Sunday, September 16, 2018

Tongue . . .

. . . firmly . . .

[from,  Darrell Roberts, Writer/Owner of @ TheDR.World (2017-present)]
". . . (Former President Barack) Obama is guilty of:

Forging a fake American birth certificate (as so many strangely looked past the FACT that Obama’s mother was an American—yet, they failed to realize that Ted Cruz was actually in the proposed Obama situation. As in, Cruz’s father was not an American citizen, his mother is an American, but he was born in Canada).

He managed to get every illegal vote that has ever been cast—like millions of illegal votes—no proof required to back up that claim.

He ruined W.’s economy. You know, once he took over—the economy continued to tank. In fact, it was the 2nd worst economic crash in American history—all Obama’s fault. Let us ignore the long road of economic shennanigans and the crash that began under Bush—it only got worse—you know, because Obama.

Obama also worked secretly with his Brotherhood friends to bring Sharia Law to the U.S.—look around, Sharia started in Dearborn, Michigan—now, Sharia everywhere—until Trump came along. Now, Sharia everywhere is no longer mentioned—thanks Trump.

Obama also was responsible for creating ISIS. Let us not forget that ISIS formed under his watch. Of course, it’s because he pulled the troops out of Iraq. It had nothing to do with the Bush agreement to withdraw troops based on the then-Iraqi leaders populist position to not renew the SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement) that would protect American troops while in Iraq. The Iraqi populists wanted the power to try and sentence American troops for criminal activity in the Iraqi system (and not under the guarantees that SOFA affords).

Obama also took everybody’s guns. Everybody’s guns are all gone. As a result, everyone went out and bought a lot more guns, lots of guns, a record number of guns.

Obama also used Walmart to build secret FEMA camps to “house” all those folks after he took their guns.

Obama said you can keep your doctor—which apparently is a guarantee for life to everyone, under every circumstance. As such, and without much proof, a few stories came out (some were not even verified for accuracy) that proved one or 12 people lost their doctor—because Obama. Let us ignore a GOP systemic effort to impede the Affordable Care Act—by naming it Obamacare. Of course, they demonized the program at every opportunity, voted over 50 times to kill it, and some red states simply refused to implement the program knowing that their shitty systems would hurt their people while helping their anti-Obama healthcare political deception. Apparently, trying to give poor people insurance is the worst thing any politician could ever wish to do. More guns = good, more education or increased health care coverage = bad. This problem is further compounded by not allowing insurance companies to refuse coverage to those with pre-existing conditions. That’s socialism!

Obama also spoke on the divisive nature of Fox “news”—you know—thus, killing the first Amendent through his brutal attack on the media.

Obama spoke compassionately on such issues as race relations and religious tolerance. Instead, he should have done the “right” thing and called each individual within such groups a “son of a bitch” while urging more brain-damage in the NFl, and of course, highlighting that not all white supremacists or wannabe nazis are bad. In fact, some of them are “great” people.

Obama also failed to address Russia’s meddling. Of course, he took action to thwart the Russians (to include intelligence agencies contacting and warning individual states but the Congressional and state-level GOP knew it was all an Obama overstep—just a trick). Perhaps, things would have been different if Obama never criticized nor sanctioned Russia and Putin. After all, you think our country is so innocent?

Obama also had the audacity to politicize the Sandy Hook tragedy by appearing on TV and crying during his address. All a trick, as Alex Jones uncovered the Sandy Hook hoax—it was all actors—so Obama could take everyone’s guns. NOTE: In my book, Alex Jones shall be forever be known as a piece of shit human being for being a prime pusher of this conspiracy. The level of pain he helped to inflict upon an already suffering families is unforgivable. . . the ridiculousness of the claims waged against Obama by many that seemed to have joined an American Revolutionary LARP or something was so outrageous. In fact, it made legitimate concerns . . . seem bland in comparison—and fell on deaf ears. After four or five years, it became impossible to actually highlight any policy disagreement with the Obama administration—because the rhetoric was way past reason. . . Ironically, Trump seems to possess damn near every trait that Obama haters claimed about Obama. . . "

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