Showing posts with label mind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mind. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Spring . . .


. . . will be here in only 91 days (as of this writing) and boy, am I looking forward to it.

Written in Early Spring
William Wordsworth

I HEARD a thousand blended notes  
While in a grove I sate reclined,  
In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts  
Bring sad thoughts to the mind.  

To her fair works did Nature link          
The human soul that through me ran;  
And much it grieved my heart to think  
What Man has made of Man.  

Through primrose tufts, in that sweet bower,  
The periwinkle trail’d its wreaths;          
And ’tis my faith that every flower  
Enjoys the air it breathes.  

The birds around me hopp’d and play’d,  
Their thoughts I cannot measure,—  
But the least motion which they made          
It seem’d a thrill of pleasure.  

The budding twigs spread out their fan  
To catch the breezy air;  
And I must think, do all I can,  
That there was pleasure there.          

If this belief from heaven be sent,  
If such be Nature’s holy plan,  
Have I not reason to lament  
What Man has made of Man?   

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Friday, November 9, 2012

I'm gonna build. . .

. . . my world around you. . .

Many times have arisen
When there seemed to be
So many questions
That deep in my gut
Were a churning unease
And through those
Soul-searching times
I simply made up my mind

I'm gonna build
I'm gonna build my
I'm gonna build my world
Around you
Around you

Every place that I go
Every sight that I see
The different faces
I so often meet
Or so they seem
I think how
It could all be
Much better
If you're here with me

I'm gonna build
I'm gonna build my
I'm gonna build my world
Around you
Around you

When I stop
Look all around me
All isn't well
Things that I see people do
Things they say
Shouldn't be quite that way
And better people than me
Try to change what they see

I'm gonna build
I'm gonna build my
I'm gonna build my world
Around you
Around you

My World
©2010 Raymond M. Jozwiak

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Ray Jozwiak: Ambience & Wine
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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Difficult. . .

 . . . yet simple. . .
 [When reading this, please do not interpret words like god, grace, divine, spirit and salvation as their archaic, pre-scientific definitions]
Glossary:  God = one universal mind (not 'Santa')
(from The Science of Mind by Earnest Holmes) 
"As the fall of man was brought about through his own act, so the rise of man will be accomplished through his own act.  God already Is.  Salvation is not a thing but a Way; the way of salvation is through the realization of man's unity with the Whole.  Grace is the givingness of the Spirit to Its Creation and is not a special law, but is a specialized one.  In other words, Grace Is, but we need to recognize It.  It is not something that God imposed upon us, but is the logical result of the correct acceptance of life and of a correct relationship to the Spirit.

We are saved by Grace to the extent that we believe in, accept and seek to embody , the Law of Good; for the Law of Good is ever a Law of Liberty and never one of limitation.  Limitation is not a thing, but is a belief.  Freedom is a Divine Reality while limitation is an illusion, a false belief.

Salvation is an act of man and not an act of God.  Man damned himself and man must save himself, if he ever is saved.  He will save himself to the exact degree that he stops damning himself.  He will live in Heaven when he stops living in hell.  He will be healed when he stops being sick.  He will become rich just as soon as he sops being poor.  He will become as God when he stops masquerading as the devil.  He will be happy when he stops being miserable. He will be at peace when he stops becoming confused.  He will be filled with joy when he stops thinking sadness.  He will live when he stops dying.  He will be perfect when he stops looking upon imperfection; and he will be saved when he stops damning himself.  HE WILL BE ONE WHEN HE STOPS BEING TWO.  MAN, MAN, MAN, MAN, MAN, MAN, MAN; "The great Thou--I--and the great I--Thou.""

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Ray Jozwiak: Ambience & Wine
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Friday, July 6, 2012

Archaic? . . .

. . . things may be different tomorrow. . .

(from Science of Mind by Earnest Holmes)
 "We are not dealing with a negative as well as a positive Power—not two powers but one; a power that sees neither good nor evil as we see it. It knows only that it is all, and since it is all, it creates whatever is given it. From our limited standpoint we often think of good and evil; not realizing that, as yet, we do not know the one from the other. What we call good today, we may call evil tomorrow, and what we think to be evil today, we may tomorrow proclaim as the greatest good we have known. Not so with the Great Universal Power of Mind; It sees only Itself and Its infinite ability to create. . 

. . . The law is no respecter of persons and will bring good or evil to any, according to his use or misuse of it. . . " 

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Ray Jozwiak: Ambience & Wine
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Friday, December 23, 2011

And now, back to our regularly scheduled program. . .

. . . This break from over five years of regular performance was welcome, and for more reasons than one. During that period I was listening to music that I loved and that inspired me to want to make music of my own. Well, at least music more like what I was getting into than what was popular to sing along with, dance to in a drunken stupor or simply ignore while you ate, talked and generally celebrated some special occasion in your life or just a Saturday night's social event. This I was not getting. And I have myself to blame primarily. I had the freedom to leave my musical situation at the time and seek something more to what I envisioned. But alas, freedom is one thing and drive, determination and action are three others. These, quite sadly for my then musical disposition, I lacked. It really comes down to the fact that I really didn't want it badly enough.

In addition, while thoroughly enjoying the sonic antics of my art/prog/jazz-rock favorites and desiring to play things like those they played, I simply did not have the ability to create like they did. At least not on any substantial or meaningful scale. I wrote things sporadically before my retirement (my Sonata In No Particular Key is appropriate to mention here) but there was no consistent force, or inspiration for that matter, fueling the creation of much original material. I would have loved for a million new, creative musical ideas to flow freely and bountifully from my heart, mind and fingers, but it just didn't happen.

So I went happily and peacefully about building a new, married life together with my bride. My Farfisa Fast Four and Leslie 145 were setup in a prominent location in the den of our apartment for quick and easy access. Truth is, I'm not sure if I even played once a week at that time. But I was building my vinyl record album collection of my favorite jazz cats during the period and joyfully and effortlessly soaking in their music as often as I could. My Coltrane, Dolphy, Adderly and McLean collections grew with much less reliance on the old Tull, Gentle Giant and Yes for musical satisfaction. This too combined with sounds exemplifying the musical tastes of my significant other, sometimes not so willingly or graciously.

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