Friday, May 21, 2021

Spending . . .

So many things I'd like to do;
So many places to see.
And I feel like
There's never enough
Time for anything else 
That I might desire to undertake.
Something I'd like to pursue;
But the world's just spinning around;
Keeps me head and foot-bound
Don't know what to do.

Give me just twelve hours
To add to my day.
Keep all your wealth and your money.
Take your fame and power for time.
Just give me twelve hours.

Time isn't cheap.
You pay so dearly.
I'm trying to make every minute count;
Penny count.

Spending my time seems like all I do.
Can't save up for rainy days.
Can't invest in an instrument to
Earn satisfaction to draw from. 
When far-in-the future, I need to feel
Just what my value has been.
There's no interest that's coming or due.
Dividends are so precious and few.
Don't know what to do.

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