring
William Wordsworth

I HEARD a thousand blended notes  
While in a grove I sate reclined,  
In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts  
Bring sad thoughts to the mind.  

To her fair works did Nature link          
The human soul that through me ran;  
And much it grieved my heart to think  
What Man has made of Man.  

Through primrose tufts, in that sweet bower,  
The periwinkle trail’d its wreaths;          
And ’tis my faith that every flower  
Enjoys the air it breathes.  

The birds around me hopp’d and play’d,  
Their thoughts I cannot measure,—  
But the least motion which they made          
It seem’d a thrill of pleasure.  

The budding twigs spread out their fan  
To catch the breezy air;  
And I must think, do all I can,  
That there was pleasure there.          

If this belief from heaven be sent,  
If such be Nature’s holy plan,  
Have I not reason to lament  
What Man has made of Man?   

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Monday, December 17, 2012

Grass. . .

. . . growing two feet high
Casting awful shadows
Bicycles, cupboards all awry
Pieces of linoleum pie flash by

His family had nothing to say
So embarrassed
Helpless too
What makes a man turn out this way
Can he change or is this how he'll stay

There's just no talking to the junk man
There's just no talking to the junk man
With shelves and pottery stacked to the sky
He won the lottery back in 05
Now he's a millionaire
But he can't find anything
In all the junk

The neighbors don't know what to do
They've got visions of a jungle
No one thought they'd see the neighborhood
In this state
You know this can't be good

There's just no talking to the junk man
There's just no talking to the junk man
With shelves and pottery stacked to the sky
He won the lottery back in 05
Now he's a millionaire
But he can't find anything
In all the junk

The Junkman
©2009 Raymond M. Jozwiak

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