Friday, September 16, 2011

Barack Obama wants. . .

. . . to have dinner with me.

You see, the subject of his email was: "Raymond, can we meet for dinner?"

But you know what? As I read on, I realized that he was asking me for money. Well certainly a lot of people ask me for money. I'm sure lots of folks ask you for money too. But there's something tawdry about this proposal.

Don't get me wrong. I like Barack Obama. I think he is a decent, principled man trying to do what is best for his country. He is a politician though. That part I don't like as much, but he must act the politician in order to be successful; and to be elected (or as presently, re-elected).

But back to dinner; it's one thing to ask someone to dinner. But to ask for money just for the pleasure of my company at dinner, well, it makes me feel . . . cheap.

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