Thursday, January 31, 2013

Who's. . .

 . . .  agen·da?


noun \ə-ˈjen-də\

Definition of AGENDA

: a list or outline of things to be considered or done <agendas of faculty meetings>
: an underlying often ideological plan or program <a political agenda>

Methinks I detect a tinge of paranoia. . . 

by Wayne LaPierre, NRA Executive Vice President
". . . If you want a glimpse of a genuine nightmare for America, just look at what’s headed our way.
But unlike a nightmare, this isn’t some fantasy. It’s a very real, very dangerous conspiracy of public deception intended to destroy your Right to Keep and Bear Arms. It’s targeted directly at you.
And it’ll succeed unless you recognize it, understand it, and take action now to stop it.
The best way you could do so is by carrying your new 2012 membership card (see sidebar story on page 29) in your wallet as a symbol of your commitment—and by renewing or upgrading your NRA membership or making a contribution to defending freedom today.
But first, let me give you the facts, evidence, congressional testimony and documented words and deeds that reveal the frightening but irrefutable truth about this sinister plot.
Over the past three years, the Obama administration and its anti-gun allies have been engaged in a silent but sophisticated long-term conspiracy to:
1. Neutralize gun owners and NRA voters as a political force in national elections, and thereby:
2. Win re-election to a second term in the White House, where they then will be immune to the will of voters and free to continue consolidating and misusing their ever-increasing power to:
3. Prosecute a full-scale, sustained, all-out campaign to excise the Second Amendment from our Bill of Rights through legislation, litigation, regulation, executive orders, judicial fiat, international treaties—in short, all the levers of power of all three branches of government.
And the key to their success lies in keeping gun owners like you in the dark. . . "

". . . look at some of the rhetoric and how it squares with the facts, while offering some broader context to inform the debate.
  • Rep. Louie Gohmert said that “every time … conceal-carry [gun laws] have been allowed the crime rate has gone down.” But that is far from a settled issue in academia.
  • Dan Gross, head of the Brady Campaign used the number of daily gun murders as proof that “gun violence rates are not” going down. But the rate of gun murder is at its lowest point since at least 1981: 3.6 per 100,000 people in 2010. The high point was 7 in 1993. However, non-fatal gun injuries from assaults increased last year for the third straight year, and that rate is the highest since 2008.
  • Federal data also show violent crimes committed with guns — including murders, aggravated assaults and robberies — have declined for three straight years.
  • Rep. Donna Edwards said that “since Columbine, there have been 181 of these school shootings.” That’s an inflated figure. She used a list of “major school shootings” supplied by the Brady Campaign that included incidents that were neither shootings nor at schools. By our count, the list shows 130 school shootings since Columbine that resulted in at least one student or school official being killed or injured — still unacceptably high, but about a quarter fewer than claimed.
Here are some other facts. The United States has the highest rate of gun ownership in the world — by far. And it has the highest rate of homicides among advanced countries. . . "

Do we want to evolve into better human beings or are we just CRAZY???. . . 

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