Showing posts with label odds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label odds. Show all posts

Monday, January 27, 2020

Odds . . .

. . . and ends . . .

". . . National poll: US majority wants to see Trump removed from office
The latest polling suggests Republican rhetoric about Trump and his scandal isn't resonating nearly as much as the party likes to think. . ."

". . . Nearly four years after then-presidential candidate Donald Trump said he would eliminate the federal debt in eight years, the deficit has since risen by more than 16 percent under his presidency. . ."

". . . "In light of today's announcement from the defense department that 34 U.S. service members suffered traumatic brain injuries as a result of Iran's retaliatory strike and President Trump's remarks which minimized these troops’ injuries, the Veterans of Foreign Wars cannot stand idle on this matter. . . TBI is a serious injury and one that cannot be taken lightly. TBI is known to cause depression, memory loss, severe headaches, dizziness and fatigue — all injuries that come with both short- and long-term effects. . ."

'. . . Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reportedly berated a reporter for NPR with abusive language after an interview in which he was questioned about Ukraine and issues that are at the center of the impeachment trial against President Trump. . . NPR’s Mary Louise Kelly revealed during a segment on “All Things Considered” on Friday that Pompeo questioned whether Americans even care about Ukraine and if the veteran journalist — who had recently returned from reporting in Iran — could find the country on a map. . .'

'. . . people who hated Obama, who previously hated politics and politicians generally, or who just didn’t pay much attention, suddenly were in the electoral mix. They heard Trump say things — crude, nasty, politically incorrect things — that they had previously heard only on conservative talk radio or on FOX programming. They liked it. Trump spoke to them. His simple us-versus-them view of the country, his America First worldview — it all appealed to them. They took his lack of impulse control for candor, his attacks on Democrats (their fellow Americans) as patriotic. Perhaps that’s all emotional. I think it’s more primal than that. . . Republican senators, led by the tortoise-like Mitch McConnell, have never seen anything like this before, and I believe Trump has stirred up fear in all of them — fear of the people he’s pulled into politics, the MAGA crowd, the cheering, jeering men and women who have responded to Trump, stand by him and ignore his constant lies. So spineless senators, fearing backlash from zealous Trumpistas, eschew their responsibility to deliberate and consider the evidence. They’re all-in with the worst president in U.S. history. It’s not complicated. It’s self-preservation. It requires no thinking. It’s all lizard brain stuff. . ."

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Sometimes I feel. . .

. . . like a motherless child. Good song. But that's not really what I meant.
Sometimes I do feel like a square peg without a round hole in sight.

But that can be a good thing as well as a bad one.

As far as the bad, my best friend and children know and understand me well. That's GOOD, of course. The bad part of it is that I have to be careful when I'm with EVERYONE ELSE!! That's not so bad though. Because if you think about it, life is all about coping with specific situations all the time and no one should expect to be able to relax and completely be oneself all the time. It's education. It's character building. One should be able to receive as well as give. (If you can dish it out, you should be able to take it.) And it's not that I don't WANT to be with others. I do. I know some great people and I thoroughly enjoy being with them and sharing those things that we do have in common. Still though, square peg Man.

My music is sometimes difficult to force into the round holes, especially those round marketing holes. But you know what, that's not going to stop me. Matter of fact, it fuels me. Look at the innovators through the years. Bird, Monk, Diz, Coltrane, Dolphy, Taylor. Not saying I am worthy to be mentioned in such company, but they are inspiration. Even composers of the classics throughout the years were not always appreciated in their own time. Certainly artists and writers find the same circumstances as musicians. Possibly even statesmen. Harry Truman was certainly not as popular in his lifetime as he became with the wisdom of hindsight.

So if you're a fellow square peg, or an ant with an eye on a rubber tree plant, the little train that could, or (insert random cliche regarding standing up to odds that are stacked against you), take heart. Don't compromise a principal that is worth standing up for. Whoa Man, this has gotten a little too heavy. Please, take it Ladies. . .

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