Showing posts with label bipartisanship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bipartisanship. Show all posts

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Profiling . . .

. . . our politicians . . .

(from No One Left To Lie To; The Values of the Worst Family by Christopher Hitchens)
". . . Two full terms of Clintonism and of "triangulation" and of loveless dogged bipartisanship, reduced the American scene to the point where politicians had become to politics what lawyers had become to the law: professionalized parasites battening on an exhausted system that had lost any relationship to its original purpose (democracy or popular sovereignty in the first instance; justice or equity in the second). The permanent political class and its ancillaries held all the cards by the 2000 campaign, controlled all the money, decided on all the predigested questions in all the manipulated polls. They did their job almost too well, leaving insufficient room for illusion and inadequate grounds for maintaining any steady or principled party allegiance. As a result, the only realists were the cynics. And this in turn permitted some alarming honesties to be committed in public. . ."

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